I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1914 Ren Xingtang’s Proof

Ren Xingtang's words once again made everyone's hearts skip a beat, but before anyone could speak, Lieer took the lead and said, "Forgive me for not understanding what you mean..."

"Stop pretending to be stupid! Everyone!" Ren Xingtang yelled at Lie Er angrily. He looked at the others, pointed at Lie Er, and continued with a serious expression: "Let me just say it straight, the person in front of you is This person is not a human at all! He is a high-level evolved zombie, disguised as a human and sitting here with us!"

"Also, many of you have been replaced by zombies. Although I'm not sure who they are, but..." As he said that, Ren Xingtang took something out of his pocket, and his right hand was tightly held in his hand from beginning to end. On the Feiyun Cannon, I was afraid that someone would suddenly come and snatch it away.

Not long after, he took out a few photos from his pocket and slammed them on the conference table.

Others looked at each other after seeing this. Finally, a few people plucked up the courage to step forward, picked up the photos and took a look. Before they had seen a few pictures, the expressions on these people's faces suddenly changed. changed!

Most of the content in the photos are surveillance footage, and the remaining small parts were taken secretly. The meaning to be conveyed to people is obvious, and the protagonists in them are all Lier, about a man named "Lou Dashan". "The whole process of how a young man was killed and how he turned into a zombie!

The original "Lou Dashan" has been dead for a long time, and what is standing here is just a zombie that has replaced his identity!

As more and more people read the photos, the atmosphere in the conference room became quieter, and many people's psychological defenses were almost on the verge of collapse!

Indeed, Ren Xingtang exposed the identity of "Lou Dashan" as a zombie, but what can they do? "Lou Dashan" can fluently use human language to talk to them. From this point of view alone, it means that this guy is not a sixth-level zombie, but a real eighth-level zombie!

Faced with such an existence, no one could escape from this conference room alive with their general strength of six or seven levels!

Therefore, many people were stunned in place after watching it. No one made any move, for fear that their actions would cause the eighth-level zombie "Lou Dashan" to suddenly appear!

But what is surprising is that Lieer's face was not panicked at all after his identity was revealed. His tone was the same as before, calm and joking.

"Hahahaha! Hey, what do these photos of yours mean? Do they just prove that I am a zombie? Don't you think that the members of the anti-humanity organization are only human beings?"

"Ah?" Lieer's words made some people stunned again, and they quickly realized, yes, if there are eighth-level evolved zombies as members in the anti-humanity organization, then their ability to control the zombie tide will be It becomes reasonable!

Seeing the people who were beginning to waver again because of Lieer's words, Ren Xingtang felt resentful for a while. How long has it been since he lasted and still had luck with anti-humanity organizations? Are they really so kind?

However, he did not lose his position and continued to confront Lie Er: "I do not deny that there are eighth-level zombies among the members of the Anti-Humanity Organization, but as far as I know, the Anti-Humanity Organization has its own headquarters, located in various places. There are also some strongholds, and they can be transferred at any time. They have flexibility that the survivor base does not have. Logically speaking, they are safer than us living in the base. I don’t believe that their leader is a fool who is willing to give up the advantages of the anti-human organization. , becoming as cumbersome as a survivor base and a sanctuary city!”

"To stay alive and to defend against outsiders is ridiculous!"

"As for the reasons you gave, ask yourself whether you can believe it?"

"Hehehe..." Lieer smiled, shook his head and replied: "You humans are always so self-righteous and use your usual logic to calculate the thoughts of your kind..." But he didn't finish his words. The next second He was interrupted by Ren Xingtang: "You don't have to change the subject for me, don't think I don't know what you want to do!"

"Then what do I want to do?" Lieer asked curiously. Ren Xingtang opposite took a deep breath and replied directly: "You want to captive the Mengjiao base! It is precisely because of this that human life becomes more valuable, you Only then will we try our best to prevent more people from dying!"

"Oh, what a wonderful answer." As he spoke, Lieer clapped his hands, and the smile on his face made people confused. What did this guy mean?

Ren Xingtang was silent for a moment. He originally thought that the other party would get angry and fight because he had exposed his background, but now this reaction only made him feel as if his heavy punch had hit cotton, which was very weak.

That inexplicable feeling of suffocation was too bad, but he did not dwell on it for too long. Looking at the others, he continued: "You know why our intelligence department did not detect the sixty-kilometer black insect in advance. A zombie wave? That’s because the entire intelligence department has been infiltrated and turned into zombies! So the intelligence we receive is what they want us to know!”

"In fact, there is no corpse tide at all sixty kilometers away. This is all his lie! A lie made up to capture the Mengjiao base!"

There was no other sound in the entire conference room except Ren Xingtang's words. People were silent, seemingly unmoved, but in fact many people had begun to secretly look at the people around them, and some of them were even whispering. far away from the crowd.

There is nothing scarier than someone next to you who has turned into a zombie!

After saying that, Ren Xingtang looked at Lie Er, wanting to know his reaction, but what was disappointing was that Lie Er's expression was the same as before. After he finished speaking, Lie Er asked: " Some things should not be said carelessly. Everyone here is a normal person. I know very well whether I have done anything or not."

"Hehehe~" Lie Er's words made Ren Xingtang feel a little funny. This was really just telling lies with his eyes open, and his face was not red and his heart was not beating. Could it be that those high-level zombies that can disguise themselves as humans are all this skinless? Shameless thing?

"I think you won't cry until you see the coffin!"

"Oh? Then I am really like this...but how do you prove that someone here has been replaced by someone of my kind?"

Lieer, who always had a smile on his face, made Ren Xingtang itchy, but he still forced himself to calm down, looked at him with both eyes, and said word by word: "I know you are testing me, but you may be disappointed. , I am not as miserable as you think, since you want to prove it, I will prove it to you!"

"Xiao Wu!" As he spoke, Ren Xingtang called a soldier from behind, and then stretched out an arm. The meaning was obvious. He wanted to use the different self-healing speeds of new humans and zombies to prove that someone here has been replaced by a zombie. The fact of falling!

At the same time, it also proved to Lieer that he had enough understanding of him and the trump card that he had not shown!


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