I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1626 Someone always needs to try

The atmosphere was as silent as death for a moment. The sound coming from the communication device was not too loud, but it suppressed all the sounds here, including the shooting sound of laser weapons, the noise of the corpse-pushing tank, and the miserable low roars of people. , creepy, and among these noises, there are also faint chanting sounds that are indescribable, weird sounds that are ethereal and full of death.

After hearing the report coming from over there, Yan Jiang seemed to be frozen, holding the receiver in his hand and staring blankly at the computer screen.

"What did you say?" His tone became lower, and he asked again toward the communicator, as if he couldn't believe what the soldiers over there said. This is incredible! However, there was no answer to his question.

Guitouzai and Brother Shi looked at each other. At this moment, they both suspected that there was something wrong with their ears. The Corpse King appeared?

Are you sure this isn't a joke?

What is the concept of Corpse King? That was the dark cloud hanging over everyone's head. Although the two of them were prepared to die and were not even afraid of death, they never thought that they and others would encounter the Corpse King!

The two words "Corpse King" seemed to be engraved in human genes as a fear. The moment they heard it, no matter how courageous they were, they were frightened by the two words they heard and their legs moved involuntarily. Get back!

"Zombie... Corpse... Corpse King?"

Perhaps noticing the two people's movements, Yan Jiang looked over.

"What? Want to escape again?"


Hearing Yan Jiang's voice, the two of them calmed down and answered. However, Yan Jiang ignored them, hung up the conversation with a solemn expression, and walked outside. Guitouzi and Brother Shi looked at each other and hesitated for a moment. , also followed and walked out.

As soon as he came out, Yan Jiang looked up to the northwest, and the three people behind him also looked up, and the surrounding soldiers also did the same thing as them.

"This is……"

The sky in the distance is also covered with clouds, but the only difference is that the clouds that should be thick and black are not black. Unknown particles seem to be floating in the northwest sky, dyeing the sky there. Bile purple color can cause uneasiness in people's hearts.

"What's going on over there?"

"How did it become like this?"

"That direction seems to be the third area? Is there a fight over there?"

"should be……"

"Isn't this battle a bit too exaggerated?"


The discussions of the surrounding soldiers continued to reach the ears of several people, and there was also a smell of panic in the air. The purple color, a discerning person would not think it was a good thing.

Yan Jiang, who was in front of the three people, looked at it for a while, then took out his mobile phone, found the number he was looking for, and dialed it directly.

"Hey, it's dangerous here..."

"Stop talking nonsense and quickly notify all soldiers in formation in the city to assemble towards the northwest corpse wall immediately."

"What happened?"

"I just received news that a corpse king has appeared in the third area."

The receptionist on the other side of the phone was immediately silenced by Yan Jiang's words. After a long time, a reply came from the other side: "Yes, I understand?"

These people sound very ordinary, but if you listen carefully, you can notice that the teeth of the speakers are chattering and their words are blurred.

Of course, what Yan Jiang said to the other side of the phone was successfully heard by the soldiers around him. The air froze for a while, and the next second, it seemed as if a pot had exploded!

"King of Corpses? Did I hear you correctly?"

"Really the Corpse King?"

"A corpse king has appeared in the third area!"

"Is the purple mist over there due to the influence of the Corpse King?"

"No way? Why did the Corpse King come out so quickly? Why did it show up here?"


"Everyone, be quiet!" The environment became noisy, and countless voices reached Yan Jiang's ears, which made him look cold and yelled at all the soldiers. With his voice, the surrounding area also became quiet, and a pair of She looked at him, waiting for his next words.

"Gather them all to me!"


The soldiers did not dare to resist and gathered in the square as quickly as possible to form a huge phalanx. At this moment, the elite force of Danger Asylum City also showed its style.

Although the appearance of the Corpse King had put a thick layer of concealment in the hearts of the three of them, they still couldn't help but sigh. This was completely incomparable to their previous troops.

"All teams, listen, the Corpse King is now in the third area. I know you are all scared! I can understand you! Because in the past, no survivor base or sanctuary city could be successfully defended by the presence of the Corpse King. ! Things are fickle. This time, it is our turn to face the Corpse King! We will challenge the greatest difficulty! Although there have been no successful examples before! But it does not mean that there will not be in the future! We still have a chance of success! Just in case ! Am I the successful example?"

"We should all know that before we know that crabs can be eaten, someone must try them to know the results we want! In the process of trying, someone will always sacrifice, which is inevitable, but we can't escape! Because there is no If people face it, we will not get the results that humans want! This time, if we escape, then the next time, the next time, and the next time, will we still choose to escape when we encounter it? This cannot be done! Moving forward The road has an end, and so does running backwards! One day, those of us who keep choosing to escape will come to an end, and there will be no way to escape, and we will always have to face it!"

"In this case, why don't we muster up our courage and face it the first time? Even if we die! You know, once we succeed, it will not only be our success, but also the success of mankind! Our descendants They can continue to reproduce in the long years to come! Instead of becoming extinct! They will be treated like livestock and kept in captivity!"

"Tell me! Isn't that right?"

A few words raised the morale of all the soldiers present. Following General Yan's question, the soldiers in the phalanx all shouted hoarsely!


"Okay! Now, let's move forward like the northwest corpse wall! Bravely face our next battle!"


"All teams follow their captains and go to the zombie wall in batches to prepare for battle!"


Under the command of General Yan, the phalanx in front of him spread out in an orderly manner, heading towards the corpse-proof wall in the northwest as he said. General Yan raised his head and looked at the purple-dyed sky in the northwest, with a look on his face. It was an uneasy solemnity. He had just said it nicely, but before facing the Corpse King, he had never even thought about it, let alone defeated the Corpse King.

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