I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1909 Fair handling method

The radiated species, which was lifted off the ground by its heels, chuckled at Tang Ye, and Tang Ye himself had a strange look on his face. As the silver on the guy's body faded, he disappeared. Not long after, Tang Ye let go of it and looked at it. Looking into its eyes, he knew that the radiated species in front of him was no longer the radiated species before. Its consciousness had already become the radiated zombie king in an unknown corner!

The two sides looked at each other, ignoring the barrier of space!

After being put down by Tang Ye, this radiated species... No! It should be this radiated zombie king. He took a few steps back, then raised his hands slightly, as if he was adapting to this body. Not long after, this radiated species' whole body, including its head, underwent countless changes. Tiny tentacles grew out, changing the original face of the radiant species, and also changed its own color.

A large number of tentacles entangled together, changed color, and then formed into clothes. Not long after, the originally ferocious radiation species turned into a young man about thirty years old with a rough face. He looked at Tang Ye's face. His eyes revealed a playful smile.

"It's our first time meeting you, nice to meet you, my friend."

This guy's tone of voice was very gentle, which made it difficult for anyone to feel disgusted. However, this weird tone made Tang Ye feel like he was back when he was watching a foreign program before the end of the world, and the stiff English literal translation of the male voice in it... It was so real. It's too strong!

Tang Ye just wants to say in his heart: Oh! purchase! Ga!

But I have to say that the moment the other person opened his mouth, Tang Ye felt that this guy would be very interesting. After raising his eyebrows, he imitated this guy's accent and said, "Oh~"

"Nice to meet you too, my dear friend from far away. Well, according to your etiquette over there, I think we should hug. Don't you think so, my friend?"

Tang Ye's reply made the other party silent for a few seconds. For some reason, Lieer, who was in a daze somewhere, just felt sick when he heard Tang Ye imitating his own words.

How could there be such a... corpse!

I'm really convinced!

However, he was only silent for a short while, and soon returned to normal. He responded to Tang Ye in that bad Chinese accent as before: "Of course!"

So, under Lieer's control, the radiated species opened its arms and embraced the opponent. Tang Ye narrowed his eyes and finally took a step to meet him.

Just like that, the two corpse kings hugged each other, and the scene shocked everyone around them, as well as the four Hu Ji brothers. They were so confused about this situation that a two-foot-long monk could not figure it out. No one knew what happened. When something happened, I suddenly saw Tang Ye and this radiated species hugging each other...

However, they only hugged each other for a few seconds and it was just a formality. Soon the two parties let go of each other. Tang Ye asked with a smile on his face: "So now, are we friends?"

The irradiated species that had turned into Lier raised his head and thought for a while, and soon he laughed and responded: "Hahahahaha, of course, of course we are friends now!" After hearing this, Tang Ye's face changed. His smile became even brighter.

"Then since we are friends, buddy, shouldn't you think about our friendship, such as leaving this land and not causing trouble to your friends?"

In response to Tang Ye's words, Lieer remained calm and quickly responded with a smile: "Oh, it's not polite to rush out a visiting friend from your home so quickly."

Tang Ye snorted with a smile, and cursed in his heart: "Fuck you, my friend!" However, his face was filled with the same smile as before, and he didn't show anything. Instead, he said with a smile in the same tone: " But it’s not polite to bring trouble to your friends.”

"Oh no no, I think you got the wrong idea about me!"

"None of our lives are what we want, my dear friend, you know what I'm talking about."

"Don't worry, I will listen to you patiently." Tang Ye nodded, and Lieer opposite seemed to be having fun too.

"Every life in this world is struggling, like maggots squirming in the toilet. We still yearn for the light and move towards a better life, but all this requires material support. This is how we are, They are like this too... right?" As he spoke, Lieer stretched out his hand and pointed at several eighth-level new humans who were watching in the distance.

Tang Ye glanced in the direction his hand was pointing and just nodded without saying anything. He wanted to see what kind of medicine this guy was selling in his gourd!

"I have a concept, but I very much hope that you can also understand that we have only one mother, and that is this beautiful planet under our feet. It was she who gave birth to us, and we should take good care of her instead of Wretched destruction, my friend."

"So, giving up fighting is the most perfect respect for nature. I think you should see that we have a better choice than fighting, right?"

"There is also fairness. This is very important. There should not be any one entity that can exclusively enjoy all the benefits. This will only bring more trouble." After speaking, Lieer tilted his head and smiled as he waited for Tang Ye's answer.

His meaning was very clear, and he almost made it clear that the invasion of the four zombie kings was not unprovoked. They also had an absolutely reasonable reason, just like humans to resist them!

In a sense, Lieer is doing the same thing as Tang Ye, letting zombies and humans live in peace and each getting what they need. If the Corpse King is willing to give in, humans can almost develop and recuperate in peace as they did before the end of the world. The problem of food shortage will soon be solved, and the human fire will be continued.

But the premise is that humans must exist as livestock and serve as the basis for zombies to continue the race!

This seems so ridiculous that it shatters your mind! Ordinary people cannot accept it no matter what!

Tang Ye, on the other hand, uses the zombie mother nest as the basis to establish an ecological environment unique to zombies and complete the cycle to satisfy all levels of zombies from bottom to top!

But if this is the case, it is even more difficult to accept from the perspective of a zombie from a human perspective. This is undoubtedly the reason why humans give birth to their own children, not to raise them as adults, but to eat their own children to fill the gap. Full belly!

This just seems more twisted! Even more unreasonable!

In short, no matter which choice you make, it will be unfair to the other side, which is very difficult to deal with. In the end, give up the leader and let the two races decide in the most barbaric and primitive way, that is, fight to determine the winner! The winning side decides the path for the losing side!

This is the only fair way to deal with it, but it will most likely hurt both sides.

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