I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1409 Me, or the time given to you in the end of the world

"I will raise all the assets of Mingyue City to strengthen the anti-zombie wall. Of course, I will not choose level nine H steel. It is too fragile. What I need is a copper wall that cannot be broken by zombies below level eight. And The material required for this copper wall and iron wall is grade 12 H steel. This is a huge project that cannot be completed by Bright Moon City alone. I need everyone's help, and this matter cannot be delayed and must start as soon as possible."

"The second thing is to open up transportation routes with the major survivor bases and shelter cities, and establish a basic contact network."

"The third thing is to clean up the wasteland cities around Yunxia Base and turn a series of surrounding cities such as Changchun, Jinyang, Xijiang, and Liyang into corpse-free places."

"The other is to iterate combat equipment, solve the food shortage problem, expand the living area outside the wall, expand the Sky Continent, update the defense system, rationally distribute the population, strengthen the security management of Yunxia Base, and follow the example of the United Unified District three years ago, changing the law Law, no matter who it is, it is a serious crime to waste human life! And the most important point is that it is not us who are working hard for this, there are thousands of people. I hope to change some of the articles of the forbidden weapon seal, non-mercenaries Regiments and military units can also possess laser weapons, and teach all residents how to use laser weapons and heavy weapons, so as to popularize the military and make all the people soldiers. Only in this way can we have more chances of winning in the future."

Su Sigui's voice sounded in the conference room, with a faint response, but her words made everyone look at each other.

What is this operation?

This so-called being a hero is almost like using love to generate electricity. Let’s not talk about how outrageous the latter part is. Let’s just talk about the first two. Their manpower and material resources can turn everyone present into a pauper!

And the third item is enough to cause huge losses to the army and clean up the zombies in the surrounding cities. What a huge amount of work is this?

You know, in any wasteland city around Yunxia Base, there are millions of zombies there!

Especially in Changyuan City, because three years ago Song Muyuan of the Peace Association led the zombie tide to attack Yunxia Base. After the zombie tide receded, the zombies gathered in Changyuan City. As of now, the scale of the zombie tide in Changyuan City can reach four The horror level of more than one million!

Even if Changyuan City is excluded and Liyang City is chosen, which has the smallest number of zombies, all the eighth-level new humans here will not be able to come up with the troops to clear out all the zombies in it.

Anyone who agrees to Su Sigui will eat shit until his brain is full, and his vitality will be greatly damaged. If those colleagues who have not agreed to Su Sigui take advantage of the situation, it will be really doomed.

If you don’t pay back for your great efforts for the entire human race, you will most likely be stabbed in the back accurately and cruelly by others. Who would be willing to do this?

No one will want to!

But Su Sigui convened this meeting and gave everyone two choices.

In fact, they don't need to choose, they can just do what they want, but this "false" choice requires them to think carefully. As Su Sigui said before, the most difficult person to deceive is actually themselves, and they can live all day long. In this beautiful life, regardless of what humans are really facing now, the day will come in the future, and by that time it will be too late to make a choice, and it will seem hasty and embarrassing.

Someone once did an experiment where a living person was used to seduce a dormant zombie and let it chase and run. In the end, the zombie was starved into a real corpse and its body rotted rapidly. Zombies, like humans, want to stay alive. Need food!

The anti-life substances in their bodies need to constantly phagocytose living cells to replenish vitality. The higher the level of zombies, the more vitality they need to replenish. Low-level zombies cannot think and will choose to sleep when they are hungry, waiting for a living creature. Awaken them, but what about the high-level zombies, those zombie kings? Will they?

The Corpse King is not benevolent. The Chinese Corpse King's kindness may not come from the fact that he does not need food, but that he has better substitutes than living animals. But the Corpse Kings from other continents will never be kind to humans!

The group of demonic zombies that appeared in the west are trying their best to express a message to people. The zombie king in another continent is hungry. He and his tribe urgently need a living place with richer resources, and this living place is The Chinese continent where they are located!

Who will save them, only people! who? They are human beings. They are on the pyramid, and their rights correspond to equal responsibilities!

If you want rights but don't want to bear the corresponding responsibilities, you will end up dying. Because you don't want to bear the responsibilities and throw away the rights in your hands. There is only one way, and that is to abandon your identity as a person or commit suicide.

"My attitude has made it clear that I will sacrifice everything and even my life for the rise and fall of all mankind. This is the greatest respect I have for the brilliant civilization developed by mankind over millions of years. Agree or disagree, These are two choices, and the rest is up to you to choose, do it as early as possible, and take advantage of the efforts we can make now to have an effect in the future."

"By the way, I have one more thing. In the story I edited, our savior died a few years before the end of the world. Soon, I think human beings will completely live in fantasy, anyway. Think that some inhuman monsters will protect humans, and in the end it is the protector of human imagination who personally ends human civilization. If you don’t make efforts to change before that day, that will be the day you are shuffled.”

"This is the time I give you, and this is the time given to you in the last days."

After saying that, Su Sigui closed her eyes directly, but what she said immediately stunned everyone!

What does this mean?

Everyone had a look of confusion on their faces. Even the members of Mingyue City looked at Su Sigui blankly and didn't react for a long time.

What she said contained too much information for them to understand.

What was in the original story she edited? What is it about a savior who dies years before the end of time? What will happen soon? Why do humans live in fantasy? Inhuman monsters protecting humans? The protector of mankind finally ended human civilization with his own hands? How did Su Sigui know this? And...shuffle?

Most of the powerful people present focused their attention on the faces of the members of Mingyue City, but among them, only Xu Tianyu and Qiuyue seemed to be confused. In addition, a few people saw that Ye Changgong didn't look at all. Surprisingly, he seemed to have known everything a long time ago.

This made those eighth-level experts who were still in a messy state start to worry.

"Mayor Su, what do you mean?"

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