I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1904 Rare Treasures

Glancing to the side, Su Sigui, who was standing there, had disappeared without knowing it, leaving only a pool of blood on the ground.

This seems to be the blood of new ninth-level humans? The smell was like a thin hair in his nostrils, stirring gently and slowly, making Tang Ye lick his lips subconsciously.

But speaking of it, this pool of blood seems to be mixed with another ingredient, which is far less pure than the blood smell exuded from ordinary eighth-level new humans. He doesn't know why, but this is the blood in the bodies of ninth-level new humans. It's true, the blood is so strong that it's unimaginable!

This attraction to zombies is fatal!

When they looked back at Hu Ji and the others, the four brothers had already looked straight in the eyes, their upper and lower lips were trembling violently, and their eyes were focused on the pool of blood that looked like rubies in the sun.

But why did Su Sigui leave so much blood?

"Fuck...fuck! Boss...big...this is Su Sigui's blood! It can't be wasted! How about we take a taste?"

Hei Ya next to him stuttered when he spoke, and Tang Ye was also moved, but he seemed calm on the surface. He looked ahead and soon found Su Sigui who had just disappeared.

Her figure has appeared on the siphon tower in the distance, her cold eyes silently watching the remaining eight radiated species that are still approaching the siphon tower.

Tang Ye could see clearly that the clothes on her chest were stained red with blood. At the same time, on her right hand, Tang Ye saw a bloody bone that she was holding tightly. It seemed... to be her ribs. ?

A new human who has evolved to the ninth level, let alone the highest level H steel weapon, even the active weapon Ha Zhen gave her, it is already difficult for her to exert her full strength!

The only weapons suitable for new ninth-level humans are the bones of the same ninth-level creatures. These are the hardest things in the world!

After seeing this scene and making sure that the other party would not focus on him for the time being, Tang Ye quietly took a step closer to the pool of blood, then lifted up his trouser legs to reveal his ankles. The flesh and blood twisted, and soon he stretched out a stick. The tentacles bent and plunged into the pool of blood on the ground, and began to suck up the blood on the ground.

"Boss, please save some!"

"Oh... leave some, please..."

Seeing that the blood left by Su Sigui on the ground was slowly disappearing from his eyes and being sucked away by Tang Ye, Hei Ya beside him also became anxious and begged Tang Ye in pain while suppressing his voice.

And Tang Ye also glared at him fiercely and told him to be quiet. Even he, as the Corpse King, had never tasted the blood of this ninth-level new human being. To him, this was a "rare" level. What a treasure!

"No hurries?"

"Boss... you can't do this..."

"What can I do?" Tang Ye was speechless and continued: "Don't worry, I will keep some for you."


"When have I ever lied to you?"

"Okay... okay..." The four brothers were a little helpless. It happened that Tang Ye, the corpse king, was present. If it had been anyone else, they would have been able to fight over the distribution ratio of this pool of blood today!

"I'll give each of you a small bottle when I get back. I won't swallow it all, okay?" Tang Ye said patiently. After saying that, he glanced at the residual blood on the ground that could not be recovered, and withdrew the tentacles stretched out from his ankles. , he was also a little distressed. About half a bowl of blood was sucked back, and the rest had begun to dry up on the ground.

"Boss, do you want us to do the next thing?" After imagining what the blood of the ninth-level new human would taste like on his taste buds, Chu Zha soon asked Tang Ye. He was the same as the other three zombies. , I just want to finish things quickly and go back.

Tang Ye looked at the battle situation below and thought about it for a while, and finally nodded and said: "Go, but..." The words paused, and Tang Ye raised an eyebrow at the four brothers, and they were not stupid either, and they quickly understood Come here.

Tang Ye means to assimilate the radiation species below into silver-armored corpses!

"Okay! Leave it to us!" With a low roar, the four zombies jumped off the observation platform without delay, and hit the ground one after another, wrapped in thick black mist. After roaring wildly at the sky, they all entered the state of corpse transformation!

The muscles all over the body swelled rapidly! Tear your clothes off! The exposed skin also changed from normal skin color to a darker silver color at an extremely fast speed!

As the thick black mist rolled and shrank, it formed a series of bright black light pillars!

Hu Ji and the others showed the most ferocious and violent side of the Silver Armored Corpse! Then he rushed into the battlefield and started a melee with the seven radiated species!

In the battle between so many strong men of the eighth level, the terrifying power continued to wash away the land. The earth cracked and the rocks turned into sand! When the observation platform collapsed, Tang Ye retreated to a safe area in time. He did not take action, but observed the radiation species and Su Sigui standing on the siphon tower in the distance.

Radiated species have the ability to block the perception of high-level zombies. This ability allows them to hide in survivor bases or shelter cities without being discovered by their own kind. Moreover, they seem to have the same ability as some special silver-armored zombies. The ability to manifest something!

Before they enter the corpse state, the clothes on their bodies are not ordinary things, but are made up of part of their flesh and blood!

"Those tentacles..." Tang Ye muttered, but soon noticed something. He raised his hand and carefully observed his arms. After the radiated species completely entered the corpse state, they continued to radiate from their bodies. Strong radioactive substances silently contaminate surrounding creatures and zombies!

This is similar to assimilation, but this assimilation is much slower than when the silver-armored zombies assimilate zombies of different types. If you are not careful, it will be difficult to detect the changes taking place in your body.

However, this kind of assimilation reaction, let alone Tang Ye, can be ignored even by seventh-level new humans or zombies. However, the damage caused to the body is real. Before being assimilated, there is a high probability that it will be a small life. No guarantee first!

No, most of the nearby soldiers who were still alive had started to have nosebleeds for no reason.

On the other side, the other eight radiated species who were about to destroy the siphon tower quickly dispersed in mid-air after realizing that Su Sigui had already blocked them in front of them! The bodies of the two radiated species in the middle trembled, and they directly entered the state of corpse transformation. They accelerated towards Su Sigui, as if they wanted to test the opponent's strength!

But try or die. When they arrived not far from Su Sigui, they saw that her voice had disappeared without a trace. When their eyes locked on her again, the two radiators Huazhong only felt his body tighten, as if he was restrained by something!


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