After returning to the shop, Tang Ye wandered around for a while, memorizing the placement and appearance of some objects. Soon, he felt sleepy, but he did not fall asleep immediately. He just turned around, not knowing what. At that moment, I opened my eyes, as if you were holding something and observing it carefully. Suddenly, in a flash, the place where I was was immediately changed.

Tang Ye fumbled around the bed and touched the book he brought up yesterday. He turned his head and saw the bright sunshine coming in from the window. He sat by the bed and stared at the cabinet in front of him in a daze. The streets outside were busier than ever before, and there were many people. The chatter as they passed by was also noisy. It was enough to wake up a dormant zombie. Tang Ye was wondering, what happened to that bird today? Didn't wake myself up.

After a while, he finally stood up, went to the cabinet, opened the small door above, and glanced at the clock hands inside. It was already eight o'clock, and he had slept for ten hours.

"Okay, it's time to open."

After going downstairs, Tang Ye was about to open the store door, but as soon as he came to the door, he saw a thin and small figure sitting outside through the door glass at the first sight.


The door was opened, and the person outside was Daria. Tang Ye was stunned for a moment, and the other party quickly turned around and looked over. The two looked at each other for a while without saying anything. In the end, Tang Ye spoke first.

"You... didn't go to school?"

"Today is Saturday……"

"Oh...that's it." Tang Ye nodded suddenly, and then continued: "Have you been waiting here for a long time?"

"I came early Mr. Pillay."

"Oh, I fell asleep today, sorry." Tang Ye apologized, but the other party bowed first.

"Okay, let's go in."


After opening all the doors, Tang Ye stood aside and watched Daria walk in. After passing the counter a few steps, she suddenly stopped, turned around and called to Tang Ye: "Mr. Pillai?"


"I..." Daria opened her mouth to say something, but only one word came out. She was calm, and soon there were tears in her eyes.

"Just say what you want to say..." Tang Ye's tone also became lower. He knew that his words yesterday had successfully affected Daria, but there is good news. He can now firmly say that there is a existence in this world. Dream forest.

I don’t know if she was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to bear it after knowing the truth, but in the end Daria still didn’t say anything.

"Sorry... Mr. Pillai..."

"'s okay. If you have anything, you can tell me later. I will listen carefully and answer you."

"Thank you." After bowing to Tang Ye again, Daria finally walked to the back of the store, took out the book "Xi Penni's Dream Forest" and continued to read the contents.

Shaking his head, Tang Ye felt relieved for some reason. Maybe it was because he was not ready to tell the other party about "Dream Forest".

I took a look outside and saw that there were many people on the street. The office workers of the past few days had successfully received their rest days. Everyone had a smile on their face. They were walking with friends around them and discussing their daily routines. The business of the surrounding shops was also busy. After a rare change for the better, Tang Ye knew that he would also welcome some customers today. He just hoped that he would not make too many jokes. After all, there were many products in the grocery store that he did not know the prices of.

She glanced at Daria again in the shop. She was in the same state as when she was reading. She seemed to have closed herself in another world and was indifferent to everything in the outside world. Of course, everything in the outside world was also It couldn't disturb her. In her heart, she seemed to have entered the dream forest in her imagination. In another world, she had the same experience as the protagonist Xi Penni in the story. She met many animal friends. The appearance of the dream forest changed her. The bad reality made her make friends, and finally saved the world...

She laughed as she looked at it, but tears were welling up in her eyes. Perhaps the story inside moved her and made her realize that such a thing could not happen to her.

Tang Ye somewhat understood that in reality, no one would be the protagonist, and naturally there would be no golden fingers, or diaosi going against the trend, but just some delusions of some people when they were helpless in facing difficulties.

Shaking his head, he was about to close the store door, but at this moment, he heard passers-by outside talking about what kind of breakfast he should eat today, and Tang Ye suddenly realized that Daria, the child, seemed to be hungry.

After licking his lips, Tang Ye went under the counter and rummaged around, finally finding a stack of banknotes and then returned to the door of the store. He shouted to Daria: "Daria."

His sudden voice made Daria shake her head. It took a few seconds to realize that Tang Ye was calling her. She looked away from the book and quickly turned to look at Tang Ye.

"Mr. Pillai, are you okay?"

Tang Ye smiled and said in a gentle tone: "Please help me look at the store door, and I'll buy some breakfast."

"Huh? Okay...ok."

"Thank you very much."

After nodding to the other party, Tang Ye was about to go out, but Dariya stopped Tang Ye again as if she realized that he had nothing to do.

"Mr. Pillay, wait."

"What's wrong?"

"Can you turn on the music?" Daria wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Uh...oh okay."

Smiling and opening the music box, Tang Ye thought that music should give her a better sense of reading.

After walking out of the shop, Tang Ye began to wander around the city. But after nearly ten minutes, he regretfully discovered that there was no such thing as buns and fried dough sticks sold in this foreign city. In the end, he followed him in desperation. The crowd came to a fast food restaurant and waited in a long line for their turn.

"Sir, what do you need?"

The clerk in front of him smiled and asked Tang Ye, but he did not answer immediately. Instead, he tilted his head and looked inside, then looked at the other person and said, "Well... what do you usually eat for breakfast?"

"Ah?" The clerk was stunned for a moment, but he still answered based on the principle of putting customers first: "Sir, my usual breakfast is not repeated. We have butter egg pancakes, sausage sandwiches, and smoked frog fillets. Excuse me... "

"Needless to say, just these three items, two... uh... four servings of the same." Tang Ye quickly ordered the food. In the middle of the sentence, he saw that the portions of what others bought seemed a bit small for him, and he hurriedly ordered more. Ordered some.

The clerk listened blankly, and finally checked a few things on the menu, then smiled and bowed and said: "Sir, please wait a moment."


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