I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1824 The Weird Five

In the workshop, some people could no longer restrain their curiosity. When they were about to take a closer look, the soldier next to him raised his weapon and pointed it at his head without saying a word. As the sergeant scolded, those people had to suppress themselves. That growing curiosity.

About a minute passed, and everything behind the glass became completely white. At this time, a roar came, and the sound actually penetrated the closed environment and was clearly heard by people!

Perhaps because the roar was mixed with other obscure messages, the scientific researchers in white coats present could not help but cheer.

"Is this... a success?"

"Let's take a look first?"

At this time, they could no longer see what was behind the glass, but after the first roar from the zombies, in the following time, the roars and roars sounded faintly in their ears one after another!

The soldiers also began to become nervous, and they took a step closer one after another. They turned on the safety of their laser weapons and pointed them at the glass in front of them, guarding against any possible accidents!

Touch the muzzle and the shining light will appear and disappear! Some people can already smell the explosive heat of the laser itself!

The soldiers didn't understand the purpose of this experiment, but they could tell that the monster behind the glass seemed to be in pain, otherwise it wouldn't have made such a sound?

This is a scream!

What kind of method can be used to make zombies scream?

The roaring and howling inside continued, and the tone became more and more violent as time passed, but also slowly became sharper. After about two minutes, everyone finally saw something else appearing behind the glass. !

It was a group of black and yellow liquid!


It was clearly a very sticky "batter"!


Some people couldn't help but gasp, they knew what the monster was behind the glass!

That was a real eighth-level zombie!

Its body is being decomposed by the mist!

And these dark yellow "batters" that look extremely disgusting and sticky are inorganic substances that have been decomposed from their bodies!

These inorganic objects continued to push into the platform behind the glass. More and more, they gradually flooded the platform. The roar from inside began to become fainter, and then slowly disappeared from the ears, but the disgusting sound The level of inorganic substances is still rising!

Finally, the decomposed flesh and blood from the eighth-level zombie flooded the platform to a height of four to five meters before it stopped increasing.

[End of experiment...]


The cold words from the mechanical voice reached their ears, and people breathed a sigh of relief, but the atmosphere at the scene was not cheerful. There were only a few ordinary people whose faces turned red with excitement.

"It worked...it really worked!"

"The Spiritual Rain Plan is feasible! The apocalypse is coming to an end!" The two ordinary people couldn't hold back their joy and couldn't help but start clapping. However, they noticed the weirdness of the atmosphere the next second and quickly stopped cheering.

No one paid attention to them, and the sergeant did not relax his vigilance. After confirming that there were no other abnormalities behind the glass, the sergeant waved his hand and said, "Go in, and we will confirm the results."

"Yes!" the soldiers replied in unison.

Then, a group of people headed for the safe passage at the back. After walking in the passage for three or four minutes, under the sergeant's order, a soldier trotted to the front of the team and quickly opened the small door at the end of the passage. .


Thick white smoke came out from behind the door, carrying an extremely pungent smell. Many people quickly covered their noses. The sergeant followed. When he smelled the smell, he also frowned. He lowered his head. Looking down, the originally spacious platform was now completely submerged in a sea of ​​inorganic matter. A large amount of white smoke emerged from it, like freshly steamed dough. The moment the steamer was opened, thick smoke rose. scene.

Everyone had shock on their faces. Although the eighth-level zombie had been hungry for a long time, before it was executed, its size was only slightly larger than that of a normal person. I didn't expect it to be able to decompose so many things!

"It seems that the experiment was successful." The sergeant murmured in a daze.

But no one knew that on the surface building above their heads, five people with strange behaviors were walking in openly.

"Stop! Who are you?" The soldiers guarding the entrance noticed someone approaching under the dim light. They all raised their laser weapons, alert and angrily shouted.

But the visitor didn't speak, and walked straight forward. The faint footsteps sounded like a cold warning to people when death comes!

"Stop, three!"

The soldiers realized something was wrong, and the leading soldier immediately started counting!




The soldiers' warning did not stop those people. Five people came, including men and women, a middle-aged man, a beautiful young woman, an old man in his seventies, a young man and a child. This was a very strange thing. The combination.

They seemed to be unable to see the laser weapons pointed at them by the soldiers. They approached slowly and unhurriedly, as if they were taking a walk. When they were still more than ten meters away from the guarding soldiers, the countdown uttered by the leading soldier ended. , without any nonsense, he directly ordered to fire, and the surrounding soldiers fired fiercely!

The slightly dazzling particle rays lit up the darkness. The five people who came inexplicably did not dodge, so they all bombarded them with scorching high-temperature lasers!


After the laser collided with their bodies, a dazzling fire broke out. The middle-aged man among them was pushed back a few steps by the powerful impact, but he was not injured. He just looked down at his clothes that were burned by the laser. , seeming to be meditating on something.

When the guarding soldiers saw this scene, they were completely shocked!

"Not good! Call for support!"

Although the five people looked a little embarrassed after a round of shooting, the soldiers were also experienced in hundreds of battles and had rich combat experience. They could tell at a glance that the attacks by themselves and others did not cause any substantial damage to the opponent. React in the next moment.

These guys are not something you can deal with on your own!

But just as the leading soldier shouted such a sentence, the situation had completely deteriorated. The strange five-man group shook in the next second, and then the soldiers only heard a "boom", and several searchlights above seemed to be hit by something. Hit, smashed on the spot!

Without the light, the soldiers' vision went dark. Before they had time to adapt to the darkness, a painful low growl of "Uh...ho" came out from the mouth of the leading soldier.

The other soldiers felt something was wrong and quickly looked at each other. The middle-aged man did not know when he appeared behind the leading soldier. His hand had turned into a white bone spur, which easily penetrated the opponent's body.

No one knew what kind of pain he was going through. He couldn't even scream, he could only make a dull and suppressed gasp.

Then there was only a "puff" sound, and the middle-aged man pulled out the right hand that had turned into a bone spur from the soldier's body. A bright red and still beating heart was stuck on the tip of the bone spur!

At this time, the middle-aged man who killed the soldier had a strange expression on his face. The next second, his mouth opened and widened, and he swallowed the heart in one mouthful, with an expression of special enjoyment on his face!

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