I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1624 Why come back?

The atmosphere was a bit stiff. The three people kneeling on their knees were okay and lowered their heads and didn't care at all. But the soldiers behind them just stood there blankly, at a loss. They didn't dare to say what they wanted to say. As for leaving without permission, give them ten I’m afraid I don’t even have the courage to do so.

After a while like this, General Yan seemed to have just noticed the situation behind him, and finally spoke: "Okay, stop standing. Except for those three people, I will count to three for everyone else. There will be no consequences for leaving." conceited."

There was no sadness or joy in his voice, but it made him nervous silently!

While speaking, he extended an arm back, with three fingers on his hand, and then dropped them one by one. As soon as the soldiers behind the three Guitouzai saw this, they jumped out without saying a word. Running, Gui Touzai carefully looked up at General Yan. He thought he would say something after these soldiers left, but in the end, he was still busy with his own affairs and did not look at them at all.

After some time passed, Yan Jiang finally turned around and his eyes swept over the three of them, but he only stayed on Brother Shi and Yong for a longer time.

"You three are deserters?"

He asked aloud. Although his tone was very calm, it made Brother Shi and Guitouzi tremble in their hearts! The person in front of me has been in a high position for a long time, and has developed an aura over the years. Even if nothing is expressed in his words, it still makes people feel inexplicably scared. No one knows what such a person is thinking in his heart. He may scare others. You will not be held accountable for your mistakes, and you may die inexplicably in the next second, and you may even go back to thank him for everything he has done!

"Yes...yes." Brother Shi hesitated for a while, and then replied tremblingly.

"When did you escape?"

"When we went to the city center for a reconnaissance mission..."

Yan narrowed his eyes. Of course he knew about the [Cemetery Plan]. To put it bluntly, the Cemetery Plan is like a gambler with a small amount of chips. He uses the smallest chips to place the highest multiplier on the points and loses. It’s not big, you can make a lot of money immediately if you win!

However, this plan was shameful. The more than 2,000 soldiers, including the non-commissioned officers, went to the [Cemetery] without knowing it. In the end, they were all buried in the huge tide of corpses. Brother Shi was also very smart. Di did not directly say that he and others escaped during the stage of the cemetery plan. Otherwise, even if Yan Jiang wanted to give him a chance, he would have to kill him to hide the secret.

"How did you escape?"

Yan Jiang asked again, and Brother Shi organized the words in his mind, and then told the story of their escape in detail. The other party looked at Brother Shi, there was no emotion in his eyes, but it was different from Yong's dull look. But there was a sense of oppression invisibly, and those eyes were like a pool of stagnant water, which made Brother Shi tremble in his heart!

After listening to Brother Shi talking about their escape process, Yan Jiang was silent for a while, and then paced back and forth in front of the three of them, seeming to be thinking about something, and with every step he took, the three of them couldn't help but feel their hearts lift. One minute, more and more nervous.

Finally, Yan stretched out his hand to grab the transfer next to him, and then sat down.

He was still looking at the three of them, tapping his fingers. Even though there was constant noise coming in from outside, the two of them seemed to be able to clearly hear the sound of each other's fingers tapping on the armrests of the chairs.

"Why are you trying to escape?"

After a while, Yan Jiang suddenly asked this question. Brother Shi was stunned. Yes, how did they think of escaping? He was so nervous before that he didn't think about how to answer this question. He hesitated for a while. speak out.


He raised his head and glanced at General Yan. The other person's eyes fell on him, waiting for his answer. The indescribable pressure made him almost breathless.

Taking a deep breath, Brother Shi forced himself to stay calm and began to think about how he should answer Yan Jiang's question.

For a moment, he thought of many explanations, but he was quickly rejected one by one. The person in front of him was no ordinary person. If it was to fool other people, Brother Shi still had some faith in his heart, but this General Yan was Who is he, a seventh-level new human being? The other person may not know him, but Brother Shi knows this person to a certain extent because of his elder brother. Whether it is before the end of the world or after the end of the world, Yan will always He is a decision-making person with a sharp gaze. If he lies, there is a high probability that the other party will see through it. At that time, he really can't advance or retreat!

"What should I do? What should I do?"

Brother Shi was completely panicked, and his mind was in chaos. He subconsciously looked at Guitouzi next to him, and the other person also looked at him, with anxiety in his eyes. It was obvious that Guitouzai didn't know how to answer at all. He I can't even think of it, let alone Guitouzi?

When he was at a loss, Brother Shi immediately thought of his brother, which made his eyes light up. He had thought too much before, causing him to forget many details. His brother was the opponent's subordinate!

Yan Jiang has no reason not to know some things that his brother can know!

The reason why he escaped from the cemetery and became a deserter was entirely because his brother informed him that there was danger there, so he did so. It is very likely that he was able to see General Yan because of his brother. It was very likely that he was able to see General Yan. General Yan also guessed that it was his brother who had given him the news, asking him to stop the deserters.

If so, he doesn't have the need to lie? However, is the [Cemetery Plan] something that people of his class can know about?

To be honest, the consequences may also be death!

Under all kinds of entanglements, the only thing Brother Shi can do is to block it!

He looked stern, gritted his teeth and told the truth about why he was a deserter. At this moment, Guitouzi looked at him, General Yan also looked at him, and the air around him slowly became solidified.

Gui Touzai is easy to say, after all, his gaze cannot intimidate people at all, but after Yan Jiang was looked at by his eyes for a long time, Brother Shi only felt that there were countless small bumps on his back, and his heart became colder and colder. .

"That's what happened... When we got scared, we ran away..."

"Where did you escape to?"

"We wanted to go to Bailing Base, but we came back when we got to Wangxing City."

As soon as Brother Shi finished his answer, Yan Jiang suddenly stood up and walked to a place less than two meters in front of Brother Shi. His eyes swept across the three people again, and his voice came out.

"Since you have escaped so far, why did you come back?"


Hearing Yan Jiang's question, Brother Shi was heartbroken. He seemed to see hope, but at the same time, he also thought of his brother. His death was still a bit illusory to Brother Shi.

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