I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1853 Inspection work

When Tang Ye approached the entrance of the construction base, all the soldiers inside and outside entered a fighting state, and a large number of soldiers gathered behind the blue partition! Dozens of powerful new humans with cold weapons also jumped out from behind the partition, looking at Tang Ye with a fierce look!

But Tang Ye kept walking. At this time, a man who looked like a non-commissioned officer also picked up the trumpet and started counting down. But at this moment, Tang Ye suddenly accelerated and appeared in front of one of the soldiers as if teleporting. The non-commissioned officer saw this. , the countdown suddenly changed from "three" to the word "fire"!

But how could the soldiers react?

The scene was chaotic for a while. The soldiers looked around. After finding the location of Tang Ye's figure, they didn't know what to do for a while.

The air froze for a few seconds. The soldier in front of Tang Ye stared blankly at the certificate in his hand. After reacting, the soldier hurriedly entered the construction base and came to the non-commissioned officer. He whispered in his ear What? After a while, after the soldier finished speaking, the sergeant stopped his hand and shouted: "Put down all weapons!"

After saying that, he ran to Tang Ye and gave a serious military salute.


Tang Ye in front of him nodded and put away the certificate in his hand.

This thing is really useful and effective.

The sergeant looked at his movements, thought for a while, and finally asked: "Excuse me, where are you...?"

"Come to kill some dishonest people?" Tang Ye replied without thinking. When the other party heard this, he didn't ask any more questions. He simply nodded, signaled to the surrounding soldiers and shouted: "All are here, ten seconds." Hours of time! Return them all to their original posts."

Although the soldiers had some doubts in their hearts, the military orders were overwhelming, and they did not have the courage to disobey the sergeant's order. No matter how curious they were, they could only follow the sergeant's words.

Soon, the soldiers all returned to their original positions. The new humans who had jumped out of the partition and were ready to fight at any time also retreated one after another. Seeing that everything was back to the orderly order before, the sergeant moved aside. He moved his body to make way for Tang Ye, and at the same time made a "please" gesture.

Tang Ye didn't waste any time and walked into the construction base.

Looking at it, the most eye-catching thing is a huge "mine" inside. The tall drilling equipment is not stopping all the time. Countless workers are topless, showing their strong muscles. They are working in full swing under the yellow mud rain. Sweating freely, of course, some people looked over curiously, wondering why Tang Ye was holding a knife in his hand?

He looks very unkind, but the workers here are just ordinary beings. What does Tang Ye want to do? Naturally, they don't think that all this has anything to do with them.

After looking around, Tang Ye raised his eyebrows a few times. He didn't know why, but he suddenly took back the long knife in his hand. The two-meter-long blade was slowly inserted into his trouser pocket, and the trouser leg was Not even the slightest bit of the blade was exposed, and this extremely bizarre way of sheathing the knife attracted frequent glances from the people around.

The former sergeant was stunned for a long time, looking back and forth between Tang Ye's hand and his trouser pocket several times. The knife was longer than when he was lying down. He really couldn't figure out what Tang Ye was using. How to insert this strange knife into your pants so that it is not exposed at all?

While he was dazed, a young soldier who looked to be in his twenties ran up to him, with a sly smile on his face, and asked: "Brother Wang, who was that man just now? It didn't look like he was. New humans are just like ordinary people..."

The other party's words made the sergeant come back to his senses. At the same time, he also thought of other things. He glanced at the young soldier. He had a good relationship with him. If it were someone else, he would not dare to get so close and ask questions to him.

However, even this young soldier would not tell him Tang Ye's identity.

Ever since Su Sigui evolved into a ninth-level new human and became the leader of the Yunxia Base, the Yunxia Base was in dire straits. All twelve forces were shuffled and re-established, and the previous members of the council were purged with bloody means. The remnants left behind made the Twelve Parts deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Ordinary people only know that above the twelve divisions is the human god Su Sigui, but only people like them know that above the twelve divisions and below Su Sigui, there is a more mysterious department, which is like The Sword of Damocles suspended above everyone's heads made people afraid to make mistakes.

It has tremendous power second only to Su Sigui, and can deal with anyone at any time, at any place, or even for any reason!

But from beginning to end, neither he nor anyone else had heard of this mysterious department, but had never seen the people who belonged to this department with their own eyes.

What the soldier said to him just now made him a little confused now. It wasn't that he didn't want to make sure the certificate was true or false, but it was because the certificate Tang Ye showed had Su Sigui's exclusive seal on it.

"I'm warning you not to mess around. Before that person leaves, please be more honest! Otherwise..."

"What...what's going on..." Hearing the seriousness in the sergeant's words, the expression on the young soldier's face became a little stiff. Although he had a good relationship with the other party, at the same time, he also understood the other party very well. Seeing that this sergeant was chatting happily with him, once he got angry, it would be much scarier than zombies.

His words were definitely not unreasonable!

"If he wants to kill you, not only will I not plead for you, I will do it myself."

"Isn't that right, Brother Wang?"

"If you don't want to die, just work hard and honestly."

After telling the young soldier to leave, the noncommissioned officer known as Brother Wang shook his head helplessly. Finally, he walked into the tent at the back, took out a palm-sized electronic device and walked towards Tang Ye.


On the other side, Tang Ye, who heard someone calling him, turned his head and looked at Brother Wang, who was walking towards him.


"Sir, this is the command communication device. If you need anything, please let us know at any time." The sergeant said respectfully.

Tang Ye glanced at the instrument in his hand, but shook his head: "No, you come with me, I'll take a good look around, and I'll ask you if I don't understand anything."

"This...sir, aren't you here to kill people?" Brother Wang became confused. Tang Ye nodded but quickly shook his head: "It was just now, but not now. Let's change the job of killing people to the job of inspection."

"Okay then." Brother Wang nodded, put away the communication device, and stayed behind Tang Ye quietly like an old servant.

Tang Ye's eyes swept across all the corners. Some people worked hard, while others fished in the water. From the surface, the lives of these workers were very good. They talked and laughed while working, chatting with each other while working. Homely sounds were mixed with the noise of huge machines.

However, in this peaceful atmosphere, a small group of "people" seemed out of place. They were all taciturn and kept moving their hands, like work machines without emotion.

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