I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1692 High Five with Zombies

Speaking of which, I have never followed her to see the zombie tide, but that is just because I have no chance. Although the girl is crazy, she is not irrational. She knows the zombie groups that usually wander aimlessly in the streets and There are differences between zombie tides. Once they are dumped by the corpse tide, the new humans of the sixth and seventh levels will hate the northwest.

Of course, if the girl had told him to take him to see the zombies before, he would not have been too scared. After all, the girl had sense and understood the zombies very well. Normally, she would not put herself in a dangerous situation, but now , their place is in Golden Grape City, and they come here to see the tide of corpses. What other corpses are there in the tide of corpses here? That must be the wave of silver-armored zombies!

The silver-armored zombies in every corner of the Chinese mainland have now become restless, gathering into countless large and small zombie tides. Among them, a silver-armored zombie tide numbered Y3321 in a city in the north has absorbed or assimilated other zombies along the way. The number of zombies increased from two million at the beginning to 4.7 million! Among them, more than sixty eighth-level zombies were found. Further north, there were also a large number of unfamiliar eighth-level silver-armored zombies who appeared from nowhere and headed west one after another.

Fortunately, the riot of the silver-armored zombies was not against humans, but because of the demonic zombies that invaded the Chinese mainland from the west. Humans only need to pay attention to this matter and evacuate as the zombie tide advances along the way. That's fine, but don't forget that the enemies of the silver-armored zombies are also the demonic zombies, which are also the royal zombie species. There may even be a scene of the zombie king fighting against the zombie king. Because of this, eighth-level zombies appear frequently and are basically detected. There are at least five or more eighth-level zombies in every wave of silver-armored zombies!

Although this zombie tide in Golden Grape City is far different from those zombie tides that easily exceed one million in size, this zombie tide broke out earlier, and there are many followers of the Corpse King among them. Among them is the tyrant. The tyrants have appeared. Where is the Corpse King? Will it be far away?

Moreover, this zombie wave is an elite one, and most of them are fourth-level silver-armored zombies. The number of fifth-level zombies is not even much different from that of fourth-level zombies. Even if he followed the girl to see this zombie wave, their The eyes can see it, and the eighth-level zombies in the zombie wave can also see it. At that time...

The young man didn't dare to think that if they were unlucky, they might even encounter the Corpse King!

This is not something they can access now!


The moment the boy finished speaking, the modified off-road vehicle came to a sudden stop, and the girl pressed the button next to it to release the lock.

"Okay, I'll go by myself. If you need to get off the bus, hurry up."

The girl's reaction stunned the boy.


"Hurry up, don't waste my time."

"This..." The young man held the car door handle with a tangled look on his face. Finally, he said in a pleading tone: "Auntie, I beg you, let's go back and see the tide of corpses and so on. Let's go back after a while. Can you go, at least not today? You will die!"

"If you could watch it anytime, I wouldn't bring you here?"

"I'll come see the corpse tide with you another day. If I can't do it now, why can't you wait and have to come here at this time?"

"I can't tell you clearly. If you want to go down, hurry up and don't waste my time."

"You..." The troubled boy was speechless for a moment. Finally, he began to loosen his grip on the car door handle. After seeing this, the girl joked: "Aren't you going to get off? Why don't you get off? Already?"

"I'll go with you, and we'll die together!" the young man said in a choked voice. He didn't understand what was going on in the girl's mind. She could do such a thing.

"Tch!" The girl just snorted disdainfully. The young man who heard this voice became angrier and angrier. He wanted to speak, but when the words came to his mouth, he turned into: "No... you are not afraid, that is the wave of silver-armored corpses." , who knows how many eighth-level zombies are inside, if we are seen or if they smell our scent, we will not be able to escape, and there will be no one here to save us."

"I'm not as timid as you. If you want to follow me, just sit tight."

"Okay, okay!"

Ignoring the boy, the girl started the modified off-road vehicle again, kicked the accelerator and shook the butt of the vehicle, picking up a large amount of dust and driving towards the bottom of the hillside.

Along the way, they saw the old city that was half buried by the wind and sand. Although the broken walls were eroded by the years and had dense holes, they could still see the traces left by human weapons and zombie minions. Huge skeletons left on the ground after the death of evolved creatures. Occasionally, scavengers from far away stay on top. Their unpleasant cries make the environment here seem more desolate. From time to time, flocks of birds fly out from high in the sky above. Son, I don’t know if it’s a living creature or a flock of zombie birds that have been transformed into corpses.

The wind was very strong, filling the air with so many invisible dust particles that it made people not want to breathe at all.

There was a skinny zombie on the roadside who was attracted by the sound of the car engine starting. It was lying on the ground holding the corpse and stood up unsteadily from the ground. It raised its arms and bent its fingers and ran towards the car the two of them were riding in, wanting to Seize this rare opportunity to eat.

Seeing this scene, the young man sitting in the co-pilot had already picked up a laser rifle that had been eliminated two or three years ago that he had bought with a lot of money before leaving, and was preparing to use it on the head. They killed the nefarious zombie, but compared to his nervousness, the girl was obviously extremely relaxed. After approaching, she stretched out a hand out of the car window.

"Hey, bro, have you eaten?" She said hello after high-fiving the zombie outside. She seemed to be in a good mood, with a smile on her face. This high-five made the zombie spin around in circles a few times. It roared twice dullly, but could only watch the girl carrying the car farther and farther away.

It has been hungry for too long, and its limited or even almost no brain capacity cannot allow it to remember how long it has been hungry for, a year? Two years? Or ten years? The activity in the body could no longer support it to run, and it could only stagger forward step by step, until in this red world, the off-road vehicle disappeared from sight, and the surroundings became as quiet as before. It once again fell down.

I don’t know how many times it has been repeated, the prey has awakened itself countless times, and let itself return defeated countless times. The instinct of the body makes it particularly cherish the remaining mobility, but this time the disappointment from the depths of the soul makes His consciousness finally gave up on this body. Perhaps, he would never be awakened by the instinct to eat like this time.

It was like a corpse that had been weathered for a long time. After this time, it really turned into a corpse.

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