I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1688 The girl who is not attacked by zombies

"Why is it okay? Anyway... I can't die, haha." Brother Shi said with a smile, and the two of them felt relieved when they saw this. As long as they can still talk, they will not die!

Before the two of them could settle him down, more zombies roared from behind. The ghost head boy quickly pointed the muzzle of his gun at the wall around the door and fired indiscriminately. The lasers penetrated the previously hard cement and quickly pierced the door frame. The wall collapsed, blocking the entrance.


Immediately afterwards, the sound of zombies hitting the wall with their heads was heard from outside. Wu Zhixiong carried Brother Shi on his back and signaled Guitouzi to go upstairs. They did not dare to delay. Wu Zhixiong took the lead, and Guitouzi was behind, while going upstairs. While shooting down the stairs to prevent the zombies who had successfully broken through from catching up, the zombies rushing in from outside also hit the collapsed walls one after another, smashing many cement walls into pieces in a short time. , very large, the entrance was cleared by them, they roared and rushed in, but the broken stairs did not affect their progress. With the super strong jumping power of the fourth level, the few people above saw these damn guys. He jumped directly from the first floor to the second floor, then from the second floor to the third floor, and up in sequence!

"Horse riding!" Guitouzai couldn't help but cursed when he saw this scene, but at this moment, the zombie below seemed to be immobilized and suddenly stopped. This made the expression on his face freeze?

"What's going on?" He looked at Wu Zhixiong next to him, who was also confused, and then looked at Yong. At this time, his eyes were directed towards a large group of eighth-level zombies, and the two of them also looked over. Through the balcony, they saw the purple spores attached to the building over there beginning to detach. They swayed with the wind, combined in mid-air, and gradually formed a huge flesh cocoon!

"What is that?" Brother Shi asked dully. He had already guessed what it was, but he hoped it wouldn't be what he thought!

Gui Touzai and Wu Zhixiong did not answer. Their expressions were the same as Brother Shi's. Only Yong muttered: "He is here..."

"Who? Which him?"

The three people looked at Yong, wanting to get a clearer answer, but Yong did not continue to speak, lowered his head, and fell into deep thought again.

A few people were anxious for a while, but they couldn't press for questioning. Brother Shi scratched his head hard and could only say: "Made! It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided. Let's go to the roof first and take a look."

"Let's go."

"Hey Yong! Let's go!"

Several people began to walk upstairs, and the zombies that poured into the office building seemed to be shrouded in mysterious will, and began to retreat one after another. Brother Shi and the others were not surprised. From the purple spores sticking to each other. After forming that huge cocoon of flesh, no matter what happens next, they will not be surprised.

Climbing all the way upstairs, a few people looked around and saw that the corpse tide below was controlled by something and began to gather. However, the corpse tide still maintained its bloodthirsty. They saw a parachute falling from the sky, but the soldier His luck was not very good. He failed to grab the corner of the building and slid down from above. Before he could completely hit the ground, he was instantly torn into pieces by the zombies on the ground that looked like crocodiles in the water. His upper body was rolled over in the surging tide of corpses. Fly, blood spreads wildly, the scene is bloody and horrifying!

Several people couldn't bear to look, so they could only turn their heads slightly.

"Hey, what do you think that thing in there could be?"

"It's very possible that it's the Corpse King..."

"If that's really the case, we're done..."

"It seems so. I heard that Lan Ou Corpse King will die after just one look..."

"It's not that scary, is it?"

"Hmph, of the six corpse kings on earth, I am the only one who doesn't know what the Shabi Nightmare Corpse King looks like. What do you think?"

"Uh... I think you missed the point."

"What's the point?"

"We, the soldiers, are the only ones left in Sanctuary City now. The residents have all evacuated. Why haven't the zombies left yet?"

"Aren't the zombies here to eat people? Are they looking for something?"

"That obelisk..."

The three of them immediately thought of the eighth-level zombies they had seen. They all gathered together to surround the obelisk. Does this mean there is something unusual about the obelisk?

The three of them were a little troubled. They didn't have much experience. They couldn't think of anything special about an obelisk that would make it worth having so many zombies surrounding it, and why so many zombies would gather here!

Under the slaughter of the zombie tide, the mechas or helicopters passing through this place were lucky enough to leave successfully, but the unlucky ones left their lives here. The zombie tide was restrained by high-level zombies and it was difficult to find them against their will. The prey in the distance could only circle in place. Gradually, the surroundings began to become quiet. Tens of thousands of zombies crowded the Xiangquan Square, large or small, and they began to move from one place to the next. The initial roar turned into a low roar, and from the low roar, only the sound of the wind could be heard. Looking around, this sheltered city was already submerged by the dark purple ocean! Extraordinarily quiet!

And such silence made the three of them feel the seriousness in the corpse tide, which made them dare not move. Guitouzai found that they seemed to have... missed the best time to leave?

If they had crashed into a nearby building from the beginning, they would have been one step closer to the Headphone Building, but now, they all had a hunch in their hearts that if they dared to make any sound, it would definitely make the zombies boil!

The endless tide of corpses are waiting for their own ruler, which is very solemn and sacred to them. Any sound in such a place is a blasphemy to that ruler!

The three of them looked at each other. They didn't know why they suddenly thought so. Maybe the brain electricity exchanges between zombies were complicated in this area, so they could vaguely feel a little bit of the will of the zombie group?

They are now standing where they were before, not daring to take a step because there will be footsteps, which are too obvious in such a quiet environment. They can only turn their heads and use their eyes to communicate. Shi Gegui Touzai frequently looks at Yong. But this guy kept his head down as if he had lost his mind, and Wu Zhixiong didn't know if he was infected by the two of them, and he also looked at Yong from time to time.

But at this moment, Brother Shi opened his eyes suddenly as if he saw something. He tapped Wu Zhixiong's waist with his finger. The other party quickly looked where he was looking, but Yong Yong didn't respond to them for a long time. , Guitouzi also turned his head back immediately. This time, they all saw the same thing. The three of them had their mouths open, their eyes widened, confused and messy.

They saw a young girl wearing an orange sweatshirt. She...she was actually walking among the zombies, and the zombies didn't even look at her!

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