I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1614 A breeding ground for evil

This fear seemed to make him forget the shadow that the zombie tide had brought to him. Even the words "Zombie King" became dull in his mind. He began to panic. At this moment, he had the urge to return to Sanctuary City, just as the announcer said, pick up your weapons and return to the battlefield to fight the zombies! It doesn't matter even if he dies, he won't be afraid of death!

This seems to be the so-called courage. Courage brought him such an idea, but this impulse was quickly suppressed by him. Throughout his life, he himself thought that he was just an ordinary person, the most inhumane among all living beings. A humble member, he never thought he would do great things. He lived in the most ordinary way and died in the most ordinary way. A hundred years from now, no one will remember a man nicknamed Guitouzi. People have been here before.

The traces of his existence will be erased bit by bit over the years!

Doing what a hero does just because of the fearless courage in his heart is obviously not what a person like him would choose.

He suppressed the impulse in his heart. This was too ridiculous. He was just going to Bai Ling Base to start a new life. What was this feeling of dying for justice? That's ridiculous?

Thinking this in his mind, he showed a self-deprecating smile on his face, and then closed his eyes. But for some reason, even if he gave up the idea, there was always a kind of regret. It seemed that subconsciously, there was another person who was constantly treating him. Nagging, making him hesitate and not know what to choose.

The night was very dark, and the stars were shining brightly. Wisps of star and moon light filtered through the closed windows, like a layer of gauze. There was a hint of silence in the room, but Guitouzi couldn't fall asleep. Sometimes he closed his eyes, but soon opened them again. He stayed like this for a long time, and finally at some point late at night, he unknowingly Asleep.

Time always passes quickly in sleep. When Guitouzi opened his eyes again, the sun had already penetrated through the gap.

Turning his eyes, he saw Yong. He was standing in front of the door. He didn't open the door and didn't make any move. He just stood there. When he just noticed him, Guitouzi was startled, because at this time, this guy His actions brought back some very bad memories. During the period not long after the outbreak of the apocalypse, when he was searching for supplies and about to return to his residence, he saw a zombie standing at his door, with the same posture as Yongquan now!

At that time, if he was a little distracted, he might be the zombies wandering around in the wasteland city.


He shouted to Yong, who slowly turned his head and looked at him.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Seeing that Yong's face did not turn into a corpse, Gui Touzai breathed a sigh of relief.

In response to his words, Yong didn't answer. He just shook his head, walked to the corner and sat down cross-legged.

"You didn't sleep at night?"


"you are not tired?"


Yong's tone was as stiff as ever, as if he had just learned Chinese. There was an obvious stiffness when answering Guitouzai's words. Guitouzai didn't know that he would speak like this, and he had never observed Yong's abnormality. He shook his head. Shaking his head, he ran to the window to see what was going on outside.

What chased them yesterday was not just a seventh-level zombie, but also an endless tide of zombies. If they were unlucky, the zombie tide might have already reached here.

He casually broke open one of the wooden boards. The scenery outside remained the same, and no zombies appeared. Guitouzi breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the zombie wave was not as stubborn as the seventh-level zombie, and he gave up when he couldn't catch up.

Not long after, the noise caused by Gui Touzai's awakening also woke up Shi Ge, Wai Neck and the two of them from their sleep. Wai Neck drowsily opened his eyes and asked Gui Touzai as if to confirm that he was still alive. :"the next day?"

"Yeah." The other party nodded and looked back at his crooked neck. It was obvious that this guy had a not very good dream at night.

After looking around, Crooked Neck stood up and put away the things on the ground. As soon as Brother Shi woke up, the first thing he did was check his phone to confirm what time it was.

The time showed seven fifty-one, and it was nine minutes before eight o'clock. It wasn't too late when they woke up.

"Pack your things and let's set off quickly."

Not long after waking up, Crooked Neck couldn't wait to rush him. They didn't have any idea about his urgency, and they didn't plan to stay here any longer. The sooner they arrived at Bai Ling Base, the better.

Brother Shi waited for a while, opened the entertainment software on his mobile phone, and read the latest news from Danger Asylum City while arranging his clothes.

[A large number of soldiers joined the operation to resist the zombie tide, resulting in an extreme shortage of manpower for public security management in the Dangerous Asylum City. In just one night, thousands of criminal incidents occurred in the city. Some people say that the current Dangerous Asylum City is a breeding ground for crime? At the scene, we can see that many people have packed up their things and left the asylum city, and there are no guards guarding the gates in the north, south, south, and south of the corpse wall...]

Brother Shi didn't pay attention at first. After he put on his clothes, the audio finally caught his attention. He squinted his eyes and looked at the content in the video. He recognized the scene inside, which was the four people outside the Danger Asylum City. At one of the east gates of the exit, countless people can be seen running out of the asylum city dragging their families and carrying large and small bags. Consistent with the commentary in the video, there are no soldiers guarding the east gate. Those who fled went to other places. There was no one to stop the survivors. At the same time, there was no one to check in. The scene was chaotic. Some people could be seen holding laser weapons in their hands, intercepting some survivors' bases, and then taking away their food or other necessary materials. !

From time to time, you can hear the "whispering" sound made by laser weapons after being fired, and a few people who were unfortunately hit screamed and fell to the ground. As mentioned above, the Danger Asylum City has really become a breeding ground for crime. , people no longer have the shackles to restrain themselves, and the so-called moral order collapses again!

In addition to the reporters filming in the video, there were also several reporters traveling with them in other places, but two of them were a bit unlucky. The armed robbers had just finished robbing the other survivors of their supplies and then focused their attention on They took the supplies and started shooting without saying a word. Seeing that their colleagues were brutally attacked, the reporter who shot this video quickly ran away to avoid these gangsters.

Brother Shi has no control over the life and death of these reporters and survivors. He is now thinking, if he plans to go back to Danger Asylum City now, does it mean that there will be no one to stop him?

"If we go back now, no one will check, right?"

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