The moment he was wrapped in the sandstorm, the Nightmare Corpse King immediately struggled, and soon half of his body was squeezed out of the sandstorm. But in the next moment, the sandstorm condensed into Tang Ye, and the flesh and blood on half of his body was also stretched to death. Haunt each other!

"It's not polite to enter someone else's house suddenly!"

Tang Ye looked at the "jelly" and smiled ferociously, then stretched out his other hand and stuck it directly on the opponent's neck. The stretched half of his body also retracted at this time, with two sticks sticking out from his left arm. Arms, use three hands to support the opponent, and then push the opponent down hard!

As the black mist spewed out, Tang Ye pressed him down and fired a bullet straight towards the ground!


The majestic power exploded again, and the already torn apart earth was smashed into pieces. The terrain was rugged and uneven, and it was almost impossible to find a plain!

After pressing the opponent to the ground, the black mist in the sky surged up, and instantly turned into a large number of black light pillars, falling like a heavy rain!


Tang Ye roared, and all the flesh and blood molecules that had differentiated from himself returned to the main body. The flesh and blood on his back were all controlled, and a large number of arms, tentacles and flesh flaps grew! The five fingers of the hand were clenched into a fist, and the tentacles waved the sharp arrows at the front. The flesh flaps were slightly bent, and even the entire ground on the chest was occupied by bone spurs that broke the flesh and blood!

At this time, he completely turned into a monster. With a low roar, the arms, tentacles, flesh flaps and bone spurs appeared and struck the opponent frequently!

Under such a crazy offensive, the already blurry "jelly" became even blurrier, but Tang Ye did not stop. He preferred to keep doing this until the opponent was completely dead!

The activity in his body is enough for him to persist like this for half a year!

On the other side, a person climbed up the cliff. The violent wind and sand made it difficult for her to see what was happening in the distance, but the shock from time to time made her heart palpitate. She clenched her fists to relieve the numbness from her hands, and again Looking forward, she originally continued to move forward, but as soon as she took a step, she hesitated and frowned tightly.

She felt very uncomfortable now, and all the cells in her body were boiling, as if telling her not to move forward. If she moved forward, the slightest movement could kill her!


Taking a deep breath, she did not give up. She forced herself to calm down her uneasy mood. She continued to walk forward, looking up from time to time. The sky that was completely covered with sand and stones made her stop moving forward every time. idea.

"Hurry up...have to hurry up...she is innocent..."

As she walked, she murmured, and her figure was gradually submerged in the yellow sand.

In the distance, Tang Ye's attack frequency slowly slowed down. He turned to look at one of his arms, which was covered with purple spores and completely out of control.

With a thought, the other hand next to the arm stopped, grabbed the arm that was covered with purple spores, and with a force, the entire arm was torn off and then thrown into the air!

Looking up, Tang Ye suddenly stopped attacking, stood up, and looked down at the miserable state of the person below. After pondering for a while, one of his arms suddenly stretched out, and he grabbed the bloody thing below on the spot, and then With a strong effort, he also threw it into the air!

Tang Ye's arm that was also thrown up exploded before the purple spores could escape!

A flower composed of tentacles bloomed in the sky, and the Nightmare Corpse King flying high into the sky rushed straight into the flower bud. Taking advantage of the last control, Tang Ye, who returned to normal, stretched his hand into the air, and raised his five fingers. Squeeze, the tentacle buds are tightly closed together. After that, it is unknown what state the Nightmare Corpse King is in it.

But Tang Ye knew very well that the other party was not dead yet!

As expected, the tentacle bud soon exploded, and a bunch of stuff fell out, falling back to the ground under the witness of Tang Ye.

"It's not an illusion now." He murmured, but just as he said this, he raised his eyebrows, then lowered his head, and what he saw almost made him laugh.

I don't know when purple spores got into his body. Now I saw that his abdomen was stretched open by a large number of purple spores, and then they attached themselves to his flesh and took root and sprouted on it. However, he didn't feel any of this at all.

"All right."

With a sigh, Tang Ye's whole body exploded in the next second, turning into a black mist and disappearing. Then, a tentacle drilled out of the ground, cut off the root, and twisted on the surface, gradually deforming, and it didn't take long. Time turned into what Tang Ye looked like.

He seemed to be confirming something, and looked at the palm of his hand, but after a glance he shook his head. The fat beating just now was not really a simple fat beating. His ultimate goal was to dig out the opponent's evolutionary crystal, so It is the fastest way to kill a zombie. Of course, the other party's purpose is also the same. The purple spores just now were also frantically looking for the evolutionary crystal in their bodies, but unfortunately, neither they nor the other party got what they wanted. s things.

After the Nightmare Corpse King fell to the ground, Tang Ye quickly saw his figure. However, after the combo meal just now, the strange fuzzy feeling on this guy disappeared a lot. Not to say more, at least he The opponent he saw in his eyes was no longer a shapeless jelly, but had a vague human shape. He was tall, thin, and shorter than himself. However, his entire body shape gave people a very strange look. Feel?



The strong wind roared, and from time to time there was the whistling sound heard after sand and stones passed by the ears. It was very noisy here and not quiet at all, but Tang Ye, a ninth-level zombie, could still capture the noise coming from the Nightmare Corpse King. The movement, this sound, is the sound of His body recovering?

"Looks like I haven't been hungry long enough..."

He muttered to himself, and it was hard to tell whether he was joking about the other person or feeling that the matter was difficult.

The opponent's self-healing ability should not be underestimated. Although the combat power is a bit low, it is still a ninth-level zombie!

It may have only been ten minutes since he fought with the other party, but in such a short period of time, the battle field between them turned into this ghostly appearance. Tang Ye was a little worried that if the fight lasted too long, it would It won't have much impact on the earth. No matter how powerful it is, it still has to live on the earth.

If the existing ecosystem on the earth is gone, and only ninth-level zombies like them are left, they will starve to death sooner or later. As for going to other planets to find living creatures to feed themselves, that is completely impossible, unless the zombie king can move as fast as It can reach the speed of light. Otherwise, even if we know that there is life on that planet and save the time to find it, the result will only be that we will starve to death before we reach it!

According to Tang Ye's own standards, the moving speed of the Corpse King is thousands of times farther than the speed of light!

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