I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1431 The stolen goods in the backpack

"Come on, buddy, I have to go home quickly. I won't act with you anymore. Bye."

"See you."

Listening to what the young man said, Tang Ye nodded. His purpose was to know what time it was, and the young man believed that he was not a time traveler at all, which was what Tang Ye wanted, and there was no need for him to keep him.

The young man also nodded and walked quickly forward, but his back made Tang Ye feel a little strange. He always felt that the young man was walking at a speed that did not seem to be in a hurry, but that he was running away? He wasn't sure about this, maybe it was because the young man was going to a place far away.

Soon, the young man who had not gone far out suddenly turned around and said something very strange to Tang Ye: "Hey buddy, no matter you are real or fake, no matter how powerful you are, there is a saying that goes well. , you have to live in a sheltered state before it develops, I remind you, find a place to live before dark, there are notices in many places, you can find it if you just look for it."

After saying that, the young man ran away without hesitation, leaving Tang Ye to repeat the meaning of his words.

"Before dark? Is there anything after dark?" He subconsciously thought of night demon zombies. This kind of zombie would hide in buildings during the day. It has a strong rejection of light and will only appear at night. At the same time, it belongs to the night. They are generally very powerful in combat!

After the night demon zombies, Tang Ye finally noticed something abnormal in Xijiang City, that is, there were too many hotels! Not only the entrance to the primary school, but also the ground where I am now is located three steps away from a hotel, and there are basically few other shops.

And when I came to Xijiang City from near Lixi County, I also saw many hotels!

The accommodation industry in Xijiang City is not booming because of developed tourism or other reasons, but because people here need accommodation so much. What seems to happen at night is that they need a place to stay to ensure their safety!

He opened his mobile phone, and it read 2:26 pm on March 19, the twelfth year of the Black Rain Chronicle.

Only the last few o'clock and a few minutes of this changing time were correct. He simply changed the time to the current time to avoid having to ask others every time.

What happens after dark? Tang Ye didn't know, but he was very curious. The young man also said that there were notices in many places. What notices?

The young man's words made Tang Ye's heart more firmly confirmed that this world is false! Because if something bad happens after dark, let alone disasters, monsters, weirdness, etc., as long as being outside at night threatens your own safety, people can go out and walk around during the day. It is absolutely impossible to live and work in peace and contentment exactly like the people before the real apocalypse. How can there be time to send children to school?

There will never be anyone as humorous as the guy just now.

This world has too many contradictions that are inconsistent with reality. It is like a world imagined in a child's mind. What is even more interesting is that this false world was imagined by a zombie, and he is in it. This ability makes Tang Ye a little envious. stand up.

This is much better than my third-rate illusion!

Looking at the sun, it seemed that there was still some time until dark, and he couldn't wait for it to get dark, just to see what would happen in this world after dark. In the next world, he needed to try to find this Some bugs in the world!

He simulated the Xijiang City in the apocalypse in his mind. He remembered that there was a zoo southwest of Caiheng Elementary School. Because the apocalypse brought great changes, when he went to that place, it almost turned into a zoo. "Primitive forest", many multi-zodiac animals wandering in it.

Thinking about it, Tang Ye glanced in that direction, and the next second he disappeared completely. People not far away only felt their eyes blurred, and glanced towards Tang Ye, but saw no one, and then turned towards him. Looking around, he couldn't help but muttered: "What's going on?"

In the Xijiang City Zoo, since today is Thursday, there are not many tourists in the park. It may be because of the dark sky. Even though it is less than three o'clock now, tourists are already leaving the zoo one after another. At the exit of the zoo, there are There are many checkpoints, and every tourist needs to go through these checkpoints when going out. The whole situation is stricter than the border inspection.

Among them, a group of couples were suddenly stopped by the staff next to them before they passed the checkpoint.

"Hey, wait a minute."

The boy between the two young lovers turned his head and looked over. His body was a little stiff. Although his face didn't show anything, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes. The girl next to him also became nervous and subconsciously pulled out My boyfriend's sleeves.

"What...what happened?"

"Open the backpack." The staff member who stopped the couple was not polite at all. He tightened his face and shouted directly in a commanding tone! It looks like he is a guard of some important department.

"Why?" The boy was obviously unwilling and immediately asked.

However, the staff did not talk nonsense with him. He immediately waved his hand, greeted others, and shouted: "Search for me!"

As soon as these three words were spoken, the expressions of the young couple changed immediately, and they shouted: "It is illegal to search others without permission!"

"If you think I don't know what you are hiding, take it out for me!"

"I'm not hiding! There's nothing in the bag!"

"It's better if you open it first and let us take a look. If not, we will compensate you in accordance with the law."

"No! Get out of here!"

Not long after, the boy who was suspected of stealing something was pushed to the ground by several big men in uniform, and they took off his backpack. Just when he was about to unzip it to find out, the girl next to him hurriedly came up to stop him and looked at her. The expression on her face seemed to be that the things in her backpack were very important, but how could she, a girl, stand up to several grown men? After a while, she was pinned to the ground unable to move. In desperation, she could only shout at other tourists. : "Help, this is indecent!" and other words, but no one came to help the young couple.

Soon, the zipper of the boy's backpack was opened, revealing the contents of the backpack.

"Well..." Tang Ye, who was watching all this from a corner, felt bored after seeing the contents of the backpack. At first, he thought the couple had stolen something extraordinary, but it turned out that Birds.

This was a bird with a dark body. At first, Tang Ye didn't know what kind of bird it was. After all, he didn't seem to have seen such a bird before. It was just a bit familiar. But he soon remembered that it was a crow!

PS: I got stuck when I was writing chapter 30, and I couldn’t hold it in anymore. This feeling was really uncomfortable. I had already thought about how to write it before, but then I stopped as soon as I started writing. I felt like I couldn’t find the right words. Come and describe, Auntie, I'll go.

I'm sorry, dear readers. The author begs for a day off to rethink how to write next. I'm sorry, sorry, and please forgive me! !

If it suddenly becomes unobstructed, please pretend that you have not seen the above paragraph. The author will update it as usual. Thank you (*°°)=3

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