I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1911 Impeccable reason

More than a dozen eighth-level followers were killed in the battle at once. Even Lieer, the ninth-level zombie king, couldn't help but feel a pang of pain in his body. His next generation of radiated zombies were not assimilated by the silver-armored zombies. Those who can be assimilated often want to assimilate a radioactive species. At least nineteen of the twenty zombies must die, and the remaining one may not be able to be successfully assimilated!

And the radiation species that can evolve to the eighth level are one in a million!

With just such fans, more than a dozen of them were wiped out in one go. How come the loss wasn’t huge? It's like having two thousand yuan in your pocket before the end of the world, but losing one hundred yuan while walking on the road!

What makes him angry is that none of these fans know how to assess the situation. There is a ninth-level new human being and a ninth-level corpse king on the scene, so don't get involved, your life is important! Really are……

But it was not without gain. At least he knew that the guy who was also the Corpse King had reached some kind of cooperative relationship with Su Sigui, the only ninth-level new human being in mankind...

After only feeling distressed for a moment, Lieer's face quickly returned to a normal expression and he looked at the people at the conference table in front of him.

The scene was very quiet. Everyone frowned and closed their mouths. Except for some heavy breathing, no one made any other noise.

The atmosphere was first broken by Lieer, who had a Chinese face: "Okay everyone, now I want to know how long it has been."

No one sitting at the conference table answered him, or no one wanted to speak at all, but there was no need for them to answer Lie Er's question. Soon a soldier came over and came to Lie Er. Someone nearby shouted: "Almost half an hour has passed."

The soldier's answer seemed to be a response to Lieer, but it was actually a reminder to people today.

"Oh?" Lieer pretended to be surprised, "Really? So it's been so long?"

The others still didn't speak, but Lieer's sinister look made everyone else present look gloomy.

After the man left, there was no news from him for half an hour. No one knew what this meant than these people at the scene!

Not long after, some people at the conference table began to panic. There was obviously a look of fear on their faces, but they quickly remembered something and looked at Lie Er as if asking for help.

"You...what you said before is true?" Someone asked Lieer, and the other party replied without blushing: "Of course, I have no habit of lying to others."

"But, how can you guarantee it? How can an anti-humanity organization be so kind?"

"Yes, the anti-humanity organization has done many evil things, how could it suddenly choose to help us fight against the zombie tide?"

"They are eager to kill us all!"


In the conference room, everyone spoke to each other, telling each other about the evil deeds of the anti-humanity organization, and their faces were full of fear of the anti-humanity organization. There was nothing they could do, because the impression given by the anti-humanity organization was... How could things change there in a short time?

Of all the survivor bases that have been breached by anti-human organizations, which one is not covered in rivers of blood and barren of grass?

The things he has done are crazier than zombies! Even more cruel! With such an organization, who wouldn't have doubts when they suddenly heard that they were willing to help their survivor base resist the zombie tide? Think there is an ulterior motive?

This is as outrageous as if the corrupt official He Shen suddenly turned into an upright official!

In the face of everyone's doubts, Lieer's face didn't look strange at all, and he listened quietly, seemingly unconcerned. After the scene became quieter, he asked in a calm tone: "Are you finished? "

Following his words, the conference room became completely quiet. Everyone looked at him. Now everyone had no choice. The only eighth-level new human being was still imprisoned in the Empire State Building at Yunxia Base. Sixty kilometers to the west, the black insect tide continues to advance. Facing the eighth-level zombies in the zombie tide, the Mengjiao Survivor Base now has no ability to stop it. As for seeking help from other survivor bases, there is nothing they can do. , even if there are other survivors willing to help, reinforcements will not arrive in time within a short period of time.

The current anti-humanity organization is their only choice, because there are many eight-level new human powerhouses in this organization. Helping them stop the zombie tide is not easy to say, but it is also somewhat certain.

For a moment, everyone was in a dilemma. They didn't dare to refuse, and they didn't dare to agree easily. Once the alert against the anti-humanity organization was lifted, if they wanted to do something bad, the entire Mengjiao base would be in catastrophe!

No joke, this is fatal!

Seeing that no one spoke, Lieer stood up and explained unhurriedly: "I know you have a deep misunderstanding of the organization behind me, but please give us a chance to explain the wrong things we have done in the past. , after all, it’s just to continue living. As for us, we shouldn’t have the qualifications to call ourselves saints, right?”

"I believe that you, like us, will do whatever it takes to survive!" A confident smile appeared on Lieer's face. He thought he had seen through the nature of human beings. In fact, most people are indeed afraid of death. The courage to make a desperate move is not It can happen to anyone at any time.

Everyone still didn't speak. They also thought about it in their hearts. When their own survival was seriously threatened, they would not continue to maintain their principles. They would only do whatever it takes to survive, as Lieer said!

"It seems that everyone understands it, and you should be able to understand us, right? The current situation is different from the past. Each of us wants to live. Facing the intrusion of outsiders, none of us can do it alone. Whether it’s you or my organization, one day we will face it.”

"We don't want to live a homeless life. We want to take root, sprout, and have a place to settle down, so we chose the Mengjiao base."

Everyone was still silent. Indeed, using the word "alive" as a reason is really impeccable!

There was a pause in his words, and Lieer's eyes swept around, as if he wanted to remember all the expressions on everyone's faces, and then his tone suddenly changed and he said: "However, as guests, we also respect your choice. , if you are not willing to accept us, we can also choose other survivor bases. If you make a choice, it is up to you." After saying that, Lieer smiled and waited patiently. The sentence he just said was a disguised form of persecution. These people in the conference room!

But before the people in front of them could discuss it, one of the men wearing a noncommissioned officer's uniform punched the table hard. His fist left a dent on the smooth marble tabletop, and gravel flew. He looked determined and shouted loudly. Said: "Mad! No matter what, you will die anyway. I agree to accept the anti-human organization!"

"what about you?"

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