He didn't speak, he just turned his head and looked around behind him. Seeing nothing unusual, he raised his head and signaled to the soldiers at the site. The soldiers immediately understood and turned around and walked back. Zheng Minghui reacted immediately and shouted : "Oh, wait, I just want that one!" He pointed to the instant roast chicken with the largest package on the shelf. He couldn't forget that thing.

But the soldier didn't listen to him at all, and continued to walk to the warehouse behind.

"Ouch~" Zheng Minghui couldn't help but wailed after seeing it. Not long after, the soldier walked out of the station, but he had two more bags of vacuum-packed food in his hand, which he gave to the two of them respectively.

But Zheng Minghui was not satisfied at all. He smiled at the eighth-level new human and said, "Well, can you give me that roast chicken too?"

He only saw the other person raise his eyebrows, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't agree. He just looked at the soldier and said, "Go back and give them two bags."

"Yes!" The soldier nodded, ran back, and soon took out two bags of vacuum-packed food.

"I want roasted chicken!" Zheng Minghui looked at it and was still not satisfied. The two bags of food were all steaks, and the portions were small. They were gone after a few bites. There was no real roasted chicken. He was about to complain, but when he saw in front of him The face of this eighth-level new human became displeased, and he quickly closed his mouth.

The other party also looked at him speechlessly. Although he didn't say anything, he already cursed Zheng Minghui as a bumpkin in his heart.

"You want that roast chicken?"


"That's not roast chicken in the true sense. It's all synthetic meat, which has no real benefit to you. These steaks come from high-level evolved beasts and can provide you with more nutrients."

"Uh... Okay." After hearing what the other party said, Zheng Minghui's obsession with roast chicken suddenly disappeared. The ingredients taken from high-level evolved beasts are not something that ordinary people can afford. You can still buy Yajin, but at level five or above, you can’t buy Yajin, and you have to exchange it for gold!

Therefore, in ordinary times, only the big shots can afford to eat the meat from the evolved beasts!

The two brothers Zheng and Chen looked at each other and immediately tore open the package and started to eat it with big mouthfuls. People on the street saw this, not only with jealousy in their eyes, but also with pain in their hearts.

Such a good thing has been ruined by you like this!

While the two were eating, the eighth-level new human kept observing the surrounding situation. Not long after, a transport truck covered in steel armor appeared at the end of the crowd and parked on the side of the road. Then he made a gesture to the sergeant not far away!

The noncommissioned officer understood the situation and shouted an order. All the soldiers immediately lined up and separated a passage from the crowd for two people to walk side by side.

"Let's go!" This eighth-level new human said to the two of them. Zheng Minghui didn't know why and asked: "Where to go?"

"Go where you belong?"


The other party shook his head and did not answer directly. He just said this in a very strange tone: "It will be very dangerous to stay here. Are you two sure you want to stay here?"

Upon hearing this, the two of them stopped eating quickly. Shen Mingke's heart was beating wildly, and the feeling of uneasiness instantly arose and became more and more intense!

"Let's go." He said again. How could the two of them dare to ask why? He quickly followed this eighth-level new human into the road separated by countless soldiers.

There were constant reports in the headset. From the moment the two people attracted people's attention to now, more than 30 guys with strange behaviors have appeared in the entire Yunxia base, all rushing towards the location of the two people. .

At this time, the sound of a mud snake sounded in the headset.

[Sir, pay attention, there are two people approaching you. 】

The eighth-level new human next to the two brothers Shen and Zheng nodded slightly when he heard this. He looked at the eight-level new humans around him who were the same as himself. At this time, their whole body muscles were also tense together, and they were holding hands with one hand. On the weapon, you can enter combat status at any time!

Soon, the two came out of the crowded street and got into the transport truck at the instruction of the eighth-level new human being.

At the same time, in the crowd more than ten kilometers away, a child suddenly broke away from the adult holding his hand. With a push of his feet, he jumped up to a height of tens of meters, gliding in the air towards Shen Zheng's location at great speed. Fly away!

This sudden move caused the crowd to scream, but strangely, the soldiers maintaining order on the roof pretended not to see it. They just watched the child jump up and disappear again. They saw Chi Biyi turned to the back, but there was a strange smile on the other person's face. Not long after, he took out the communication device and said slowly: "The nest has been made, and the small fish have been attracted to it. Inform the mayor that we can put down the net." ”

The voice from the other side was a little noisy, but Xu Tianyu's voice was soon heard: "Take the people over first and try to keep them all."

"Simple." Chi Biyi said these two words in a relaxed tone, then waved towards the other eighth-level new humans behind him, and then jumped up and rushed in the direction of Shen and Zheng. .

At the same time, Xu Tianyu, who had just finished communicating with Chi Biyi on the anti-corpse wall, quickly contacted another person. He said: "Go and tell the mayor that the transfer can be carried out over there."


After ending the communication again, Xu Tianyu picked up the phone again and dialed a number.

The perspective returned to Shen and Zheng. As soon as Shen Mingke got into the car, following Zheng Minghui, his phone started ringing. He frowned and picked up the phone. He saw a completely unfamiliar number on it.

Looking at Zheng Minghui next to him, the two of them understood immediately!


With a swipe of his hand on the screen, Shen Mingke answered the call. As expected, the caller was Xu Tianyu. He tried to keep his tone humble and asked carefully: "Minister Xu? Is it me, it's me, it's me?" ,shall we start now?"

"It's already started."

"Ah?" Shen Mingke's expression was stunned: "Then what are we going to do?"

"You don't have to do anything, just try your best to survive."


There was no emotion in the words of Xu Tianyu opposite, which sounded a little strange to the ears. The two of them were stunned and both said, "What do you mean?"

Unfortunately, Xu Tianyu on the other side of the phone didn't explain anything, and the contact was cut off the next second. The two people in the transport vehicle were stunned for a while, and then they looked at the eighth-level new human next to them.

"I...we..." The two of them stuttered before they could say a word, but were interrupted by the sound of soldiers outside.

"There is an enemy attack, be alert!"

When the two of them turned their heads out of the window, they saw a black shadow flash past like a ghost. The next moment, a large number of surrounding soldiers were knocked upside down on the spot, with blood and flesh splattering, and the remains of laser weapons scattered everywhere. fall!

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