There were only a few kinds of vegetables on the table, some of which looked like wild vegetables picked randomly outside, and some plates had something dark, like a piece of bread.

Tang Ye wondered if what was on the table was enough for one person.

Although the content of each painting in this corridor is similar, if you look closely, you will find that in each painting with the same content, there will be some changes in the details.

Tang Ye turned to look at the next one. There was no change in the movements of the family of five. Among the three children, the eldest looked to be thirteen or fourteen years old. She was a girl. The next in age was also a girl, about six or seven. He looks about three years old, the youngest is probably about three years old, and he is a boy. The second sister next to him, who is a few years older than him, helps him pick up the food.

Tang Ye looked around carefully. The scenery outside the window was the same as the second one he saw. However, the eldest child seemed to notice something. His head, which was lowered due to eating, was slightly raised and he looked at Tang Ye. On Tang Ye's side, the author vividly described the panic in his eyes, making Tang Ye have no choice but to cooperate with the author's painting skills.

"Did someone enter their home? Zombies?"

Tang Ye thought in his heart, and then looked at the next painting. Except for the eldest sister, the family of five raised her head a little higher. The expressions and movements of the others did not change. In the lower left corner of the painting, a black thing appeared. Tang Ye didn't know what it was, but it seemed like he had guessed that something or someone with bad intentions had entered the family's house.

In the next painting, the black thing that originally appeared has become longer and looks like a tube.

"Steel pipe?"

Just as Tang Ye was about to look at the next pair, the woman stopped him: "Hey, stop looking and come with me!"

Hearing the woman's voice, Tang Ye could only put down the idea of ​​continuing to read and walked towards the woman.

"hurry up."

The woman didn't move, just waiting for Tang Ye.

"Squat down!"

"I want to carry you again?"

"It's difficult for me to walk down the road. You can skip it, but it will waste too much time."


Tang Ye walked to the woman, knelt down, and carried her on his back.

"You know why? Look underground."

Tang Ye looked at the ground. He didn't pay attention just now. The ground in the corridor was actually covered with dense graffiti of figures!

"Is that all?"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and move forward."

Tang Ye began to walk forward according to the woman's instructions. The corridor was a little dim and there were no lights. Only the light from some candlelights a few meters away illuminated the darkness. However, these candlelights could hardly bring peace of mind. Instead, these candlelights made the entire corridor eerie.

Tang Ye didn't go far. There were no more candles in front of him to illuminate the darkness in front of the corridor. He suddenly heard the woman say: "Wait a minute?"

"What's wrong?"

"Put me down."

The woman jumped off Tang Ye's back, took down a candle next to her, held it in her hand, and then said to Tang Ye: "Further forward, you may not be able to see clearly, this thing is for illumination." .”

"How can you be sure that I can't see it?"

"I know you zombies all have night vision, but if you go forward, even bats can lose their way."

Tang Ye thought of the Nightmare Corpse King's ability, which was called "blind". It seemed to be similar to what women said.

"Oh, this thing is really troublesome to wear. You don't need it down there anyway. Just take it off."

The woman changed her hand to hold the candle, and then took off the scarf on her head. The face that was revealed made Tang Ye stunned!


Noticing Tang Ye's expression, the woman was also surprised and asked hesitantly: "You... know me?"


In an instant, both of them fell into silence, and no one spoke for a long time.

The sense of familiarity she brought to Tang Ye was right. After she took off her headscarf, Tang Ye could tell who the woman in front of him was at a glance.

She has short hair that is more masculine, and her face is very ordinary. There is nothing surprising about her, she is just a very ordinary woman.

She can be said to be an acquaintance of Tang Ye, but in order to prevent her from violently causing destruction in the royal city, she is still trapped in a room in the royal court. This woman is none other than the one with a big abnormality. Lu Xiaojie!

"Is she... okay outside?"

"You said you were outside?"

"You can say it's me..." Lu Xiaojie said hesitantly, but her tone seemed uncertain.

"Could it be that if I am here, I will become a fool outside?"

"You saw me outside as a fool?" Lu Xiaojie was stunned, but some details on her expression made Tang Ye feel a little strange.

Tang Ye was silent for a moment, and after a while, he told the situation about Lu Xiaojie outside. Lu Xiaojie in the royal court was not an ordinary person at all, but she usually looked no different from ordinary people, that is, in certain special circumstances , the aura on his body would suddenly change, and Tang Ye himself didn't understand what was happening.

But after just talking about Lu Xiaojie's situation outside, Tang Ye quickly realized that when she asked him about her situation just now, the name she used was... her?

Isn't this herself?

Tang Ye looked at her, and the scrutiny in his eyes made Lu Xiaojie think that something appeared behind her. Her body trembled, and then she turned to look behind her, but there was nothing behind her except the row of paintings of unknown meaning. , she quickly reacted, looked at Tang Ye, and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"You and the you outside are two people, right?"


Lu Xiaojie was stunned for a moment, but did not answer immediately.

"Actually... I am a twin like Daria."

"Are you also a twin? What is this? How come I haven't heard of it before?" Tang Ye asked. After the black rain covered the world in the last days, a large number of strange creatures and people appeared due to abnormal evolution, such as the Resting Ones. Host, zombie ruler, etc., but Tang Ye had never heard of twins.

When he heard this word, the first thing that came to his mind was conjoined twins, but luckily, Lu Xiaojie quickly answered.

"Twins are similar to zombie rulers. There are many factors involved in their formation, and I don't know. Anyway, I am me, and the me outside is also me, but it is not me. I am also her, but they are all one body. I think You cut off one of your hands, and although it is no longer part of your body, it is still a part of your body.”

Tang Ye frowned. He understood, but he felt the same as before. He understood but from another perspective, he didn't understand at all!

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