After about two or three seconds passed, thick black fog overflowed from the closed flower buds, and then suddenly exploded, and the thick fog swept an area several kilometers in radius!

And Tang Ye also jumped out of it with the mutilated body of the Nightmare Corpse King. He glanced around, then quickly moved his legs and galloped towards the west like a beam of light, passing by the sand. The dust rose high and flew all over the sky!

In an instant, Tang Ye rushed out of the deserted area with his opponent, heading all the way forward until he crashed into the abandoned old city in the distance. The buildings occupied by evolved plants collapsed in an instant! Large chunks of the land were lifted up! It quickly piled up into a high mountain, and then quickly collapsed. Tang Ye was like a bullet that had been bored but kept the same speed, breaking through one obstacle after another, dragging the opponent forward!

Perhaps because he was too excited when he came out, the feeling of depression in his heart could finally be released. Tang Ye unleashed all his strength and ran wildly, allowing the active energy in his body to be consumed quickly. His speed became faster and faster, regardless of the terrain. Rampant all the way, until he rushed into a corner that he had never been before, he slowed down a bit and glanced at the Nightmare Corpse King behind him. The rotten fish couldn't tell what its original shape was, and its aura was extremely shrunken.

Compared with the beginning, the other person in my eyes now no longer has that kind of visual blur, just like not being able to see clearly what a person looks like in a dream. However, in the current state of the other person, it is not possible to see clearly or clearly. No difference!

Under long-term friction, the surface of the twisted body of the Nightmare Corpse King was full of gaps, and a large amount of unknown viscous substance mixed with solids and liquids flowed out and spread all over the place. It quickly evaporated when it came into contact with the air.


At this time, Tang Ye shouted low, grabbed a piece of the opponent's rotten skin, and threw it away with force. Then he stood up, his scarlet eyes stared at the opponent who was falling to the ground, and took a deep breath. After taking a breath, he bent down again and thrust his arms into the ground!

At this moment, the ground cracked, and his arms quickly elongated and differentiated the moment they touched the soil, forming dense tentacles that chased each other from the ground!



The earth is being divided, and in the next second, a large number of tentacles are seen extending from the ground in the distance! They were entangled together, and their sharp front ends were closely connected, and they quickly wrapped the falling Nightmare Corpse King tightly!


Tang Ye let out a low roar again and crossed his arms that were stuck in the ground! The tentacles that were twisted together and successfully enveloped the Nightmare Corpse King all bent down, arched up like a giant python and hit the ground. At the same time, a large number of tentacles burst out of the ground at the place where they were about to hit, and then entangled themselves with each other. The former collided hard and combined!


After doing this, Tang Ye withdrew all his tentacles, and this time he hit the Nightmare Corpse King firmly. No matter how strong the opponent's vitality was, it would be difficult to escape. This move can be said to be one of his execution skills. One!

As his arms returned to normal form, Tang Ye's perception locked on the location of the Nightmare Corpse King. He jumped up with his knees bent, and came down in twos and twos near the ruins that had been completely moved to the ground. A long way away, Tang Ye saw the other party, but he was still able to move, which surprised him.

"Not dead yet?"

With a flick of his hand, a blood-red blade of flesh and blood appeared in his hand. Tang Ye walked forward step by step. Since he was not dead, he just needed to hit him again. The state of the two sides was not at the same level now. If there was no similar situation, In other accidents like this where the Corpse King is involved, unless a miracle happens, the other party will inevitably die!

Not long after, Tang Ye came to the other party. Its body was slowly recovering from its twisted state, and soon turned into a thin humanoid creature. Tang Ye frowned, but quickly relaxed. This guy Not really dead, but almost dead.

Because Tang Ye sensed that the activity in its body had been completely exhausted, but it was not completely dead yet. The body was forced to repair under load. Once the zombie reached this state, it would seriously lose coordination during activities and even be unable to move. Once this situation reaches the limit, like humans who have not eaten for a long time, they will consume sugar in the body to maintain balance. If they do not receive external supplements, they will start to consume fat and finally start to break down muscles.

The only difference from humans is that zombies can put their body functions into a still state, such as hibernation, in this way to save active energy to the maximum extent.

But once there is nothing left to consume in the zombie's body, it will completely turn into a corpse. In theory, the evolved zombie should degenerate when it is hungry to the limit, but Tang Ye has never seen this situation, and there is no relevant information. Experiment, because some evolved zombies may not degenerate after being hungry to a certain extent, but will have an additional passive of starvation.

The state of the guy in front of him seemed to have reached its limit. In order to pull him into the illusion, the opponent gambled all his active energy, but unfortunately, he lost the bet in the end.

Tang Ye didn't detect a single zombie within a hundred kilometers around here. If this situation continues like this, Tang Ye can sit here and wait for the other party to die on the spot. Even if the other party makes any moves, he won't be able to lift it. What kind of storm? In addition, you can also study whether the evolved zombies will degenerate.

But after thinking about it, Tang Ye felt that it was better not to be so bored, and to save the other party from pain, so he slowly raised the knife in his hand, aiming the tip at its head, but just before he was about to When it fell, Tang Ye hesitated for a moment, then withdrew the knife, looked at the Nightmare Corpse King lying on the ground, and opened his mouth to shout a name.


The other party didn't respond, and his body was still slowly recovering. Only the slender hand like an insect's limbs moved occasionally. Tang Ye narrowed his eyes, and quickly stretched out a foot to push the other party, letting him turn over. He came forward, but the next second, his eyes met with the other person's!

Its eyes were filled with resentment that could not be resolved, and it had reached a point where it would be difficult to get rid of it! The look in his eyes wanted to cut Tang Ye into pieces with a thousand knives, as if he was peeling off his skin and getting cramps!

Tang Ye frowned again. The other person's eyes made him feel very uncomfortable. Maybe it was because the so-called Nightmare Corpse King was Daria. After all, the child was very good and they had a good feeling about each other, but now , the other party looked at me like this...


After blowing his hair, Tang Ye didn't know what he was thinking. His frown eased, and he also asked the other party at this time: "You don't seem to be Daria?"

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