I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1726 Medicine bottle, newspaper

In order to verify whether what he thought was correct, Tang Ye began to verify it. He took "Xi Penni's Dream Forest" and fiddled with it for a long time, but then there was no exchange between the inner and outer worlds, and it remained the outer world.

This made Tang Ye couldn't help but wonder, should he re-watch "Xi Penni's Dream Forest" to change the inner and outer worlds?

Thinking about it, Tang Ye had to be patient and read "Xi Penni's Dream Forest" again in the same way. Fortunately, the sound of the music box gave him a sufficient mentality, otherwise he would not guarantee that he would really read it again. Read it once.

It took Tang Ye almost ten minutes to finish reading the book again, but there was still no change in the inner and outer world, which made him couldn't help but become suspicious.

"Isn't it because of this?"

He recalled that after he finished reading, he wanted to put the book back to its original place. At that time, the world inside and outside changed. Thinking like this, he started to put the book back to its original place, but until he put it Going up, the surrounding environment has not changed.


The knife in his hand squirmed and turned back into flesh and blood and integrated into his body. Tang Ye shook his head and walked to the chair behind the counter to sit down.

Listening to the soft music, he looked outside, it was getting dark, and he decided to see what would happen after normal dark.

But deliberately killing time would be very torturous. There was only a music box on the counter to play with, and he got a little tired of playing with it for a long time. When he was bored, he could only look in the store to see if there were any other interesting things.

Changing the music from the music box to "Canon", Tang Ye stood up from his chair, but at this moment, his eyes caught an eye on something on the cabinet behind him.

"This is……"

It was a medicine bottle covered with mold. He reached out and picked it up. This bottle of medicine should have been kept in a humid and dark environment all year round. Bubbles had formed on the packaging, and the fonts on it could not be seen at all. The words on the bottle cap There was a lot of mold, and it was confusing just to touch it.

"When did this thing come from..."

Tang Ye squinted one eye and looked at this bottle of obviously expired medicine. It was so out of tune with the surrounding environment, but it was more in line with the atmosphere in the other world. Moreover, Tang Ye was not Alzheimer's disease. At first, the following There was no such thing on the cabinet. After carefully recalling everything he saw when he entered the door, Tang Ye was now extremely sure that this bottle of medicine did not exist at the beginning. It suddenly appeared on the cabinet at the back.

When will it be? It seems that it will also be the time when the inner and outer worlds were switched.

"Who could have put it there?"

Wiping off the mold with his hands, no matter how Tang Ye looked at it, he could never see the label on the medicine on the package.

"Did Lu Xiaojie give it to me?"

The appearance of this bottle of medicine seemed to be reminding Tang Ye of something. He also immediately thought of Lu Xiaojie. He immediately thought that the medicine bottle might contain some items with special effects, but he had just opened it. , he discovered that this bottle of medicine had not been opened at all. It had been there for who knows how long. The pills inside had become extremely loose, and turned into powder with just a touch of fingers.

"What do you mean?" Tang Ye really couldn't figure out what this bottle of expired medicine meant. But just as he was wondering, it suddenly became dark outside, and there were the sounds of pedestrians passing by or talking outside, and music playing from the music box. The melody all stopped abruptly at this moment, replaced by silence that made one's hair stand on end!

The world inside and outside has changed again!

Tang Ye stood up suddenly. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he might have broken the chair that was broken into two parts!

"here we go again."

Looking down, Tang Ye ignored it. With the medicine in his hand, he immediately went to the back of the store to check. He did not see the book "Xi Penni's Dream Forest". When he saw that the book was just It was a very ordinary item. He looked out the window again. It was dark. He had experienced it once. He was mentally prepared. He could clearly feel the emptiness of the passing pedestrians whose blood disappeared in an instant.

The normal people living in the surface world have disappeared, but he has not. Although those people may not exist at all, this also illustrates the self-characteristics of Tang Ye's own existence here.

At least, he is unique!

Every time the inner and outer world changes, the items in his hand will follow him.

"It's weird, what did I do to be like this..." Tang Ye didn't understand, but soon, his eyes were attracted by the footprints on the ground.

When he entered the other world for the first time, he walked out of the shop door from here. This time he came in and walked back here from the counter. There were his footprints on the ground, but he walked two or three meters to the right from the entrance. In front of a shelf, then from there to the front of the counter, and finally pointing to the door of the store, besides him, there were other people's footprints here!

Tang Ye came to these footprints with doubts and looked carefully. These footprints were not his own because they were smaller than his own. They were obviously made by women's feet!

This shows that during the period when I returned from the inner world to the outer world, someone entered the store in the inner world and was very anxious. They seemed to be looking for something in the store, but they seemed to be in a hurry and left here quickly. , there are still some footprints in front of the shop that overlap with Tang Ye's own footprints.

"Is it Lu Xiaojie?"

Tang Ye immediately wanted to leave the store to find the other party, but as soon as he raised one foot, the light in the store suddenly lit up again, and the inner world switched to the outer world again!

The melody from the music box, the sounds of pedestrians passing by or discussing with each other, all entered Tang Ye's ears again, and there was even the sound of cars driving through the streets?

Tang Ye stood there in silence for a while. He suddenly realized that he seemed to be thinking too much. Some of his actions did not seem to cause the inner and outer world to change, but because another person did not have the right to change the inner and outer world. In your own hands.

Who is the one? There is only Lu Xiaojie...

Looking at the medicine bottle thoughtfully, Tang Ye shook his head after a while. It didn't seem to be a big deal. It was better to have another person worry about it than to do it himself. Moreover, his understanding of this environment was not There are a lot of things, and Lu Xiaojie is the person who is most familiar with this place. Let her handle it, and it should be safer than herself.

After putting away the medicine, Tang Ye glanced around. Soon, he saw a newspaper pressed by a music box on the counter.

This was another item that appeared inexplicably. He knew best whether there was something underneath the music box, but at this time Tang Ye was basically sure that the appearance of the medicine and the newspaper were all Lu Xiaojie's doing.

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