I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1419 Best of the Game

As the giant silver-armored corpse spoke, he took off the opponent's huge head and looked directly into those eyes.

"This is a warning!"

After saying that, a flesh flap opened the leg of the demonic zombie, and a purple evolutionary crystal rolled out from it. The famous follower of the Corpse King "Malevolence" died in this land that did not belong to them.

"Solved! The best in the game, Hong Heixin!" Suddenly, a child jumped out from among the corpses and said with a funny look on his face.

"Where have you been?" asked Xiao'e, who couldn't put it down while holding the evolutionary crystal in his hand. He wanted to do something small and secretly pocket it, but Hong Heixin saw it clearly.

"That sound sounds annoying. Find a place to hide."

"What are you doing?"

"What the hell? Hehe... I'll keep it safe first..."

Hong Heixin glanced at Yao'e with disdain, looked at the lost eighth-level zombie, and cursed again, "A poor successor."

In fact, the biggest contributor to the completion of this mission must be the Demonic Sound Zombies, otherwise they would not be able to gather such a large wave of silver-armored zombies in a short period of time.

Among the six zombie kings, except for the zombie king of light, direct or indirect infection will create a zombie with some of the same abilities and characteristics as himself. Because these zombies have the same type of ninth-level zombies, they are called royal zombies, regardless of whether Whether they are irradiated species, water demons, or swollen followers of evil Buddha, as well as themselves, they will gain some abilities during assimilation. Needless to say, the skin turns silver and has super high defense, and there is also a weird black mist. The Silver Armored Corpse can even change itself at will, such as forcibly healing all external injuries under self-control, turning every inch of its body into a weapon, and allowing it to be divided into countless selves. Together, these are completely a low-end version of the Divine Corpse King.

Of course, the same is true for radioactive species, water monsters, etc., but the Demonic Sound Zombie is an exception. Their zombie king has many abilities, including not only the Demonic Sound, but also has the ability to transform the original environment wherever it passes. It will all be changed, wandering eyes, copied, evil thoughts seeds and other unimaginable terrifying abilities, and it seems to have invisible BUFF itself. Legend has it that anyone who has seen the Lanou Corpse King with their own eyes will fall into madness and be haunted by nightmares!

In addition to these abilities, he also has the ability to create dreams that makes people shudder. It is precisely because of this ability that he is called the Nightmare Corpse King. However, for such a corpse king, the royal zombies under him only inherit He only has the ability of Demonic Sound, and it will be assimilated, so the term "poor successor" came into being.

"Retreat?" Another eighth-level zombie next to him asked with an EEG signal.

Hong Heixin glanced at it and nodded: "Let's go. I've seen some memories. It seems like there is some kind of Eye of the Corpse King in this area?"

"Then let's go."

Several high-level zombies made a final sweep, and finally began to recede with the zombie tide.

The huge tide of corpses was like the ebb of the sea, which made people unable to react.


In a certain building, people looked in disbelief. The tide of corpses had just receded? Such a scene made them look at each other, feeling as if they were living in a dream, everything was so unreal, but after a while, people's loud cheers sounded from other directions, and every cheer mixed together Zhongdu brings the joy of regaining freedom!

In Lan'ou Continent, in a certain wasteland city, a strong wind blew by, carrying the smell of rotten orange peels. Countless dark purple spores floated in the sky. They rose with the wind and slowly Landing on the ground, covering the streets, rooftops, and abandoned vehicles, they take root here. Year after year, day after day, they expand with the passage of time, and the buildings that have begun to tilt due to long-term disrepair have been found. Less than their original color, these spores covered everything. The spore lines composed of them connected each building. After the spores expanded to a certain extent, they exploded, and strange plants grew out of them. The faint light emitted in the dark environment also makes this place look like it is on another planet.

The road signs on the roadside stubbornly reveal their own color. The words on them have become blurred under the passage of time, but it can still be seen that this is a tunnel somewhere, but the tunnel is also the same as the outside world. , covered with all kinds of strange plants.

At this time, a spore reaches a limit of expansion, suddenly splits, and a lavender liquid flows out from it, which quickly solidifies on other spores, and then sprouts grow out.


A long breathing sound also sounded at this time, causing all the spores to "tremble". The strange plants that grew out also began to shrink at this time. The breathing sound became heavier and heavier, and became clearer and clearer. It seemed that there was something I was waking up, and there was nothing else here except these strange plants, but that's it, these plants seemed to be blown by the non-existent wind, and began to sway slowly, as if they were afraid of something.


A gust of wind blew out of the subway tunnel, blowing some spores that had just landed and not yet had time to attach to other spores into the air again. A strange and indescribable sound sounded at this time, as if they were murmuring, repeating something, But if you listen carefully, you seem to be singing some ancient song.

The melody is very slow and a little ethereal, but it is enough to make people feel chills all over!

The chanting sound became louder and louder as time went by. The wind from nowhere came with a strong tear, and the surrounding spores were rolled up. Even the spores that had grown to take root deeply in the ground were uprooted. Suddenly, strange plants flew into the air, and the wind became stronger and stronger, and soon turned into a tornado, sweeping everything to the center!

The singing voice is becoming more and more ethereal, but people can't find where it is coming from. It seems that the sound is coming from all directions!

Suddenly, the chanting stopped, and a strange sound sounded from deep in the subway tunnel!

Da da da……

Not long after, a long spider leg appeared protruding from the darkness in the tunnel, and the densely packed compound eyes on its head glowed red, shaking and pulling out red lines as the giant spider moved.

The wind stopped, and the strange plants that were swept into the air fell down with a clatter, but they also withered in a very short period of time.

The thick clouds in the sky that have been covering this place all year round dispersed, and the long-lost sunshine came in. The remaining spores glowed with a faint purple light under the sun, which was fantastic and beautiful. But the next moment, it was comparable to a big truck. The giant spider disappeared without knowing when.

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