After saying this, the girl turned her head again and looked at the cocoon again. How could Su Sigui refuse? She just nodded and looked away from the girl. She said: "This is not the best place." The auditorium, go over there."

She pointed to the top of a nearby building, and without waiting for the girl's answer, she swayed on the spot and disappeared in the next second, appearing where her hand had pointed before.


The girl did not refuse, and then disappeared. Their speed was too fast, as if they were teleporting, and the people on the other side could not see the two moving figures at all.

A strong wind blew suddenly from nowhere, pushing aside the thick dark clouds in the sky, allowing a ray of light from the sun to shine on the earth. By coincidence, this ray of light just shone on Su Sigui. She raised her hand, feeling the warmth, and looked at the girl next to her who had sat down quietly.

"Chen Bieli, you weren't called by this name before, why did you change your name?"

"It seems that you have investigated why I changed my name... I just wanted to say goodbye to the past."

"You are the person who knows your father best, right?"

"..." The girl exhaled and shook her head: "The memory is a bit far away, and my impression of him is a bit blurry. I'm not sure."

"Are you sure he's still alive?"

"Why do you ask that? You seem...a little worried? If you are afraid of the threat my father will pose to you if he is alive, you can rest assured that he is already dead. At that time...haha, he couldn't be alive...what? , you don’t seem that happy either.”

"I just can't believe it."

"Why?" The girl was confused. She always felt that Su Sigui, who looked not much older than herself, was hiding something, but the other party did not answer this question to her. He just shook his head and changed the topic.

"A few months after the apocalypse broke out, you were an ordinary person at that time. I'm curious, how did you pass through Linshi and reach the safe zone while ensuring that you were safe?"

"You have investigated this. Are the people who used to follow my father still alive?"

"Don't underestimate today's intelligence agencies."

"Okay, if I say that a very powerful zombie escorted me there, would you believe it?"

Su Sigui raised her eyebrows. Although she could not know the specific time when the other party walked through the entire Lin City and came to the safe zone from Honglin, she was sure that it should be within two or three months after the end of the world. Maybe even just a month!

At that time, there was a zombie that could maintain its sanity and evolve to the second level and be at the forefront of the evolutionary path. If the other party said that the zombie was still alive, it would be unreasonable to say that it is not the eighth level now, and it might even be...

As if thinking of something bad, Su Sigui narrowed his eyes and glanced at the girl.

"I hope I'm overthinking it..." she thought to herself. In addition, she didn't want to put any pressure on herself. Many times, she needed to look ahead instead of looking ahead. Look left and right.

"That zombie, is it still alive?"

"Do you think I would tell you?"

"I respect your intention, but you haven't looked for each other since you came to the safe zone. Without this zombie, you wouldn't be alive today. It is your savior."

"Haha... I don't like to overestimate my status in other people's hearts. You know, a long time ago, I was not like this. I was a very naive person who always had optimistic ideas about some things. It killed everyone who loved me, and even I thought I was a disaster. It has been so long, and I don’t know if that zombie remembers that there used to be a person like me. Even if it does, I don’t want to look for it. He, I was afraid, anything I saw would kill someone who cared about me.”

The girl's words made Su Sigui feel the same way. She was a time traveler. With her intervention, the development of things changed a lot. Any small action would make some people who shouldn't die die, but she didn't know what to say. What, I can only say:

"Perhaps many people will regard you as their savior in the future..."

"hope so……"

The girl was noncommittal. This was not something she was happy about. But at this moment, the cocoon made of countless purple spores floating in the air finally moved. Everyone and all the zombies looked at it. In the past, from everyone's perspective, the tide of zombies that covered the ground tightly fell to the ground. Even the hundreds of eighth-level zombies surrounding the obelisk also made the same move.

"It's coming."

"The other one is coming too."

The girl looked at the three people opposite. She wanted to say something, but she said nothing. When the giant raised one of his feet and stepped on the ground, the tiny ant, which was almost invisible to the naked eye, no matter how hard he tried, How can its speed escape from the scope of the giant's big feet in a very short period of time?

The huge cocoon floating in the air began to tremble. After a few seconds, the uneven expression of the cocoon sounded like the sound of an egg shell breaking. Soon, a huge leg came out of the cocoon, and the air around it It sank suddenly, and the dark clouds in the sky quickly deformed under the heavy pressure!

That foot is part of the body of a ninth-level zombie!

As the first spider's legs poked open the cocoon and came out, the second, and the third, until all the spider legs emerged from the cocoon, all the eighth-level zombies surrounding the obelisk began to use unknown methods. The language chanted something. Finally, the flesh cocoon was completely broken, and a strange spider with dark purple and dark red patterns printed on its skin appeared. A large number of strange flowers and plants quickly grew on the ground where its feet touched. These flowers and plants grew at an unexpected speed. It grows, the buds bloom, and a large number of purple spores are spit out from them and attached to all surrounding objects that can be attached!

Cars parked randomly on both sides of the street, street signs on the road, building walls, and damaged mechas were all covered in a large amount of purple spores in a short period of time, and it was no longer possible to see what they originally looked like.

The various strange patterns composed of dark red stripes on the spider's body are extremely uncomfortable to look at, causing an inexplicable feeling of dizziness, but it is not fatal.

But on the back of the spider, stood a girl wearing a colorful dress, with pale skin and a dull face. She and the spider seemed to be a whole, but they seemed to be different individuals. There seemed to be a strong gravity in her empty eyes. It will suck people's souls into it, making people refuse to look into each other's eyes from the depths of their souls!

"It's strange. Didn't the legendary Nightmare Corpse King die after just one look? This seems... very ordinary."

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