I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1686 What does brother mean?

As Yong responded, everyone's eyes turned over. Both Gui Touzai and Brother Shi knew the details of Yong. Since he responded, it means that those eighth-level zombies who were quietly gathered around Just waiting for something.

"Then what are they waiting for?" Gui Touzai asked Xiang Yong cautiously. Those high-level zombies gathered together were so weird and so quiet. If they hadn't climbed to such a high floor, they might not even have seen it. Such a terrifying scene!

If we had known that there were so many high-level zombies crowded here, they would not come here even if they were killed!

As Guitouzi asked Xiang Yong, Wu Zhixiong also looked over, with a thoughtful look in his eyes. After a while, he looked at Xiang Yong with an increasingly strange expression.

He guessed something, but he wasn't sure. Yong Ye had fought alongside them along the way.

Yong seemed a little unable to answer Guitouzai's questions. He had guessed something in his mind, but it was difficult to explain clearly. Some of the abilities of high-level zombies were restricted by something, and the scope of that thing's influence was Xiangquan Square. In this area, those of the same kind who are different from me seem to appear here because of that mysterious thing.

In addition, he also vaguely felt that a very powerful aura was appearing here little by little. Yes, it was not approaching, but appearing little by little!

He felt that his thoughts were slowly becoming empty and he was unable to control it. His "coil" was facing something he was afraid of. He hid in his "home" and did not dare to come out. This seemed to be fear, which was strange and strange to him. Surprise!

He didn't know how to express what he felt and realized in words, so he could only say: "I don't know...but we need to leave here, and leave as quickly as possible!"

"...Well...otherwise, you will die, and so will I..."


Hearing what Yong said, Brother Shi and Guitouzi immediately realized the seriousness of the matter, but they did not leave immediately. Instead, they came to another window to look at the Headphone Building. To leave next, they still needed to climb to Leave here on the top floor of the Headphone Building on the Flame Bird fighter plane!

They were not sure if there was a high-level zombie up there. If there was, even with Yong's help, if two high-level zombies fought, the Blaze Bird fighter would also be affected. Whether it could start normally at that time was a question.

"Mad, I can't see it."

"What should we do now?"

"I can only take a gamble!"

"Okay! We have been very lucky recently. If it were someone else who would have died a few moments earlier, we would still be alive, wouldn't we?"

Several people looked at each other and smiled. To be honest, they had experienced life and death before, but the sum total of these was not as dangerous as what they had experienced during this period!

How can I put it, the Lord of Hell refused to accept their lives in favor of him, or God blessed them, and they had a great chance of escaping from the gate of hell again and again, even if they really encountered an eighth-level zombie on the top floor of the Headphone Building , I should be able to escape successfully...

It's just... I'm still a little unsure.


Brother Shi waved his hand and was about to take the lead to leave, but was stopped by Wu Zhixiong.

"Wait a moment?"

"What's wrong?"

"I saved you, right?"

"Ah?" Brother Shi and Gui Touzai looked at each other, and then looked at Yong. For a moment, the two of them didn't understand what Wu Zhixiong wanted to do with these words.

"Yes, yes..."

"You also saved me. I was in a coma yesterday. If Guitouzi ignored me, I would be dead by now, right?"

"Why are you talking about this? Isn't this the right thing to do?" Guitouzai touched his head and said with some embarrassment. However, if you think about it carefully, in the end of the world, it is very rare to be kind to someone.

"Well... to be honest, I am lucky enough to know you. Since the end of the world, I have never trusted anyone, but I am willing to believe you! In addition, I am a very ordinary person, similar to you, unknown... Haha , I don’t know what will happen next, all of us may die or be separated, and I want to do something.”

"do what?"

Wu Zhixiong pointed to the unknown deity on the altar, and Brother Gui Touzi and Brother Shi immediately understood.

"We are sworn friends to Jinlan, right?"

"Well, don't blame me for playing this trick."

The two were silent for a while, then nodded.

"Okay, come on then."

A few people casually searched around the office and found a small half bottle of distilled water in a small refrigerator next to the table tennis table. They didn't care, replaced the wine with water, and knelt in front of the unknown statue on the altar. Yong was also pulled to his knees in confusion.

He followed the example of others and raised the water glass in his hand which didn't contain much water, then drank it in one gulp, and finally knocked it against the statue.

"I don't want to be in the same year and the same day...Pfft hahaha..."

"Don't laugh, be serious...hehe."

"Get out!"

The three of them couldn't help but laugh, but they soon regained their seriousness after coughing a few times.

"bring it on."

Starting over, the three of them drank the water that was no longer in the cup. They resisted the urge to laugh and whispered in unison: "I don't want to be born in the same year and the same month, I just want to die in the same year and the same month!" This sentence, done. After finishing this, the three of them stood up in relief, because this was really embarrassing.

"From today on, we are brothers!" Guitouzai said with a smile on his face. Yong, the last one standing up from the ground next to him, fell into deep thought after hearing this.


No one noticed his expression, and Brother Shi said jokingly: "I am the eldest brother!"

"Fuck you, come by your age!"

"The noise will attract those zombies outside later!"

"We have sworn an oath, no one will be trampled and die first!"

"Live together."


After packing up their things again, they stopped staying, walked out of the door, and ran downstairs. As they were passing by the corridor, Yong, who was at the back, suddenly asked the ghost guy in front: "What are brothers? "


"What is a brother?"

"It's just...a group of people who are like-minded and have the same goal, that's what they call brothers?" Guitouzai replied in a scribble, but Yong still looked confused. "This... uh..." Gui Touzai was stunned for a while. He looked at the other party's confused and serious expression and was very embarrassed. Many people understand what the combination of the two words "brother" means, but it is difficult to combine them. come out.

"I still don't understand..."

"How can I put it this way? Brothers are the kind of people who will always be by your side whenever you need them. They will walk together, face difficulties together, and be there for you!"

"Strike at both sides?"

"Well...if you encounter difficulties or danger, as brothers, we will do our best to face the difficulties with you and live and die together! Do you understand? These are brothers!"

"Live and die together..." Yong fell silent, and the ghost boy in front shook his head and turned back. He regretted not doing a good job in reading comprehension in elementary school, otherwise it wouldn't be so difficult to explain these words to Yong. But soon, Yong from behind asked again: "So, we are brothers?"

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