I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1887 A small number of people

[Everyone, here is an urgent message. Kamutos, who has been staying in Tianzhu for several months, set off again towards the land of China at 3:27 this afternoon, and successfully crossed the border at 4:04 today. In the end, the invasion of the Corpse King kicked off without any accidents, and the day of judgment on whether mankind can continue is getting closer. 】

[Unfortunately, the luck we have been holding on to has finally been shattered, humans! We finally have to take up arms to meet the test of whether the genocide is extinct! 】

【Notice! This is no joke, the Corpse King who has always made us change our minds has begun to take action, and the four Corpse Kings are watching with eager eyes! This battle is related to our dignity and personality as human beings in the future! It’s also about our lives! Here, I solemnly implore you to put down your hateful eyes. We need courage and unity! Go and win this war! We have no way out. Once we fail, we humans will end up like the pigs, cattle and sheep we once imprisoned in the rolling shed, and we will be slaughtered by others! 】

[Are you...really willing that the final outcome will be like this? Does anyone share my feelings of overwhelming indignation? Want to take a gamble? For the family and friends we cherish, and for this once brilliant civilization, even though, at this moment, there is no light! but! Hope is still there! We are the extinguished sun! But we can burn! Can light up the darkness! Give up our lives! A fight to the death! For the light of hope! The last fire of mankind! Protected by us! 】

[Like the faint candlelight on a candle, although it is small, it cannot be ignored, because hope and miracles exist in the hands of each of us. In the last time of our humanity, we cannot lose! Don't even give up! 】

[Now we need to show our courage and become as bloodthirsty as zombies! Go for it, go for it! 】

[That’s all. I don’t know how many people have listened, but there is not much time at the moment, and I also understand that it is useless to say more. So next, I will release the wartime emergency plan of Union City that is personally pledged by the mayor. . 】

[1. All active members of the major survivor bases and shelter cities quickly gathered at local training venues to conduct unified wartime drills. 】

[2. Materials for all member bases including United City will be uniformly allocated by the general affairs of Yunxia Base. 】

[Third, Party B in each locality responsible for the production of sixth-generation combat mechas can immediately cooperate with the transfer order and put them on the corresponding battlefield after completion. 】

[Fourth, heavy rules should be used in troubled times, and this is also the case in the end of the world. Before the end of the war, residents in each area must do their jobs conscientiously. Anyone who spreads illegal information, causes chaos in city regulations, or makes serious mistakes will be executed on the spot, and will not be tolerated. ...]

In the square, crowds of people gathered together, and from a distance, there were masses of black heads! And when people listen to the content on the radio, they feel that even the clouds in the sky are depressing.

About ten minutes later, the radio was turned off with a burst of noise, and the originally quiet square gradually returned to noisy.

"The Corpse King has really come in!"

"Only the corpse king with the energy body came in, the other corpse kings haven't moved yet."

"Mader and Kamutos have already set off, how far will the other corpse kings be? The Abyss Corpse King is now in Litmoller, less than a hundred kilometers away from China. Who knows when it will come in! "

"What about the Radiation Corpse King? It hasn't appeared yet. It only has three heads. Where did the four zombie kings come from?"

"You are stupid. So many people on the Internet have explained that the three zombie kings have approached us this time. They must be colluding. Who can collude with them? Of course it is the radiation zombie king. You don't know about the radiation zombie king. Can it disguise itself as a human? Maybe, among all of us, one of them is it!"

"Don't be scary!"

"What a hell joke!"

"Get out of the way, let me pass."

"Have you seen my child? He is gone!"

"Stop looking for it, it must have been abducted by the Dujinhui people."

It’s not just one place. The entire Yunxia Base where the broadcaster is located is full of people and voices! In addition to Yunxia Base, other shelter cities and survivor bases also have the same scene. Some people are panicked by this, while others are dismissive, thinking that even if this matter is true, it will not be involved in a short time. to yourself.

Someone even took out a few gold-gilded coupons and shouted to the endless crowd: "Look here, have you seen what I have in my hand? These are the qualification coupons to enter the mysterious asylum city. Yes." Those who have this thing can enter that shelter, and even if the Corpse King comes later, they won’t be able to find you!”

"real or fake?"

"Hurry, hurry, first come first served, each ticket is only 6,000 gold! That shelter only has a quota of 300,000, if it is full, you will have no chance!"

Among the dense crowd, the person holding the so-called mysterious asylum city qualification ticket stood at the highest point. He looked so conspicuous. Six thousand ya gold sounded incredible, but for many people, their life was not six thousand ya gold. The gold can be compared. Soon, some reckless people in the crowd stretched out their hands and shouted: "Me! Me! I buy it!"

Seeing this scene, the person selling the so-called qualification tickets showed a happy smile on his face, and his mouth was almost split to the roots of his ears. He shouted to those people: "Then come over, but I can tell you first, pay first Money, goods later, don’t try to play tricks in front of me!”

The people who said they wanted to buy qualification tickets rushed forward after hearing this, but before they could get close, a laser flashed quickly, and the person selling the qualification tickets was immediately hit on the head, and blood splashed on the faces of the people around him!

People turned their attention to the murderer who shot the dealer. They were several soldiers in the distance. At this time, they were finishing their gun retraction gestures. The soldier standing at the front swept through the crowded crowd, took a step forward and said coldly: " Spreading bad information will be executed on the spot according to wartime emergency regulations!"

"Everyone! This is a special period. There are always people with evil intentions who want to take advantage of the chaos to cause some trouble. Mysterious shelters are all fabricated. Please don't believe these unidentified news easily."

After saying that, these soldiers disappeared into the crowd.

"There are so many people." In a passing military transport vehicle, Tang Ye looked at the scene outside the window and sighed, "Your dead leaf pile shelter can only accommodate 300,000 people. Isn't it too few?" A little? Compared with so many people in Yunxia Base, only a few people will be able to enter by then." He looked at Su Sigui and asked.

"There is too little time. If you want to accommodate more people, there will be no time at all. As you can see, this is a limit. Once the scale increases, no one will be able to survive."

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