"I'll go." The three of them opened their mouths. They were not lamenting how brave the person driving the "bulldozer" was, but the "bulldozer" was so huge that its body was more than five or six times larger than an ordinary truck. No matter what, Its huge body has completely occupied the two-lane road below, and its huge tires are more than one floor high. Even the fourth-level zombies can't resist it. They tried to stop this "bulldozer", but they couldn't stop it. Under the powerful driving force of this behemoth, these zombies not only failed to succeed, but were crushed into pulp by its steel-wrapped tires!

There is a huge roller in front of the front of the car. The roller with blades welded inside rotates, stirring up the zombies in front. The minced meat is sprayed out from the back, and the foul-smelling black liquid is sprinkled everywhere, but zombies are zombies. , even after being rolled through the meat grinder, some zombies were still alive and continued to chase them with their tentacles or remaining limbs.

The three of them knew this "bulldozer", and its name was "Scavenger".

This big guy was very popular in the middle and late apocalypse. The original intention of producing this thing was to clean up zombie corpses. At that time, there were not many human survivor bases. Many bases were re-established in wasteland cities, but To establish a survivor base in a wasteland city, the first problem is to clean up the zombies inside. After each cleaning operation, the corpses all over the streets need to be dealt with. But by chance, someone discovered this "Scavengers" can also play a very good role in dealing with zombie waves, so "Scavengers" are used on a large scale in the cleaning operations before establishing survivors.

But the rules of this world are like this. Everything has a time limit for its existence, and "Scavengers" are no exception. With the development of the end of the world, zombies are getting stronger and stronger, and they are known to people, or unknown to people. The zombie brood produces a large number of zombies. The overall strength of the zombies is getting stronger and stronger with the passage of time. The "scavenger" has less and less effect on the zombies. Naturally, it has been eliminated by this era. , it is difficult to see it nowadays, only some black market traders have this thing.

Being eliminated by the times, its capabilities are obviously limited, and the zombie tide it faces is not comparable to any previous zombie tide. After a while, under the siege of a large number of fourth-level zombies, the huge "Scavenger" "After being forcefully forced to stop, level 4 zombies jumped up one after another. The driver inside also realized something was wrong and opened the door directly. The first thing that caught his eye was the hideous and terrifying face of a zombie!

What! Duwu~

In panic, the soldiers inside raised their laser weapons and fired. The head of the zombie in front of the car door was pierced on the spot. The next second, he was kicked down by the soldiers inside. However, a fourth-level zombie fell down, and more zombies crowded in. When they came in, the soldiers inside were also unlucky. Just as they leaned out, they were forced back by the zombie wave.

The small driver couldn't stretch his arms and legs at all. All he could do was shoot wildly at the zombies that appeared outside the door, but there were too many zombies. Soon, a tentacle got in and directly wrapped around the soldier's feet, hard. Shengsheng pulled him off, and the force from the tentacles twisted his ankle. He screamed in pain, but the next moment he was drowned by the zombies rushing over.

There was more than one person inside. Guitouzi and his group watched the zombies below pull out four people from the car before stopping. In the darkness, they couldn't see clearly the scene of blood and flesh splattering. They only saw the few soldiers furiously fighting. The zombies were quickly torn into pieces and entered into the stomachs of different zombies.

After the death of the four people, no longer attracted by the smell of blood, the rioting zombies finally calmed down completely and dispersed in different directions. Only the "Scavenger" was left blocking the street. If someone happened to pass by here, look Would such a big guy be desperate?

The three people in the office building looked at each other. At this moment, the three people suddenly had the same idea in their minds. Can they leave the asylum city with this scavenger?

This is indeed feasible, but such an idea only flashed through my mind. For no reason, because the scene was not the time for them to implement this idea. There were so many zombies below. If they really did this, they might end up with the ones before the meeting. Like a soldier!

The three of them returned to the living room one after another, leaving only Yong standing outside looking at the silent night sky. He seemed to be very curious about everything outside, and they did not disturb them. The three of them were a little confused after sitting back on the sofa. Among them, Wu Zhixiong He is not sure that he can successfully leave alive. In this sheltered city where the demons are dancing, his life is too fragile. He does not have the confidence or the luck to live forever. He is afraid in his heart, afraid of what he will encounter next. Because of this, he didn't know what to do next. It seemed that he could only run in a panic according to the escape instinct that humans have when being chased by zombies!

As for Brother Shi and Guitouzi, they don't know whether they should leave here. They remember why they returned to Sanctuary City during the day. Are they filled with anger or passion?

Time has passed a long time, and they can admit that it was the impulse at that time. After seeing too many deaths, the fear of death in creatures has been reawakened. But if they leave like this, does it desecrate the decision they made before, even though it was just an impulse? .

But, is staying here to die in vain, is this an impulsive answer?

They need to do something to prove themselves, but they don’t know what they can do with their current abilities?

The atmosphere in the living room was silent for a long time, and Guitouzi became irritable. He walked out of the living room and stood next to Yong. Fed up with the sour and vinegar smell in the living room, he went out to smell the fresh air, but the air was full of that kind of smell. Disgusting rancid smell!

"By the way Yong, if we leave here, what will be the first thing you do?"

Perhaps unable to find the answer in his heart, he began to try to find the answer from Yong. Wu Zhixiong and Brother Shi in the living room also looked over when they heard his voice.

Yong looked at him and then thought seriously.

"What to do...I don't know what I'm going to do. I think I should go back to where I should be..."

"Where should you go? Where?"

"I don't know. If the question you asked me is philosophical, I don't think I can answer it. You can't understand it, and neither can I." As he said that, Yong smiled, and his every word and deed was reflected in Guitouzai's words. His eyes became more humane.

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