I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1731 Leave this book behind

Not long after, Fino, who was obsessed with the gear robot, also came to the grocery store led by his mother. The little boy rushed in excitedly, and Fino's mother behind him also looked helpless.

"Hey Daria."

Fino, who had just entered the grocery store, greeted Daria in a friendly manner when he saw her reading a book, but unfortunately the other party ignored him at all.

Fino seemed to have been used to Daria's withdrawn temperament, so he didn't care and picked up the gear robot immediately.

"Mom, pay!"

Fino's mother looked at her child helplessly, and finally looked at Tang Ye, smiled, and asked, "Mr. Pillai, how much does this cost?"

Tang Ye thought for a moment and randomly gave a price based on the prices here.

"A total of thirty thousand pesos."

"Huh?" After listening to Tang Ye's words, Fino's mother was stunned for a moment, and her hand that had already reached into her wallet paused.

"Thirty thousand pesos? Mr. Pillay, I think you are wrong. This thing shouldn't be so expensive."

"Madam, what do you think the price of this item is?"

“Twenty thousand pesos at most!”

"Then Madam, just give me this price."

"Ah?" Fino's mother was stunned and looked at Tang Ye with strange eyes. She was a little confused about what Tang Ye meant.

In the end, she paid the money and left with Fino. Tang Ye opened the door for them and watched the mother and son leave. The store finally calmed down. Being used to the bleak business in the store, Tang Ye felt that there would be no A guest came in.

Sitting back on the chair, Tang Ye continued to listen to the soft melody from the music box. Dariya in the innermost place was just like yesterday, isolating herself from the outside world, saying nothing, not paying attention, and watching quietly. Author of "Xi Penni's Dream Forest".

Tang Ye did not disturb her. The rays of the setting sun shone into the shop, and along with the music from the music box, the shop became warm and quiet.

The real owner has arrived, and Tang Ye is so bored. He just listens to the music and glances at Daria from time to time. She maintains the same posture without any changes. If it weren't for the turbulent blood in her body, Tang Ye would have thought she was just a statue. .

Time passed minute by minute, and he didn't know how much time had passed. Tang Ye glanced out the window. The slope of the setting sun made him guess that it should appear around seven o'clock. The sky became slightly darker, and the western rosy clouds became more and more dazzling. At this time, Daria came back to her senses from her own world and closed the book. She stared at the cover for a while, her eyes full of reluctance. After more than ten seconds, she closed the book. Put it back.

"Mr. Pillay, thank you for your tolerance."

"Got to go?"


"It's getting dark soon, be careful."

"I will."

Finally nodding to Tang Ye, Dariya took her things and opened the shop door. The next second, Tang Ye suddenly stopped her.

"Wait a moment."

"Mr. Pillai?"

"Well..." Tang Ye paused for a while, and finally said: "Do you know the regulations?"

"Performance regulations?" Daria's face was confused for a moment, and then she quickly shook her head at Tang Ye: "Sorry, I don't understand what you mean."

Looking at her expression, Tang Ye raised his eyebrows. The other party didn't look like she was lying. She had the same reaction as a normal person would when hearing unfamiliar words.

It seems that there are no so-called regulations here, and people are not bound by those strange rules.

"It's okay, go back, don't keep your parents waiting for too long." Tang Ye waved his hand, and Daria nodded politely to him again, but at this moment, Tang Ye found that her expression was a little strange, as if she was about to say something. , but gave up again.

"...Then...Mr. Pillai, goodbye..."


Tang Ye watched her figure leave the garden and disappear on the other side of the street around the last corner. He could only suppress his doubts in his heart.

"What do you mean..." In order not to arouse Daria's defense, Tang Yecai chose not to ask directly. His goal was to win Daria's favor. He had to be more cautious about things that might damage his image in the other person's mind. .

Night came soon, and as expected, Tang Ye still couldn't go into sleep. He felt like he was still in the period of ordinary zombies, surrounded by the flesh and blood of living creatures. He was so affected that he couldn't sleep at all, so he could only sit on the bed and shut up. He closed his eyes to rest his mind, but his mind was thinking about all kinds of things.

The world inside and outside had not changed, and the silence around him made him more and more suspicious that something had happened to Lu Xiaojie. At least in his opinion, Lu Xiaojie's confrontation with the Corpse King should not be too quiet.

Bored, he threw a few eyes at the neighbor's house next door to check their living conditions. Uninterestingly, he discovered that he was the only one in the whole world who couldn't sleep, while others slept much more soundly.

Although the long night is difficult, when you think back to the moment you have passed it, you will find that time flies very quickly. The small door on the cabinet opened with a "pop" sound by the bird inside, and the sound of "cuckoo cuckoo" once again into the ear.

Tang Ye went downstairs, turned the business sign around, and then opened the shop door. Several children going to school greeted Tang Ye when they saw him.

"Good morning, Mr Pillai"

"Good morning."

"Mr. Pillai..."

He didn't know how many times he heard "Mr. Pillai" all morning. Tang Ye felt that his ears were getting calluses, but no matter who it was, Tang Ye responded politely, including the neighbors on both sides. He wanted to end it quickly. This damn greeting behavior, but people know him one after another, so Tang Ye can only bite the bullet and reply to each other one by one.

In the end, after Tang Ye and the child named Fino said "good morning" to each other, Daria's figure also appeared on the other side of the street. This time, Tang Ye wanted to remain silent and pretended not to know her. , to avoid accidents, but what he didn't expect was that when the other party passed the small garden in front of the store, she turned a corner and walked into the store.

"You..." Tang Ye tried to attract her attention, but Daria ignored it at all. He went directly to the place where the books were placed at the end of the store and stood in a daze in front of the book "Xi Penni's Dream Forest".

Tang Ye noticed that she was not in good spirits. It seemed that she had not slept well last night. He stood at the door of the shop and looked at her silently without disturbing her. After a while, she turned her eyes and looked at Tang Ye. , but the begging look in his eyes made Tang Ye a little overwhelmed.

"Mr. Pillai, please... please keep this book for me! Please... I... I swear... I will buy it with money! You... please believe me!"

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