I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1639 The last cigarette

He looked at everyone with four eyes. Several people behind him remained silent, and none of the soldiers on the wall made a sound, quietly waiting for his next words.

Four Eyes paused for a while, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"You can't guess, can you? Okay! Then I'll tell you!"

"It's negativity! I see negativity in you!"

"Again, we are not standing here for death, but for hope! Although the probability of success is disappointing at first glance, we cannot give up! But you just let me down. This is giving up on yourself and not willing to face it. Fact! Logically speaking, I shouldn’t say this, but it’s very bad. I see your attitude!”

"Brothers, in this battle, Sanctuary City does not require that each of you must die here. I hope that from the beginning to the end of the battle, you will fight your way out regardless of your own life! I hope even more Hope you are alive!"

"Once this battle starts, not only you, but also the people next to me will die in the end, and no one will be alive!"

"Do you think I'm giving a speech? I'm sorry, let me tell you the truth, this is not a speech, this is more like a farewell. I have finished speaking now, but I still want to say one more thing, no matter whether I lose this battle or not, Yes, I hope you will try your best to survive. In this battle, I and the people around me will try our best. I can’t guarantee what other people are thinking, but I can guarantee that I I am ready to die. Looking back on my life, I find that at this moment, I am the greatest..."

Guitouzai's heart beat hard for a few times. He looked at Brother Shi next to him, and the other person also looked at him, understanding each other's thoughts. Guitouzai looked at the eight-year-old named Four Eyes One with complicated eyes. new human beings.

So, did he think so too?

He didn't know why, but he felt a little moved in his heart. He felt that he was not so alone. It was just that he didn't know how many people around him had the same thoughts as him except for Four Eyes and One.

"Okay, let me say one more thing. Not many of us will survive this battle. If the battle is over and someone successfully survives, and you meet other compatriots who also survived, please treat each other as relatives, because you can be with us. It is a great fate that you survived and met each other. Also, say goodbye in advance, take a good look at the people around you, remember their appearance, and maybe this goodbye will last forever."

"Gentlemen, come on."

After Si Yanyi finished his last words, he put down the speaker. Someone behind him handed him a cigarette. He silently took it, squatted down, lit it, and took a deep breath.

The man who handed the cigarette to Siyan handed one to the others around him and waved behind him. Then several soldiers came over carrying a large box. When he opened it, there were strips of cigarettes inside. Cigarettes before the apocalypse were packaged very cleanly, were rarely preserved, and were of high-end brands.

The man picked up several pieces with one hand and threw them towards the corpse-proof wall. At the same time, he shouted: "There are not many things, one for each person. After eating, you can cheer me up!"

The soldiers' eyes were attracted, and then they rushed over one after another. Brother Shi patted Guitouzi and walked over with him.

"What a rare product." Gui Touzai sighed after seeing the brand of cigarettes. The dropped cigarettes were picked up by the sergeant in the front row, opened them quickly, and distributed them.

The soldiers were like hungry wolves who hadn't ordered a meal for several days. As soon as they got their own cigarette, they couldn't wait to take out a lighter and light it up. After getting it, Guitouzi and Brother Shi also turned to the side. The person borrowed a lighter, lit it and returned to where he was just now.

Gui Touzai took a deep breath. He didn't even know when he last smoked. If it weren't for the familiar smell of smoke floating in his lungs, he almost thought he had quit smoking.

The nicotine slowly pouring into his head made Guitouzi feel a little dizzy, but at the same time, the tension in his heart eased a little under the stimulation of cigarettes. He heard Brother Shi coughing next to him. This guy must have smoked for the first time. It was very uncomfortable. Out of habit, he didn't say anything, letting the dizzy feeling linger in his mind, and took another breath in a daze.

"Be careful, this is our last cigarette in this life."

There were soldiers chatting nearby, and the ghost guy who heard the content smiled slightly and murmured in his heart: "Yes, this is the last one..."

I don't know if it was the stimulation of nicotine, but his heart became much calmer. He slowly took one mouthful after another, and the past flashed through his mind one after another. He suddenly wanted to listen to a piece of music, a piece of pure music, with a slow rhythm. He stood on the top of the building, looking at the city that looked extremely prosperous under the night sky before the end of the world.

Before the end of this cigarette, it was all his own time, which he cherished very much. How he hoped that the passage of time would slow down at this moment and allow him to enjoy it more, but after all, this was a luxury wish. Unknowingly, In the middle of his sleep, a cigarette reached the end, and the sparks burned his fingers before the ghost boy realized what he was doing.

After taking another breath and seeing that the tobacco had reached the butt and could no longer take another puff, Guitouzi had no choice but to give up.

Throwing away the cigarette butt, he only had one thought in his mind, which was to lean against the wall, waiting for what was to come next. He closed his eyes and seemed to be asleep. The noisy discussions around him seemed to be absent, slowly and Disorder didn't slowly open his eyes until he heard the rustling in his ears and became more urgent, and someone tapped him on the shoulder. He saw Brother Shi's back, and he picked up the weapon in his hand. , ran to the wall.

"What's wrong?" Guitouzai asked doubtfully, but no one answered him. He stood up quickly. When he woke up, he felt that the world was silent. After his ears received sounds from the outside world again, there was only one thought in his heart. The idea is that it is noisy, very noisy!

Looking around, the soldiers around him, like Brother Shi, gathered at the guardrail of the wall and looked outside. They seemed to have discovered something. Guitouzi was stunned for a moment, and quickly reacted, picking up the "Tianguang" beside him stood up, came to Brother Shi's side in two steps and looked outside.

"Look." Brother Shi stretched out his finger and pointed forward. In the deserted place in the distance, there was a thin layer of dust floating in the air. In a daze, he saw several figures running towards the corpse wall. Looking at the stumbling steps, it is enough to show that those figures are not normal humans!

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