I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1388 The real killing move

Fifteen Order Guards appeared in front of everyone, all at the eighth level, and each one was an elite Order Guard with a silver line around his neck! The moment their eyes met, this group of order guards didn't waste any time and directly drew their swords and charged! The blood of the new eighth-level humans fills this space!

Su Sigui also said some nonsense, and drew out a long cold light with each sword. Accompanied by the roar of a zombie, his body turned into a blur of light and shadow, and slashed towards one of the Order Guards.

"If we can't fight here, we will be buried here!" Among the people, the member of the Bright Moon City named Qi Wenfei said worriedly.

Tang Ye glanced at him. This guy was the most unsociable among them now, which often heralded danger.

But from another perspective, this guy seems a bit stupid.

Qiuyue on the side touched the wall behind, then raised her foot and stamped it lightly, and replied coldly to Qi Wenfei: "Don't worry about this, the overall frame here is made of grade 13 H steel, which can support Live."

Qi Wenfei was a little dumbfounded. Although the H-steel smelted thirteen times may not be able to completely block the destructive power of the eighth-level new humans, their quality is still passable. It is equivalent to a piece of wood in front of an ordinary person. As long as it is not afraid of pain, it can still be blasted away. But it doesn’t seem to have any impact on ordinary people fighting in wooden houses, right?

"Then come on!"

Without waiting for Qi Wenfei to say anything, the remaining people took out their weapons one after another, full of fighting spirit. Qi Wenfei had no choice but to follow.

"It's really annoying."

Tang Ye himself seemed a little impatient. He lowered his head and glanced at the ground, and then walked directly towards the big hole opened by the order guards.

But Su Sigui seemed to be playing a trick. When he collided with one of the order guards, he ducked past four or five order guards. He stabbed the space molecules with a straight sword and hit him hard at the person standing in the back row. That Order Guard!

The order guards who missed Su Sigui looked around. If anyone paid attention, they would find that their eyes dimmed for a while, then lit up again soon, and then they all started to kill Tang Ye!

Tang Ye glanced at Su Sigui and ignored the order guards. He sensed the entrance of a corridor and walked towards it.

His speed was not fast, and he looked very slow in the eyes of the new eighth-level humans, just like an ordinary person. However, just when the few eyeless Order Guards had just approached within ten meters of him, the wall next to him suddenly shook. After being broken open, a slender tentacle directly wrapped around three of the order guards. The speed was so fast that even though they were eighth-level order guards, they were like blind men and could not see anything clearly. They were caught by this tentacle. The slender tentacles are entangled tightly!

With just one breath, three eighth-level and elite order guards didn't even have a chance to scream, and they were already twisted by this slender tentacle into an unbearable "human body twist" and lay there. ground.

After that, the tentacles retracted into the wall, and no trace could be seen.

As for the last remaining Order Guard, its body was in Tang Ye's hands, its neck twisted at an incredible angle, and he dragged it all the way downstairs.

"Very boring?"

Tang Ye sighed. In fact, he had a feeling of how lonely it was to be invincible a long time ago. From time to time, he would have the idea of ​​​​fighting with other corpse kings, but he just thought about it, because if he really did this That's really boring.

Therefore, he lived a retirement life in advance. Just like what was described in those novels, someone just started wandering around the world, from an unknown little shrimp to a small celebrity, to a household name, to a famous name in ancient and modern times, and then invincible in the world. , and finally began to live in seclusion. Such a person needs an opponent who can defeat him, because without such an opponent, being invincible in the world for too long will make people feel bored.

It's just like playing a game. From the beginning, a newbie is defeated by the BOSS in the Novice Village in a matter of seconds, to a high-level player who is defeated by the BOSS in the full-level map in a matter of seconds, and finally ends up uninstalling the game.

The eighth level and the ninth level don't sound like much, but the real difference is the distance between heaven and earth! For him, and for the other five corpse kings in the world, ants below level nine, even if they are cherished, may melt in their mouths in a short time!

This is the gap!

Therefore, the eighth level does not interest Tang Ye at all. Just imagine, what normal person would want to fight with ants?

Isn't that a disease?

Tang Ye casually threw the lifeless corpse in his hand into a corner, and walked towards the lower floors.

The so-called second floor is in a deeper position. Looking down, it is four or five floors high, and there are two checkpoints. It seems that iris recognition can only be opened. Tang Ye touched the hardness of these checkpoint doors and blocked them. Eighth-level strong men are no problem at all, but for me, it's very awkward.

The way Tang Ye passed these levels was very simple, that is, he directly dismantled the entire door and went all the way to the second floor.

After he demolished the last gate, he saw a large group of soldiers for the first time. Each soldier was a strong man at level six or above. Everyone was wearing Aurora Breathers and was ready to fight. When they saw Tang Ye, they all Aim the weapon's launch port at Tang Ye!

"Stop! Otherwise you won't blame us for being rude!"

A man who looked like a sergeant standing at the back of the group of soldiers shouted angrily! However, his voice was trembling a little, and it was obvious that he was being tough on the outside but on the inside.

His words made Tang Ye a little funny. He looked around leisurely and found many weapons that could kill eighth-level experts, such as the three extremely large-caliber cannons above. He knew what they were.

Destroy the Whales - Survival Master!

This is a super weapon that can keep pace with the Sirius Gaze Cannon. If an eighth-level new human being is hit, there is a huge chance of death!

The colorful world was flowing in his eyes, causing Tang Ye's eyes to seem to glow with a strange color. The existence of this color made the scene more unreal.

Suddenly, Tang Ye looked somewhere, couldn't help but smile, and thought to himself: "So it's here."

Although the three Annihilation Whales have the power to kill an eighth-level expert, the prerequisite is that they have to hit, right?

The Tianluang Star Gazing Cannon has a record of directly killing an eighth-level strong man, but this happens when the unlucky eighth-level new human being is not paying attention. Under normal circumstances, the eighth-level new human being usually avoids the cannon. Todoroki wasn't a problem at all.

Therefore, the probability that these three Killer Whales can stop an eighth-level new human being is a bit small, but the opponent still does it. The reason is simply that the Killer Whales are a decoration to divert attention. The real killer is The trick is the two new eighth-level humans hiding in the dark.

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