I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1777 Greedy Hippopotamus

Tang Ye was also shocked, but he reacted quickly enough and caught the opponent in time.

"What's in front of you?" He looked confused. There was obviously nothing in front of him, and he couldn't touch anything, but Lu Xiaojie seemed to be pushed over by an invisible force just now!

"It's okay, but you go in front this time."

"What do you want to do?"

"You'll know once you get there, everything will be fine." After stabilizing his body, Lu Xiaojie pulled Tang Ye forward with a bad smile on his face, while Tang Ye stared at her with squinted eyes. There is no malice and no rejection. Maybe there is some magical place ahead that you would like to see?

With that said, Tang Ye strode forward, but the moment he came to the place where Lu Xiaojie was standing when something abnormal happened, Tang Ye's face changed.

The gravity was changed in an instant. If they were walking on the ground before, then now they were walking sideways on a wall 10,000 meters high. Under the influence of gravity, he fell uncontrollably "downward", but Tang Ye is also a ninth-level zombie after all. If he can't react to this change, his life will be in vain!

Realizing something was wrong, he quickly opened his hands and inserted them into the flesh and blood walls on both sides to prevent himself from falling.

"Understood?" Lu Xiaojie behind him said with a funny look on his face, almost laughing. Tang Ye ignored her, started to exert force with his hands, and quickly climbed up!

At the same time, in a bedroom somewhere, a graffiti of a human figure quickly appeared. Then Tang Ye stretched out his hand and grabbed the table after a while. Then with a hard force, Tang Ye's upper body got out of it on the spot. come out!

Bang~ Bang!

After only hearing a few strange noises, Tang Ye looked down and saw that there was a laptop on the table. However, he didn't pay attention when he came out and knocked the laptop off the table. It fell to the ground and broke into pieces on the spot. Two halves, and the sound made here also woke up the sleeping person on the bed in front of him!

The quilt was lifted, and a man in pajamas opened his eyes in a daze. At first, he glanced at Tang Ye and didn't care. He slowly turned his head to look at the door, but the next second he realized something and suddenly He turned his head and looked at Tang Ye again!

"Who the hell are you?" The man's expression became frightened. He was lying on the bed one second and jumped up the next second. Tang Ye ignored him at all and soon completely turned his body away from the human figure. He emerged from the graffiti and then jumped off the table. He looked back and nodded suddenly. It turned out that this was how those weirdos appeared before.

I just don’t know how those weirdos position themselves accurately.

"Lu Xiaojie?" He shouted several times to the graffiti figure. He didn't know if the other party heard it, but soon, she also got out. For the first time, her eyes met the man on the bed, and then She shook her head and was speechless. It was bad to be in this place, but she didn't bother to care.

After one zombie and one zombie came out, they first checked the bedroom here and found that there was no giant painting that they and others were looking for. Then they walked to the living room. The man in pajamas on the bed saw them and started to go there without saying a word. Running around the living room of his own home, he also became anxious.

"What are you going to do?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Xiaojie, who had already opened the door and walked out of the bedroom, said impatiently: "Just shut up, we will leave in a moment."

"No...then how did you get in?"

"Are you stupid? You don't know how we got in?"

"But...but...this is also..."

"Okay, okay, go to bed quickly." After saying that, without waiting for the man to say anything else, Lu Xiaojie closed the bedroom door directly, and then she quickly followed Tang Ye to the living room. The first thing she saw was the sofa on the sofa. A giant painting!

After seeing the content of the painting clearly, Tang Ye looked at Lu Xiaojie a little strangely, and the other party waved his hand. It was not that they found the wrong painting, but that the style of this painting was a bit hard to describe.

If the paintings they saw before were all created by master painters, then the painting in front of them was completely made by a child's random graffiti. Fortunately, at least Tang Ye could understand the content inside. But no matter how you look at it, it's a bit like the game style I played on a certain 399 mini-game website. There are countless short thin lines surrounding the sun formed by the circle, clouds made of wavy circles, and countless rectangles acting as Platforms, these platforms are the most numerous things in the painting, and at the bottom of the painting, there is a huge mouth open, but it is too abstract, and Tang Ye can’t tell what kind of animal it is. It is on a platform on the upper right side of the painting. , you can see a little man, who stretches out his hands, and some "little black dots" fall from his hands. It can be seen that these "little black dots" seem to be used to feed the big mouth below!

On the cart behind the little man, there are more small black spots. As for the "door", an indispensable element of every painting, it is right behind the cart!

"Hey, can you tell what kind of animal that mouth is down there?"

"It should be a dinosaur, right?" Lu Xiaojie said a little uncertainly.

"Forget it, let's take a look to find out." As he said that, Tang Ye raised a hand and reached into the small door in the painting. Just like before, his hand sank into the painting easily. With the onset of dizziness, when he came back to his senses, he had appeared on the beach of a river.

Different from the silence of the previous times, Tang Ye felt that the place was very lively when he first came in, and there were sounds of people everywhere!

His eyes saw several people at once, no! To be precise, they are not human beings, they just have the shape of humans. Although they have heads, hands, feet and bodies like humans, wear the same clothes as humans, and have normal facial features, their heads are green! And the top of the head is very wide and big, like a big plate!

Tang Ye can be sure that with the head of this thing, a bucket that can hold ten liters of water can be placed firmly on it!

In fact, this is what these "people" did, using their heads to do things like "putting buckets on top" as Tang Ye thought. Although they were not putting buckets, they were also putting other things. For example, stones, metal springs, mechanical parts, or some fruits and meats.

When these "people" passed by Tang Ye and Lu Xiaojie who had just entered, they would turn their heads and shout two words to them.

"Come! Eat!"

"Come! Eat!"


Such sounds are heard one after another. These green heads use these two words to greet their companions and greet Tang Ye and the others. It is a word that is used too much. In short, it is very noisy!

Their figures lined up in a long line by the river beach, surrounded by the sounds they made when their feet stepped on stones or sand on the ground.

Lu Xiaojie turned around and looked behind her as if feeling something. Tang Ye also looked over. The next second, he saw a figure as big as a mountain appearing in his eyes. Tang Ye looked up and saw that it was a huge doll hippopotamus. !

It was sitting with its back against a hill, its mouth so huge that it could fit two big trucks into it, open and closed for a long time, and the end of the long line of green-headed monsters around it was right in front of it. When it is a weirdo's turn, they will all climb on the hippo and pour the things on its head into its big mouth. Regardless of whether it is edible or inedible, this hippo will not refuse anyone who comes. Swallow it in your mouth!

When Tang Ye saw this scene, he immediately thought of the word "greed"!

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