I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1847 The evil leader

After a brief daze, Zhao Boning said nothing and stuffed all the evolutionary crystals thrown by Bai Huipeng into his mouth like jelly beans.

As the energy contained in the evolutionary crystals was transformed, the activity of his body was quickly replenished, and the originally rough and wrinkled skin on the back of his hands slowly became smooth at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After Zhao Boning's changes stopped, Tang Ye said: "You are lucky, you don't have to go into the dark room anymore, and you won't have to do the job of a corpse collector in the future. These are your new colleagues. Get to know them first."

"Oh!...? Okay, okay..." How dare Zhao Boning say "no"? Tang Ye nodded quickly as soon as he finished speaking. He looked at the others and was a little at a loss. However, these guys in Wang Ting were never short of familiarity, and someone quickly came over.

"Let's get to know each other. My name is Li Gui. You can usually just call me Brother Gui. Well, look over and see that his name is Hei Ya. Once you get used to it, you can call him Duck."

Hei Ya was furious: "Brother, don't scream nonsense. Call him old turtle, **, or son of a turtle."

"What the hell, I didn't talk to you. That person, Bai Huipeng, is usually called Na Lao Bai."

"And the bald guy behind you, his name is Saio, just call him bald and that's it. The one over there in the floral dress..."

Following Li Gui's introduction, Zhao Boning could barely remember the names of the people around him, and Li Gui was still chattering after the introduction: "In addition, there are many people coming later, I will introduce them to you one by one. There are a few things you should focus on remembering, do you know?"


"If you see a very tall and strong person, you call him Brother Hu. You usually call him Ah Fu, but only the boss can call him like that. Don't call him like that, otherwise he will beat you. Then, our king There are a few ruthless characters in the court, especially a few women. Just remember the nicknames I told you in your heart. If you are stepped on, you will be dumbfounded and shout out."

"Do you understand?"

"I understand, by the way, Brother Gui, then what do we do?"

"There's not much to do. The busy things have been finished a long time ago. Now we just fight and deal with some unsighted guys. But it's hard to say what happens next, because we have to do something big."

"What's the big deal?"

"Fuck other corpse kings."



The time came to a little after seven o'clock in the evening, and other people returned to the station one after another. Each of these "corpse removal" teams had something to gain. Except for Bai Huipeng's group, they successfully recruited a new talent, namely A Beng and the others. He gained the most. When he came back, he also presented two eighth-level evolutionary crystals and several seventh-level evolutionary crystals. In addition, an eighth-level evolutionary crystal was also seized from Xiao'e.

Although some damage was caused to some facilities at Yunxia Base during the battle, in general the impact was not significant. Most of them were driven out of Yunxia Base as Afu said before the fighting started. However, in an eight-on-one situation Well, battles generally don't last long.

After Chuza and the others came back, twenty-seven eighth-level zombies and twenty-one eighth-level new humans, a total of forty-eight strong men from the royal court, all gathered in this villa. The villa is not small, with only the first floor It covers an area of ​​360 square meters, but most of these guys from the royal court are extremely strong, so the huge hall is filled with darkness.

To put it in exaggerated terms, standing among Afu's group of inhuman beings, anyone with a height less than two meters is considered a dwarf!

At the same time, as the people arrived, they all found that Zhao Boning, the new and cute new member, was chatting around him one by one, but he still seemed out of place.

People have... No! The corpse is numb!

With so many people of the same level as himself standing in front of him, he just felt extremely ridiculous. Although he also encountered other eighth-level zombies outside the royal court, those similar people were generally not very friendly, which led to him rarely going there. Actively look for others of the same kind.

And here...he couldn't understand it. When he thought that there were more in that royal court, his scalp couldn't help but feel numb...

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Tang Ye raised his hand, and the noisy hall quickly became quiet.

"Okay, everyone, sit down."

"Boss, why are you back so early? Haven't you had enough fun yet?" A Beng asked, and Tang Ye casually replied: "Huang Quanjiu and the others encountered something and changed their plans temporarily."

"What did you encounter?" Abeng approached Huang Quanjiu, who also coughed a few times and told him everything he saw when he was chasing the eighth-level zombie. It didn't take long.

After finishing speaking, the atmosphere in the hall fell into a brief moment of solemnity. Bai Huipeng on the side touched his nose and frowned: "In other words, the Zombie King of the Far North has brought a wave of corpses in. Shui Guanyin is usually They live in water and only travel by water, along the Yangtze River, so they can't reach the Yunxia base, right?"

"I'm not sure. There is news of Shui Guanyin coming ashore in the north. When it's almost done, just let the corpse tide come ashore. Then it will be troublesome."

"No, can you please focus on the key point? Why did the zombie that Huang and the others were chasing jump into the river and commit suicide?"

"I think……"

"Let me talk about my guess first." Huang Quanjiu interrupted other people's words and said to himself: "The zombie tide we encountered may just be the vanguard force, and there is a larger zombie tide behind it. The reason why the zombies jumped into the river may be to bring information to the tide of Guanyin zombies. In addition, the Zombie King of the Far North may still be in a certain sea area and has not entered, otherwise, the zombie we are chasing would not have to escape at all."

"The Zombie King of the Far North has the ability to affect zombies on a large scale, which makes sense. So, was this Zombie King responsible for Su Sigui's laboratory?" Bai Huipeng asked.

Huang Quanjiu shook his head: "Not sure, let me tell you, everyone can't find out the laboratory responsible for the Shenling Rain Project, right? Su Sigui shouldn't be so stupid. The zombies we encountered couldn't even talk. I can’t tell, it would be weird if they could find out, but it’s not impossible…”

"Anyway, it is difficult for the Extreme North Corpse King to achieve detailed control over the zombies here. The use of the Corpse God Cult should only be guided by the general will. Huh? You have not encountered the same situation as us."

"We are not as unlucky as you." Abeng said: "We killed two eighth-level zombies who came in during this time. Those two were not stupid. They knew that Su Sigui was a new ninth-level human being and did not dare to come out. Prey, you know the Dujinhui, right?"

"I know, what's wrong?"

"The current leader of the Dujin Society is one of the zombies. He was disbanded after being hit hard by the boss. The reorganized Dujin Society is still selling people. It's not selling, it's just buying but not selling. All the people who bought it are now in It’s in its belly.”


The hall was in an uproar, and someone shouted: "This leader is evil enough."

Yesterday I ate something I shouldn't have eaten. I woke up with a terrible headache in the morning. I slept in bed all day and had no energy at all, so I stayed even later. Sorry, oops...

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