I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1704 The gift he prepared 3


With a low roar, he emerged from the ground unwilling to admit defeat. All his strength gathered in his legs. With a push, he returned to the opponent like lightning!


Without any thought, without even thinking about whether he would be exhausted, he clenched his fist and blasted out again! But as soon as the punch was thrown, a large number of purple spores quickly attached to his arm, affecting the power contained in his punch. Just when the punch was about to touch the damn big spider, the spores attached to it There was a squeezing sensation from the purple spores, which forcibly drained away the power of the punch.

Realizing that something was wrong, he reacted quickly, turned around, clenched his fist with his left hand, and struck again! But the punch was too late. Just as he turned his body around, a foot struck him hard on the chest! The light on the surface of the Yao Shen Armor accelerated, and his feet were driven into the earth like two steel nails, resisting the power of the spider's legs!

"do not underestimate me!"

He swung his clenched left fist smoothly, but the next second, the spider's mouthparts suddenly opened, and a sharp cry stirred the air, forming a sound wave that sent him flying away!

He spit out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and the sweet and fishy liquid in his throat wanted to rise up. He closed his mouth forcibly to swallow the blood, but there was too much blood, and his mouth began to open uncontrollably. He vomited a big mouthful, and the blood soaked into the clothes all the way down his chin. It solidified quickly under the built-in temperature regulation, making the clothes and skin stick together.


Waving his hands and crawling away from the dust in front of him, he stood up unsteadily. Even if he was wearing an S-class battle suit, the Yaoshen Armor, it was difficult to bear the opponent's reaction. He felt that all his internal organs were out of place. In terms of the most intuitive feeling, Breathing has changed from automatic to manual. Every breath of oxygen requires you to open your mouth and take it deliberately.

"It's not... that easy to defeat me."

He muttered to himself, but at this time his voice was already a little weak, and he was out of breath. He quickly stood up from the ground, and rushed towards the Corpse King again, using every move he made. The greatest power you can exert!

He approached the opponent step by step, his pace getting faster and faster, turning from walking to running. Purple light appeared on the surface of the Yao Shen Armor again, and his speed further accelerated. He used all his strength, and he couldn't help but let out words from his mouth. There was a loud shout, and the next second, he was back in front of the Corpse King. He jumped up high, waved his conical arm transformed from the suit, and struck at the spider's head!

His speed is very fast, and every tiny movement carries a power that makes people tremble physically and mentally. However, despite this, his attack still seems pale and weak in front of a corpse king. Before the punch is completely released, purple spores appear. First, it gathered into a tentacle, and with a "bang" sound, it was pushed up into the sky. Then it was pushed into the ground at high altitude. The ground that was already covered in sand and dust seemed to be hit by a nuclear bomb. A large amount of sand and dust It was thrown nearly a thousand meters into the air by the impact.

The tentacles formed by purple spores quickly dissipated, but after a while, Yang Xiangfeng's figure stood in front of people's eyes, making people frown slightly.

"Although my life is not very glorious, at least now, I am great! I am a hero on horseback! Hehe...huh...don't think that you can scare me, heh...heh~ just in case... What if I kill you?"

He stood up from the ground again and muttered to himself, panting heavily, and could vaguely hear some "gurgling" sounds. It is conceivable that while he was talking, something was constantly coming out of his mouth. There was blood, but for some reason, he seemed a little excited, as if he had discovered something?

"Again...again!" He glanced at the drones that were constantly hovering in the sky. Because he kept clashing head-on with the Corpse King, the aftermath of the collision of powerful forces directly destroyed many drones, but there were still some Working normally is enough!

His heart relaxed slightly, he moved his feet and rushed towards the opponent again! But this time, he felt that his body was a little weak, which made him realize that his time was running out, but he did not stop, but ran faster and faster, just like before, unprecedented!

Returning to the Corpse King again, he still used his fists, feet and any part of his body without hesitation to unleash all his strength. He violently attacked the opponent, spending ten years of his life in the last days. All his combat experience was brought to its fullest. In the wind and sand, he was like a dancer whose life had come to an end, using his limited time to give the audience a finale!

His legs were like sharp long knives that kept slashing at the opponent. If a punch failed, he would hit him with another punch. If a punch failed, he would hit him with a kick. He would even hit him with his own body! Under his crazy and lifeless offensive, the situation of the battle seemed to have changed. The Corpse King began to retreat, and he, who was at a disadvantage, slowly regained parity with his opponent!

"Haha...are you scared? Take a punch!"

He saw the move of the Corpse King, which made him laugh involuntarily, and his offensive became more violent. But no one knew that the body covered by the battle clothes was already torn to pieces. While the opponent's unparalleled strength was also bearing the pressure exerted by the Yao Shen Armor, the skin and flesh could not wrap up the body that was about to explode. The blood flowing out from it caused the clothes to completely change color!

But even so, every attack he makes contains the same huge power as before! As the battle lasted longer and longer, anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that it was absolutely impossible for him to defeat the Corpse King, because each of his attacks began to become random. From the beginning, it was just to kill the Corpse King to just hitting the opponent. , but every attack he made failed, wasting his energy in vain. Because of this, he became more and more crazy, but under this madness, he had his own thoughts.

With this punch, his target was still the head of the spider. He had no skills and no defense against the surroundings. The purpose was obvious. At the same time as this punch was thrown, the purple spores wandering around quickly attached to his right arm. , the girl on the spider's back waved her arms expressionlessly, and the other purple spores quickly gathered together and connected with the spores attached to his arms, forming the same spore chain as before! As the chain suddenly straightened, his blow still failed to achieve its goal. Halfway through the swing, he was pulled into the air by countless spores!

But who knows, his madness goes far beyond that. He barely struggled when he was pulled into the air. He immediately hung his body upside down and dived down with all his strength! And this action caused his arm to be pulled straight. The skin and flesh under the steel armor exploded inch by inch, and the muscle fibers inside were broken one by one, until the sound of broken bones was heard!



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