I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1671 There...is someone over there

"Are you...serious?"

Gui Touzai thought he heard wrongly, but he couldn't forget that Yong, who looked like a normal person in front of him, was actually a high-level zombie!

Seeing the "flattered" look on Guitouzai's face, Yong said "Huh?" blankly. Seeing that the other party didn't respond, Guitouzai realized that he might be rejecting the help of a zombie and quickly pushed it away. Pushing and pulling Wu Zhixiong's cart, fortunately, Yong didn't say anything, and immediately picked up Wu Zhixiong. It felt so easy that he was just picking up a piece of cotton.

"let's go."

Throwing the cart aside, and taking advantage of the fact that the number of zombies passing in front of him decreased, he endured the soreness and numbness from his legs and took Yong to the opposite side as fast as he could now.

The two took Brother Shi and Wu Zhixiong to the top floor. After settling the two of them, the first thing Guitouzi did was to search for useful materials in various rooms. After about three or four minutes, he found Two boxes of anti-inflammatory medicine, two half-used bottles of vinegar, I don’t know if they have expired, but it doesn’t matter, it works!

In addition to these, the owner of the house also left a pack of unopened chicken livers and some nutritional puree. These things seemed to have been stored for a long time, but they did not seem to affect the consumption. Guitouzi ate some and felt the taste in his stomach. The satisfaction brought by quickly digesting the food he ate made him temporarily forget about the surging tide of corpses below.

Unfortunately, he did not find very useful materials in the entire building, such as blockers...

"Do you want it?"

Taking out a few pieces of dried chicken from the plastic bag containing chicken liver, Guitouzai handed it to Yong, but the other party shook his head and did not accept it. Also, zombies have very strict requirements for food, only fresh ones. Only flesh and blood will attract their attention. Although they can also eat some food that is not very fresh, stale food will not arouse their desire for flesh and blood.

Seeing Yong's refusal, he put the chicken livers he took out back into the plastic bag. Guitouzi stood up, looked outside, and was silent for a short while.

"All right."

Shaking his head, he walked hard to the edge of the building with his feet like a ninety-year-old man. Then he stretched out his head and looked down. The sound of laser weapons being fired kept echoing in his ears. It is particularly troublesome to intertwine with the roars of corpses everywhere. More and more demonic zombies appear continuously, but at the same time, more and more of them die. In the process of continuous eating, the silver-armored corpse that appeared at the beginning gradually gradually I started to distance myself from them. Even though we were seven or eight floors away, we could still see some zombies stopping. Fortunately, the impression of the silver-armored zombie was still there, and they did not stay for too long.

The tide of corpses on the street, which grew larger as time went by, split into two currents as it advanced. One stream rushed to the silver-armored corpse at the beginning, while the other stream rushed to the other side. In the direction, the black mist that Guitouzi saw floating in the air was a little thin, but needless to say, that strange soldier "bone" was not killed by the silver-armored corpse at the beginning!

He is still alive and attracting some zombies. Guitouzai is praying in his heart that the scary guy will not find them...

At this time, three more demonic zombies stopped downstairs. Their mouths were slightly opened and they made a strange "gurgling" sound. Their sensitive sense of smell smelled the breath of strangers. They instinctively yearned for flesh and blood and stopped involuntarily. However, It seemed that they were urged by their companions around them. After being bumped a few times, they had no choice but to follow the trend formed by a large number of similar people and head towards the safety of the silver-armored corpse.

Watching them leave, Guitouzai did not feel relieved. He frowned and looked back at Yong. The other person was looking in a direction slightly east. Over there, there was black mist floating around, and there was darkness in his eyes. The mood is also very strange, but there is no worry about Gui Touzai as a human being.

"Hurry up." Gui Touzai secretly thought in his heart. He left the building and picked up the two bottles of vinegar he found. He opened the bottle and smelled it. The pungent sour smell poured into his nostrils, which made him feel relieved.

He looked at the unconscious Brother Shi and Wu Zhixiong again. The next second he took off his clothes and threw them on the ground casually. Then he came to the unconscious two people and began to touch the exoskeleton suits on their bodies.

"What are you doing? Do you need help...?" Yong said after seeing what Guitouzi did.

"No, I can do it myself."

Guitouzi shook his head, and quickly took off the exoskeleton suits on the two men, then took off their military uniform jackets, and then took off their inner linings, separated the outer linings from the outer linings, and left He picked up the relatively small linings and piled them all together. Then he picked up one of the bottles of vinegar and poured it all on the pile of linings, rubbing it repeatedly.

There wasn't a lot of vinegar, but after rubbing it for a long time, the inner linings of the three of them were barely soaked by the half bottle of vinegar. The sour smell that hit their faces made Guitouzai nodded with satisfaction, hoping to avoid the smell of living people on his body being smelled by the zombies. The sense of smell is easily captured, and vinegar with its extremely sour taste is an excellent choice.

After doing this, Guitouzi put on his clothes and helped the two of them put them on respectively. Then he smashed all the vases he saw, wiped the soil inside on his pants, and then picked up another one. Half a bottle of vinegar was mixed with soil and smeared on his face. Yong looked at his behavior with strange eyes. He didn't understand his behavior. He seemed to have noticed Yong's gaze, and Guitouzi also looked over. .

"Uh... um, help me, just like I just did..." He told Yong all the steps he had just done. He didn't know if the other party understood, but Yong didn't say anything and just nodded. Then asked, "Do I need it?"

"This..." Hearing the words, Guitouzai felt a little embarrassed, but in order to prevent Yong from discovering that he had noticed his identity, he still nodded.

"Okay, but be sparing, not much."

"I see."

After that, Yong imitated Guitouzi's previous behavior and quickly wiped the mud on the pants of the two unconscious people, and then wiped the mud mixed with vinegar on their faces. Fortunately, he did not imitate Guitou like before. Zai used vinegar to smell the clothes, which saved a lot.

After doing all this, the entire roof was completely occupied by the smell of vinegar. Gui Touzai came back to the edge of the building to look down. Their approach was effective. At this time, there were no zombies staying below, which made him relaxed. He took a breath, sat down on the ground, and glanced at the package of chicken jerky. Even though he had just eaten it, he still couldn't help but be greedy. This stuff is extremely precious in the last days!

He took out a few more portions, and when he was about to carefully enjoy the pleasure that the dried chicken brought to his taste buds, he found Yongzheng looking at him.

"Want to eat? You're welcome, just take whatever you want..."

"There...someone is coming."

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