I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1775 Are you afraid of fear?

At this time, the smile on Tang Ye's face disappeared completely. His face was full of murderous intent, and even his tone when he spoke was full of evil aura! The strong sense of oppression can almost crush a person's heart!

Although he was asking the other party, Tang Ye didn't give the other party a chance to answer yes or no. As soon as he finished speaking, he started to squeeze the other party's hair with his hand. The other party couldn't resist at all. The upper part had the most perfect figure. The graceful woman's body was pulled down and she heard the crisp sound of something breaking, which seemed to come from the position of her spine. When she looked over, the upper half of Spider Woman's waist was forcibly broken by Tang Ye. Turn ninety degrees!

At this moment, all the anger that Tang Ye had accumulated before exploded. He quickly raised a hand and hit the opponent's abdomen with an elbow!

After a dull "thunk" sound, the six spider legs collapsed with a "snap", and the spider woman fell directly to the ground!

"Get up and play!" While roaring, Tang Ye punched him again, followed by a second, third, and fourth punch!

Tang Ye violently bombarded the opponent's abdomen with one punch after another! Each missile-like punch made the ground dent a little. The dense cracks expanded and soon covered the entire city. All buildings within a radius of nearly 100 kilometers rushed towards Tang Ye. The direction is tilted down.

A large amount of turbid water seeped out from the ground, slowly submerging Spider Woman's body. As Tang Ye landed his last punch, her whole body, which had been motionless for a long time, exploded like a nuclear bomb, and a large amount of black ash formed a pile of black ash in the sky. Black clouds shaped like mushrooms!

Not long after, Tang Ye, who had dealt with Spider Woman, walked out of the black dust floating in the sky. Looking around, he quickly found the white tiger doll that had escaped before, and he came directly in front of him in a flash.

"It's your turn."

Seeing the sudden appearance of Tang Ye, the white tiger whined. It knew the gap between itself and Tang Ye, so it did not resist. Instead, it lowered its body, but Tang Ye ignored it and took a step forward. When it was in front of it, he reached out and grabbed the hair on the opponent's head, pushed it down hard, and then pushed it with his knees. In the next second, a lot of tentacles grew wildly on its neck, instantly dividing its huge body into several parts. part!

Black dust exploded again. After getting rid of the doll white tiger, Tang Ye quickly looked behind him. At this moment, he felt that there seemed to be something abnormal behind him. When he turned around, he saw that the space behind him had been twisted into a vortex. Shape, with clear shadows, as if countless transparent maggots were slowly wriggling in front of him.

"what happened?"

Tang Ye couldn't figure out what was going on, and he was full of doubts. Not long after, something suddenly appeared in the center of the vortex. Tang Ye immediately became vigilant, and the tentacles on his body came to him like poisonous snakes, ready at any time. After the attack, the thing in the center of the vortex was spit out very quickly. It was a person, a woman, whose body was covered with unknown mucus and looked extremely disgusting.

"This..." After seeing this woman's appearance clearly, Tang Ye was stunned. The other person was Lu Xiaojie, but the way she appeared was a bit...

After Lu Xiaojie was spit out, the twisted space quickly returned to calm. She looked very weak, lying on her side on the ground motionless. Only a faint twitching could be seen in her abdomen, which proved that she was still alive.

Tang Ye quickly walked up and shook her head.

"Lu Xiaojie? How are you?"

Under Tang Ye's call, Lu Xiaojie quickly opened her eyes. She glanced at Tang Ye feebly, and then shook her head. She struggled to stand up, but it looked like someone had just pinched her waist. Her forehead was covered with sweat, and her palms were pressed on the ground for a long time without lifting. Seeing this, Tang Ye helped her up.

"Are you okay?"

Lu Xiaojie pointed to a wall in front of her that was formed by a giant human foot and said feebly: "Hold me there... I'll take a rest."

"Okay." Tang Ye didn't say anything. He nodded and helped her to the other side as she wanted. As soon as she came, Lu Xiaojie didn't care about the large puddle of water on the ground and sat down. She lifted her He held his head and breathed heavily, as if a person who had been holding his breath in the sea for five or six minutes finally emerged from the sea.

Looking at her, Tang Ye couldn't help but frown. As she breathed, black blood vessels with the thickness of earthworms popped out on her neck, but disappeared in the next second. He was a little worried, and he too He was not a doctor, so Tang Ye could only watch from the side.

After almost four or five minutes, Lu Xiaojie seemed to feel better. She stretched her legs and stood up from the ground with difficulty.

"Are you... okay now?" Tang Ye asked worriedly. He would need her for the next thing. If something happened to her at this time, she would be in trouble.

As for Tang Ye's concern, Lu Xiaojie just waved her hand to him, saying that she was fine.

Tang Ye breathed a sigh of relief. Soon, he recalled what he had just experienced. After taking a breath, he sincerely said to the other party: "Thank you."

"Thank you for nothing. It's for myself. It's not all because of you."

"Anyway, if I had maintained my previous state, I might be in trouble now."

"Haha..." After hearing Tang Ye's words, Lu Xiaojie forced a laugh and asked with a face full of ridicule: "What? Do you feel that death is particularly scary?"

"Ah?" Tang Ye was startled for a moment, and then quickly shook his head towards the other party. He didn't want to keep a tall and invincible image in the other party's heart. He had no idea what he was living for. He had no purpose, like A lonely ghost who lives just to live and has no worries after death.

Perhaps he wanted to find an old friend in a far, far away time, but now this idea has faded away with the passage of time. Even if he is powerful, he is not a god and cannot control anything that may happen in this world. , the person you are looking for may have died a long time ago, and even if he is alive, he may have forgotten you long ago.

When he first entered the dangerous asylum city, he saw some soldiers who exploded grenades and died with them in order to kill a few more zombies. At that moment, he might have complained a little about why he turned into a zombie. At least, a human being can find his own identity. The meaning of one’s own life.

Perhaps the only good thing is that I still have the same emotional changes as ordinary people. I will be interested in some things, and I will also feel headaches about some things that are too troublesome. I can also think of an "escape" option from things.

If there was a choice, he could choose to be a god or a human. If faced with his former self, Tang Ye would decisively choose to be a god because he had never been one before.

But now, Tang Ye will choose to have the power of gods but also the rich emotions of human beings.

Rather than being strong, he was more afraid that he would completely lose his humanity and turn into a cold machine. The feeling of being alive but not alive was the most frightening thing, at least that's what he thought.

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