"Oh, it seems that the butterfly effect is really serious. Fortunately, a ninth-level new human was killed by you."

"Whatever you think, he died very early, about two or three years after the end of the world."

"Did you die so early? That's why you said that I was the hope of mankind. To be honest, this feeling is very strange. It seems that I was quite famous before you."

"No, you are also a short-lived ghost, at least that's what others think. If I didn't do it all over again, I wouldn't have known you were hiding in the Northern Empire."

"Hahaha, I am more of a Buddhist type, and I want to provide for the elderly..."

"Anything else?"

Before Tang Ye finished speaking, he was interrupted by Su Sigui. Tang Ye was silent for a while, looked at the big truck driving out of the corpse wall, pointed at the four-meter-high machine above and asked: " what is that."

"The siphon tower is a kind of weather weapon. What's its use... You should know about the Divine Rain Plan, so you don't need me to say more, right?"

"Find a way to develop a purifier?"

"Yes, but it's a bit troublesome."

"Trouble is trouble, but at least it can be done."


"Then the apocalypse is about to end."


"As your savior, can you grant me a request?"

"Say it."

"You know all those zombies, right?"


"How about it?"

"Except for being a little crazy, he's pretty much like a human being."

"Yes, they are the same as humans. They have their own lives and their own entertainment methods. They can also learn and communicate like people. They are not as crazy and bloodthirsty as everyone thinks. So my request is that in the royal court They have a right to live. To me, they are my friends and relatives. I hope you can understand me."


A bit beyond Tang Ye's expectation, Su Sigui readily agreed. Ending the apocalypse is a crucial matter for Su Sigui and for all mankind. When the apocalypse is over, the life of fear will be over. Stay overnight, human civilization can continue, and there is no need to think about one day when everyone will enter that desperate situation.

But in this matter, keeping the zombies in the royal court is equivalent to leaving the seeds of the apocalypse. One day in the future, the apocalypse may come again. Who would agree to such a thing happening? But Su Sigui agreed without any hesitation when agreeing, which made Tang Ye a little unable to react. She seemed to have known that she would have such a problem?

But soon I heard her say: "I promise you, the zombies in the royal court can exist, and I will help you keep this secret, but you also have to promise me to keep an eye on them. I don't want the apocalypse to reappear many years later. Many Every time, you only get one chance.”

"That's okay. If I die one day, I will take them away with me."

"I feel relieved when you say that...hey~"

For some reason, Su Sigui sighed suddenly.

"It's almost over. I really thought it didn't make any difference." Tang Ye laughed at himself, but the next second he felt Su Sigui's eyes looking over.

"No, you're an insurance policy, things won't go that way."

"Insurance? Could it be that...you also had this divine rain plan in your last life?"


"Is it successful?"

"If I succeeded, I wouldn't do it again."

"Does that mean it failed?"

"Well, that ninth-level new human mentioned it, but it will be much more difficult for him than me, because he needs to make a choice between the continuation of human civilization and the continuation of the lives of his own relatives. This choice is the ultimate for anyone. torture, and I don’t need it.”

"So he gave up?"

"No, he chose to sacrifice his loved ones and launched the God Rain Project. In the past, like everyone else, I was always worried that everything I owned would be taken away one day. I hated him but also worshiped him. This This feeling may be the old saying that a man is with you like a tiger, and at the same time, no one has really understood him."

"It's only now that I'm doing what he once did that I understand that in terms of greatness, no one can match him. At least he gave everything he had to everyone, and I am not."

"Why do I feel like you are scolding me?"


"Then why did it fail in the end?"

"I also understand this. There may be some difficulties or obstacles, but I can't know this until I launch the God Rain Plan. Therefore, you are an insurance policy."

"I don't know what kind of obstacles I will encounter. It is very likely that the end of the world will not end, it will continue, and what should be faced will come one day."

"Did the failure of your divine rain plan in your last life be blocked by the Corpse King?" Tang Ye's eyes flashed and he asked quickly. Since he and Su Sigui met, and everything in his previous life, he seems to have done something terrible. If what Su Sigui said now about the "Spiritual Rain Plan" is true, could the failure be caused by him? After all, he wanted to destroy this plan for a moment.

But what he didn't expect was that Su Sigui shook his head: "The Corpse King will definitely stop it, but no matter what, in this situation where everyone can guess the future, it is impossible for humans to sit still and wait for death, unless it is impossible to complete. Otherwise, no matter how powerful the enemy is to stop it, there is no way that humans will give up."

"Didn't it have any effect?"

"I don't know, and I didn't have the time to know that the Corpse King came not long after the Spiritual Rain Plan was implemented."

"You shouldn't have to worry about this problem." Tang Ye said half-jokingly. Su Sigui glanced at it and smiled, but the smile on his face only flashed.

"The Chinese Corpse King is just the beginning. Whether it is a human or an animal or even a living thing, anything that can move needs to be eaten. If you are hungry for too long, you will not worry too much. You should know this better than me."

"Well... all I can say is... I wish you success."

"Thank you." Su Sigui only said these two words, then let go of the railing in front of her with both hands, and walked towards the direction she came from.

Tang Ye looked at her back for a long time. Suddenly, his phone vibrated twice. At first, he thought it was Chuza and the others who had encountered something. They couldn't send EEG signals to notify him like zombies, so Notify yourself via messages sent via mobile messaging.

But when Tang Ye turned on his phone, there was just a push notification.

[Some things will inevitably happen one day. People's suspicions came true. The survivor base that had fallen for many days reappeared, but it brought the seeds of fear...]

Tang Ye clicked on this push, but the page displayed only contained a short paragraph.

[The webpage has expired...]

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