I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1812 Take good care of my sister

Following the girl's words, Xu Haihai appeared behind her with a solemn expression.

"When did you discover me?"

"When you choose to follow me."

The girl answered quickly, but her answer made Xu Haihai furious. With such a strong sense of perception, zombies of the same level cannot be so sensitive, right?

This girl is not simple!

Beneath the harmless appearance of humans and animals is a murderous intention that can kill people at any time!

Xu Haihai subconsciously took a step back. At this moment, he thought about turning around and running away, but his reason made him deny his thoughts!

He can't run!

If you don't run, you still have a chance to survive; if you run, you are doomed!

What he was facing was a ninth-level Restorer!

"who are you?"

"Tell me your own guess first."

Xu Haihai's brows furrowed and relaxed. After thinking for a moment, he asked uncertainly: "The previous ruler of Yunxia Base?"

"Guess again?" The girl seemed to find it a little funny, but after she said these three words again, Xu Haihai was sure of her identity.

"You don't have to play tricks on me like this. The only one who can get so close to the Order Guard is that one."

"Haha." The girl pursed her lips and sat on the lid of the trash can next to her with both hands. At the same time, she said to Xu Haihai: "You should have more important things. If you have anything to say to me, just talk to me now. No." It’s a waste of time.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Haihai no longer concealed anything, and directly tore off his clothes, exposing half of his upper body. However, the skin he exposed was blurred, with different skin colors, as if he had contracted various skin diseases.

Silver, black and iron-colored skin spread all over his body like ringworm.

At the same time, every inch of flesh was twisted together and is still squirming slightly!

Countless sprouts looked like windblown rice, densely swaying. If someone with trypophobia saw this scene, they would probably faint on the spot.

The girl was a little dazed, then looked at her with a strange expression and shook her head: "I'm sorry, I'm not a doctor. I can't cure the disease, let alone the disease of zombies."

"You don't have to pretend to be stupid, I can feel it. You have the same thing as me. I can feel it, and so can you!" As soon as the girl finished speaking, Xu Haihai suddenly became furious, and the intense emotion made his head spin. His face was torn in half with a "hiss", and the flesh and blood on his face was squirming and curling like millions of maggots, like the rough sea surface. Its shape was incomprehensible, but his pair of black eyes were Never changed direction!

Stare at each other!

He was obviously very active, but his inadvertent movements carried a serious sense of disharmony, as if someone was competing with him for control of his body.

The two sides looked at each other like this, and no one knows how much time passed. At this time, the girl suddenly said: "I sympathize with your experience, but there is nothing I can do." After speaking, the girl jumped off the trash can and was about to leave. go.

"You can't leave. I want to know what my body will eventually become like if it continues like this?" Xu Haihai's voice trembled, with a rare hint of fear in his tone. He couldn't be more clear about his physical state. Different The molecules of flesh and blood cannot tolerate each other, they are repelling each other every second!

Therefore, his body is constantly changing, and the flesh and blood molecules belonging to the silver-armored corpse are inevitably undergoing alienation under the huge influence!

After being in this state for a long time, he realized that he was evolving into some unknown species, or heading towards the abyss of death! His dominance over his lower-level counterparts is gradually disappearing!

His direction of observing the world has always been to feel "with the heart", but now, he has to use his own eyes like a human to see the surface of everything!

The reason why he is afraid is because he can no longer sense the imprints of Ah Fu, Gong Xiao, and Li Henian in his mind. He doesn't know if they have discovered that they are "disappearing". He is afraid, and the road ahead is covered in darkness. Shrouded, he couldn't see anything clearly, and like humans, he had a fear of the unknown!

What scares him most is that others are about to lose trust in him!

He had no concept of death before, but now, he has a reason to stay in this world!

He reached out to grab the girl and stop her from leaving, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he felt himself floating, and his neck was pinched by the other party!

And pressed against the wall.

Look down.

It's the girl's unkind gaze.

"I'm in a bad mood right now. You'd better keep your tone gentler. There's no point in you looking for me! No matter you threaten me or beg me, I can't change your outcome! Besides, I don't have any thoughts. I have no obligation to worry about your affairs. If you want to blame me, just blame you for eating randomly."

The girl's aura suddenly expanded, and the air seemed to become thicker at this moment!

The trash can she sat on, the leaves blown by the wind, the clothes hanging on the wires above the alley, the ants crawling on the tips of the weeds... everything around her, in this moment, had a strong impression on her. Intense malice!

This is because the other party's energy has locked onto him, and in his perception, time seems to have been stretched several times!

This is the suppression brought about by a higher origin than oneself!

This made him forget his instinct as a zombie!

Every cell in the body is trembling, warning myself!

This is the smell of death!

If his body is compared to an alley, then the cells in his body are like a group of people who have encountered some kind of terrifying existence!

Driven by fear, these "people" desperately fled deeper into the alley.

The cells that "shrunk" in fear caused his body to undergo extremely severe deformation!

The body becomes strange and falls apart!

At the same time, time became meaningless in his perception, so he didn't know how long it had passed. The girl finally let him go. He heard a cold snort from the other person's mouth, and then he could only watch the other person disappear. In one's own eyes.

Xu Haihai himself was like an octopus without bones, almost melting into the ground. After a long time, he managed to return to his normal human form.

He stood there, making no other movements for a long time, just staring blankly at the mottled old wall in front of him.

It wasn't until a group of patrolling soldiers passed by the alley that he walked out like a normal person, carrying his things in the grass and walking away.

"Ryoko Sugiyama."

"Xu Jun? Where are you now? I'll have someone pick you up right away."

"No, I have other things to do."

"What's up?"

"The members of Sakura Path haven't been exposed yet, have they?"

"not yet."

"You help me investigate a person."

"Who is it? Please tell me."

"A person from eight or nine years ago named Ning Tianlang, and his daughter. No need to go into too much detail, just some basic information."

"I'll try my best, where are you going now?"

"I also want to investigate something... By the way, people from the Royal Court are coming..."

"Why did Xu Jun suddenly say this? Aren't you from the royal court..."

"The situation in the Royal Court is different from what you think. In addition, I have to ask you for something."


"Help me take care of my sister."

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