I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1702 The gift he prepared 1

With the efforts of several rows of turbine thrusters behind it, the huge mecha came back to the corpse king, with the same punch that was nothing new. No surprise, this punch failed to touch the girl, and the strong wind just pushed the opponent away. Her hair was blown away, but Iron Fist stopped abruptly about one meter away from the opponent. The storm slowly subsided, and her flying hair slowly hung down. For a while, the air was silent. About two or three days passed. Seconds later, the girl reached out and touched the huge iron fist of the mecha. I don’t know what she did. The next second, the mecha, which was more than 20 meters high, fell backwards on the spot!

The huge power could be clearly felt by Yang Xiangfeng inside the mecha. Then he let out a low roar and used all his strength with both hands to pull the full set of controls forward. However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not make the machine move. A straightened his body, and soon, with a startling sound, the huge mecha body sat down on the ground!

Yang Xiangfeng immediately wanted to control the mecha to stand up from the ground, but the other party would not give him this chance. The girl's wrist was gently bent, and the purple spores in the air quickly formed a chain, moving towards the mecha like a snake. He swam up to where he was, and soon penetrated the mecha on the spot, with a large amount of arcs emerging from the damaged area.


Is Yang Xiangfeng inside willing to admit defeat? He took a step back on the mecha control platform, and his face became extremely ferocious under the mask. This step back seemed to take a lot of effort, causing his face to turn red, and he kept waving one hand forward. His posture was very strange, and the step back made his posture extremely strange. His movement also caused the entire mecha to react. It tried to stand up again, but the next second, the long chain formed by purple spores suddenly bent and tied. Coming up, the head end suddenly straightened, and the mecha body that had just stood up a little bit lay down on the ground again!

"Damn it!"

Realizing that he could not resist this force, Yang Xiangfeng immediately changed his mind, retracted his retreating foot, swung his left arm to the right, and raised his right arm!

"Give it to me!...Turn it around!"

Along with the shouting, the noise volume doubled, more white mist emerged from the mecha, and there was a faint pungent smell of burned plastic in the air.

At this moment, the mecha's whole body flashed with blue light, all over the mecha's body. The mecha was running at full speed. The sudden burst of power actually caused the chain to break. Without the restraint of the chain, the mecha The upper body began to rotate faster and faster, setting off waves of hurricanes!


The upper body generated by the high-speed rotation of the mecha's upper body forced the mecha's entire body to stand up from the ground. The left arm that had lost control or the right arm that was not out of control also rotated, turning into a tornado and striking the girl again.

At this time, the girl didn't know what she said. Soon, the mecha that was rotating at high speed suddenly stopped again. The purple spores in the sky gathered again, and they rushed towards the mecha. Soon The entire mecha was completely wrapped, and the cracking sounds of "clicking, clicking" were heard one after another. After these spores dispersed, the body and legs of the mecha were completely twisted, and a large number of cracks appeared on the steel armor. Through those spores, From the wide or narrow cracks, you can see the complicated wires inside, and arcs are constantly coming out. At this moment, the mecha is completely paralyzed. Unless there is a miracle, it will be impossible to stand up.

At this time, a large number of silver-armored zombies had appeared not far away. The battle between the silver-armored zombies and the magic-voice zombies had spread here. Although the wave of silver-armored zombies was the last to join the battlefield, the number was smaller than that of the magic-voice zombies. The tide is about the same, or even worse. In the distant scenery, everything is turning towards silver or being covered. The dark purple is being forced to retreat in this direction under the wash of the silver trend.

Black clouds drifting from the distance obscured the purple sky, and the strange plants growing on the ground began to wither under the new mutation.

The successive generations of retreating generations and the new environmental changes seemed to fail to attract the attention of the Nightmare Corpse King. He did not leave. As the slender spider legs moved forward, he began to approach the machine that he had destroyed to the point of paralysis. A, the things that affect him have not disappeared, they still exist! He will not turn his attention elsewhere until these effects are addressed.

There was a girl standing on her back, and a spider with strange patterns on its body was walking around the mecha that was lying on the ground. Its speed was neither fast nor slow, as if it was observing or waiting for something. Time passed by. , not long after, it felt something and stopped, and the girl's pupils slowly turned purple.

Soon, a hatch above the mecha was opened, and a man got out of it, it was Yang Xiangfeng!

He wears a black exoskeleton suit. There are some strange transposed bulges on both sides of his abdomen, shoulders and back where the spine is connected. No one knows what their function is. Upon closer inspection, You will find that the exoskeleton suit on his body seems to have some similarities with the suit worn by Su Sigui. Because of this, when he saw Yang Xiangfeng, Chen Bielie looked at him strangely and said nothing. Su Sigui.

The opponent's eyes were closed, but they were quickly opened again. The reason why they were similar was because the exoskeleton suit Yang Xiangfeng wore was the Yaoshen Armor! But unfortunately, this is just a prototype, and many places are not perfect. But for this prototype, no one knows how many people have sacrificed their lives for it. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a cannibal suit!

When a large amount of anti-life substances continue to merge and mutate into more abnormal and powerful anti-life substances, their own desire for assimilation will be infinitely amplified, and they will no longer avoid the same kind as they did at the beginning, just like zombies that have evolved to a certain extent and have the ability to think. After gaining the ability and feeling hungry, their diet is no longer limited to living creatures, but will choose to kill some of the same kind to absorb the activity from each other! However, the performance of anti-life substances will be more radical. They will not only assimilate non-individual group units, but even exclude individuals who are as powerful as themselves!

When two powerful anti-life substances are close to each other, they will release strange enzymes to interfere with each other, either defeating or reducing the activity of the other party. It is precisely because of this that Yao Shen Armor has the ability to affect the body feeling of zombies. This is why Yang Xiangfeng The reason why you dare to challenge a corpse king!

Having just crawled out of the mecha, his body shook for a moment, and then he looked up at the Corpse King who was not far away in front of him. His expression could not be seen under the mask, but soon, he laughed.

"Hahahahaha~ I haven't been defeated yet..."

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