I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1780 An agreement that cannot be fulfilled

Despite what Tang Ye said, Daria kept pouting, as if Tang Ye would only give up if he accepted her.

Tang Ye was in a daze, but at this time, Dariya suddenly took a step forward and put all the things in Tang Ye's hands. After doing this, she turned around and ran outside. Tang Ye quickly came out. Shouted: "Wait a minute!"

The moment his voice came out, Daria stopped and turned around, but before Tang Ye could say anything, she spoke first.

"Mr. Pillai..."

"You should keep the money for yourself, that book you like..." Tang Ye said, but he was only halfway through his words when he saw the expression on Daria's face. He could only pause. No matter how sleepy he was, He also noticed that Daria seemed to have something on her mind that she wanted to tell him. He was silent for a moment and then changed his words: "Well... is there anything you want to tell me?"

She didn't speak immediately, but Tang Ye saw the tears in her eyes.

"Mr. Pillai...will you...disappear suddenly one day?"

"Ah? How could it be? Who told you? Don't worry, Mr. Pillai won't disappear...right...right...haha..." Listening to Daria's words, Tang Ye was stunned for a moment, but very quickly He was about to deny it, but when he said this, he didn't seem very confident.

Daria looked into his eyes, but said nothing. After a while, she turned around again and walked towards the street. From the look of her, she didn't seem to believe Tang Ye's words. It's very possible that she thinks Tang Ye is lying to herself!

Looking at her back, Tang Ye frowned. For some reason, he always felt like something was missing, and then he quickly called her out: "Don't leave yet."

Daria stopped, but Tang Ye didn't know what to say at this time. After hesitating for a while, he could only point to the things in her pocket.

"You can put these things in your schoolbag, you don't need to put them in it."

"I'm afraid of getting my school bag dirty."

"Ah? Uh... Okay." Looking at Dariya's schoolbag that was still neat and tidy after carrying it for several days, Tang Ye felt a little embarrassed on his face, but soon he asked again: "Are you really not going to read today? , don’t worry, I won’t drive you away.”

"No, Mr. Pillai, you should have a good rest. I can't disturb you."

"No! You..." Without giving Tang Ye another chance, Daria turned around again and walked towards the side of the street, but Tang Ye still felt that something was missing in his heart, so he could only follow her and run out of the small garden. , under the eyes of everyone, he called her out again!


As the other party slowly stopped, Tang Ye came directly in front of her and squatted down. This time, he finally knew what to say and forced a smile on his face.

"Daria, I swear here that when we meet again, I will definitely take you to the Dream Forest, okay?"

When he said this, Tang Ye's expression was very confident. He didn't lie. The next time he enters the "dream", he will only be there longer. The last five giant painted animals can be completely eliminated if nothing happens to him. Everything was solved, so he vowed to tell her about this good news without any scruples, and his words also made her eyes light up, but it didn't seem to completely make her feel better. , the light that just lit up in her eyes slowly disappeared, and she asked aloud: "Then, can I see you tomorrow?"

"This..." The smile on Tang Ye's face froze for a moment, but he still nodded.

"It should work."

"Then can you promise me not to disappear suddenly!"

"Of course..." Looking at the almost begging look on her face, Tang Ye could only nod his head again. She seemed to have noticed something, but she couldn't tell clearly.

"Then we agreed to meet tomorrow?"

"Okay..." His answer made Daria finally show a decent smile on her face, and Tang Ye could only laugh along with her.

"Okay, Mr. Pillai, I should go home, otherwise, mother... will be worried."

"That's okay."

"Goodbye, Mr. Pillai."


Tang Ye waved to her. After watching her walk away, the smile on his face slowly disappeared, leaving only deep tiredness.

"Try your best..." Shaking his head, he turned around and walked towards his shop. Tang Ye would undoubtedly break the agreement he made with Daria, because he had no right to choose at all. He only hoped that the other party would be happy when the time came. The sadness will be less.

However, Tang Ye was also worried about himself. Will he really not be able to wake up next time?

Entering the small garden, Tang Ye noticed that all the flowers and plants around him had turned yellow, not only his own, but also those of his neighbors and the trees on the street. These withered flowers, plants and trees also made this originally prosperous foreign city more dull. A bit desolate.

It seems that as the breath of life in the "dream" becomes more and more, the life in the relative "real" world will also decrease. I just don't know that after I kill all the animals in the giant painting, what will happen here again? What will it look like?

Just like that, he walked into the shop, but what Tang Ye didn't know was that before he entered the small garden, Daria suddenly stopped while walking. She turned around and looked back at him, watching his back enter. After disappearing from the small garden, he stopped his tears and left in a hurry...

Returning to the shop, Tang Ye locked the door directly, then stumbled to the bedroom on the second floor and lay down directly. He took the bottle of medicine, looked at it for a while, and said to himself: "The last time, it's almost over. "

After reciting silently, he opened the lid of the medicine bottle and dipped some powder into his finger. He did not put it into his mouth immediately, but allowed himself to relax before putting it into his mouth. But at this moment, he could not even put the bottle into his mouth. He twisted the lid back, and he, who was already surrounded by trapped thoughts, immediately fell asleep. When his hand loosened, the whole bottle of medicine fell to the floor, and the powdered pills inside were scattered all over the floor.

On the other side, Daria lowered her head. She kept walking, walking faster and faster, passing a pedestrian walking on the same street. As her back walked farther and farther, the withered yellow leaves fell from the branches. It fell off and drifted down, but there was no wind around it, and the streets she knew were quieter than ever before. People said nothing, walking like zombies in a direction that even she didn't know.

Soon, her figure passed through the narrow alley and passed the low houses. She saw the door of her house in the distance. Bick's wife Ariana was walking out with her child in her arms. After leaving the door, she looked at the patches of dead flowers at her feet with a sad face. She didn't know when the city seemed to have died, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

The child in her arms suddenly burst into tears, and she felt agitated. Before she could coax her, a small figure had already entered the house.

"Daria!" She shouted to the person who entered, but the other person didn't look back. He jogged to the small door under the stairs. She stopped and glanced at Ali outside. Yana said nothing and glanced at the woman with disheveled hair sitting in a rocking chair in the innermost kitchen. That was her mother. She couldn't remember how long it had been since this woman had spoken to her.

It seems like a long time ago, and it seems like yesterday,

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