I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1759 A new life that grows vigorously

Tang Ye looked at Lu Xiaojie. He didn't speak anymore. The other party's words made him understand something. If it was the first time he came here, Lu Xiaojie was asking for help from him and asked him to help her with some difficult things, even if the matter was not completely solved in the end. , but the two of them are still in a cooperative relationship, but now, the other party only allows him to leave this dream unilaterally. He has no help to Lu Xiaojie. What he can do, the other party can also do, but the time required is different. That’s all.

He fell silent, perhaps realizing that his words were a bit hurtful. Lu Xiaojie said again: "I'm sorry, my tone was a little harsh just now, but what you want to know, I won't tell you now until you go out or before you go out." , you will figure it out.”

After she finished speaking, Tang Ye waved his hand to show that he didn't care, but his brows were still furrowed. He could see that the other party was not in a good mood. It seemed that there was a difficulty in front of her, and this difficulty happened to her. You can only solve it yourself, but you can't solve it. It's like the abyss ahead, but you must bite the bullet and move forward.

Tang Ye wanted to help, but his understanding of this place was only the tip of the iceberg, and all he could provide her was military support.

"Let's go this way."

At this time, Lu Xiaojie reached out and pulled Tang Ye, and the two of them moved towards a small alley in the city below.

Not long after, the two landed. The city was dark, with no lights visible. The stars in the sky were dim, and the light shining on the earth was better than nothing.

Tang Ye looked around and then dispersed his perception. The city was completely silent, without any life. Only he and Lu Xiaojie could move.

"What do you want to do next? Do you want to continue?"

"You don't have that time." Lu Xiaojie glanced at the sky and said. Tang Ye also looked up. He really couldn't see anything in the sky. It seemed that only Lu Xiaojie could see some things that he couldn't see, and these things , allowing her to confirm something.

Withdrawing her gaze, Lu Xiaojie faced the wall next to her and kicked the brick wall open with one kick, revealing a corridor in front of the two of them.


She pulled Tang Ye into the corridor, starting from the first door, and used an extremely violent method to open the tight door. After repeating it twice, she shook her head.

"Not this."

After saying that, she came to the second door, opened and closed it twice, and shook her head again. Tang Ye noticed that when Lu Xiaojie opened the door, it was a normal room for the first time, but after closing the door After opening it for the second time, it turned out to be a different scene. It turned out to be a deserted square.

When she came to the second door, she repeated her previous actions, opening and closing it again. The room inside turned into a lively street. Their eyes saw the pedestrians passing by, but these passing descriptions seemed to also see them. The two of them turned their heads and opened their mouths slowly, as if they were shocked at this moment.

"No." Lu Xiaojie ignored the shocked expressions of those on the street. She closed the door the next second and then came to the fourth door. Tang Ye could not do anything but follow her and watch her operate. The fourth door opened, closed and opened again. The scene behind the door was a grassland. This time, Lu Xiaojie seemed to have found the door she was looking for.

She put her head in and looked carefully. At this time, Tang Ye noticed that graffiti was emerging on the surrounding walls and ground. He had to remind the other party: "Those things are coming."

"I know."

There was no panic on Lu Xiaojie's face. She stretched her head back, closed the door again, and then opened it again. The scene behind the door suddenly changed from grassland to a bare muddy land!

The door was closed again and opened again. The bare mud disappeared and turned into a winding mountain road. The road ahead was filled with mist.

Opening and closing the door like this repeated for a while. As she opened the door for the last time, the scene behind the door turned into a misty forest.

"Okay, go in. Remember, go into the shop and stay there after you get there. Be patient for a while and don't fall asleep. Wait until about... more than ten minutes before you go to sleep." As soon as Tang Ye took a step forward, Lu Xiaojie gave the order.

He nodded to show that he understood, and then walked in.

A feeling of dizziness came and disappeared quickly. In front of Tang Ye was Mr. Pillai's grocery store. He returned here. He immediately turned around and faced the back. There was no door behind him. How did he appear here? He should have appeared out of thin air. Yes.

He looked up at the top of his head. There were no crows flying above. There was no life in the misty forest, but that was not entirely true. He walked into the small garden in front of the shop. There were more new shoots inside and they were growing stronger. , a big change compared to before.

New life is being born and growing. They squeeze out the dead flowers and plants from the soil, allowing the withered old life to become their own nourishment. With these new sprouts embellishment, this lifeless forest looks like It’s not so desolate anymore.

Tang Ye thought to himself that when he killed twelve "animals" in the painting, the small garden might be full of vitality, with hundreds of flowers blooming and vying for beauty.

Turning back to look into the distance, the rings formed by the strands of mist disappeared a lot. No, it didn't seem to disappear, but merged with other rings, because compared to the first one, When I came here for the first time, the fog ring in front of me now became thicker.

Tang Ye was wondering whether these fog circles represented changes in some things, and these changes could allow people who understood them to understand something. The reason why Lu Xiaojie looked at the sky might be that there were things in the sky that she had not noticed. After all, when he first came to the mist forest, he didn't notice these mist rings immediately.

"Let's wait and observe again next time we come in."

Shaking his head, Tang Ye entered the dilapidated shop, but as soon as he stepped into the shop, he felt sleepy from nowhere, making him wish he could lie down on the ground and fall asleep. But according to what Lu Xiaojie said, He needed to stay here for ten minutes before falling asleep. To be on the safe side, Tang Ye endured the sleepiness and kept his eyes open for nearly twenty minutes before closing his eyes.

His consciousness was falling into drowsiness, but the second he fell into drowsiness, it suddenly jumped up. Tang Ye opened his eyes and saw the white ceiling. The soft big bed made him not want to get up. He was a little confused and glanced outside the window. , the view was not very clear, I only saw the glow on the horizon, and the sky was a bit dark.

"It's not bright yet..." He seemed to wake up a little early, and he was still very sleepy. After taking a look, Tang Ye closed his eyes and continued to sleep, but then he did not fall asleep. For about ten seconds, He suddenly thought of something and stood up suddenly.


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