I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1998 The End of Yunxia Base

As soon as Tang Ye jumped out of the lift shaft with Ning Yu'er who had fallen asleep in his arms, Tang Ye immediately heard the piercing sirens from the "Sky Continent" that resounded throughout the city!


"What happened again?" Tang Ye was a little confused. This time the alarm sound was more urgent than before. It sounded obviously different. What he first thought was that other corpse kings had appeared!

Tang Ye's heart sank when he thought of this possibility, but he did not stop and continued walking forward.

And just when he walked out of the tunnel, a huge zombie bird with a wingspan of more than 20 meters flew past his head at high speed, carrying a terrifying hurricane. It held a bloody corpse in its huge beak. The blood dripping from above fell on the ground not far from Tang Ye.

He frowned unconsciously and looked into the distance. There were more birds fighting fiercely with the fighter jets in the sky. The firepower of the Yunxia Base Army should not be underestimated. Lasers all over the sky were pouring madly at the sky. Large swaths of zombie birds It was blown to pieces!

However, there were too many zombie birds and it was impossible to eliminate them all in a short time, which made the already gloomy sky even gloomier. With these zombie birds screaming from time to time, Yunxia Base became peaceful. The end times will be no different.

Has Yunxia Base fallen?

No, it's just because of the failure of the protective shield that large numbers of unimpeded zombie birds can break in unscrupulously, making the battle situation more difficult. Fortunately, the military strength of Yunxia Base is far beyond the ordinary. The survivor base and shelter city can In comparison, the powerful firepower can be said to be a massacre for these zombie birds!

Because the high-level evolved zombie birds have begun to gain wisdom, they also understand what it means to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. They stay away from the heavily covered fire network and wantonly slaughter people fleeing on the streets in other areas of the Yunxia base with weak military arrangements. In the ten seconds that Tang Ye understood the situation, the number of zombie birds flying overhead was no less than ten!

Also because they saw that Tang Ye was a zombie king, these zombie birds did not dare to provoke him, and basically flew around him after he came out.

However, although zombie birds are more fragile than ordinary zombies transformed from humans or large animals, there are many high-level zombie birds among them in such a large number. After fighting with human armed forces, the damage caused caused the suspension to be instantly The outermost and bottom layer of the "Sky Continent" in the air lost its support and crashed to the earth with a bang!

The dust rising in the distance obscured everything, and the layers slightly closer to the inner periphery were also damaged to a greater or lesser extent.

Impacts from time to time also caused the few ladders standing on the ground to be broken into several pieces. People staying on them could not leave the "Sky Continent" and could only wait for the god of death to walk towards them step by step. Some people could not bear such a situation. The pressure actually jumped from the edge!

Free fall towards the ground!

But Lady Luck didn't take care of them, and no miracle happened. When they fell to the ground, their bodies turned into mud on the ground!

As for the top layer of Sky Continent, it is also shaking. It seems that a high-level battle is breaking out there!

This Yunxia base, which is as prosperous as any first-tier city before the end of the world, is intensifying its ruins!

The only good thing is that things are not so bad that it is unacceptable. The Corpse King has not arrived yet. The Corpse King Kamutos, who is closest to the Yunxia base, is still nearly a hundred kilometers away. If we deal with this guy, we still have to deal with it. Don't worry about Tang Ye, but the dazzling light emanating from his body has a great impact, and it is already hard to open your eyes when you look to the south!

It’s like the sun is so close!

Looking away from the "Sky Continent", Tang Ye lowered his head and glanced at Ning Yu'er who was being held by him. Now it seems that the villa that they regard as their residence on the "Sky Continent" is inaccessible. It turned into a ruin that was not much different from the surrounding buildings. We had to find another suitable place to settle each other.

Thinking about this, Tang Ye walked towards the west side, which was least affected by the damage. But in the Yunxia base where the end was approaching, it was too much for him to walk through the messy streets with a girl wearing only a piece of clothing. Eye-catching, sometimes hurriedly behaving, people who couldn't wait to escape to a safe area couldn't help but stop and watch after discovering Tang Ye, guessing his identity.

But now, with zombies flying into the Yunxia base, people have no time to care about what others are doing. Even the gangster team that was stunned at first became timid under the pressure of death. They did not dare to stay for too long. , he regained his previous tension and continued running towards the safe place he thought he was.

I don't know how long it took, but after going around and around Tang Ye finally carried Ning Yu'er into a residential building. The building collapsed from the third floor onwards, and large chunks of cement and stone were piled on top. In the yard behind, the only remaining first and second floors were not spared the damage. One of the shops on the first floor was knocked out of a huge hole. Such damage also directly affected the second floor, causing a store behind the second floor to be damaged. The entire row of portals was directly exposed to the sky, and the ceiling was missing.

The door in the front row is relatively intact, which is enough for people to rest inside.

Don't ask, this is the only building Tang Ye has found so far. As black insect zombies continue to enter the Yunxia base by burrowing into the ground, high-level battles break out almost everywhere, and the damage caused is They don't care about the feelings of these buildings at all!

The damage to Yunxia Base has exceeded Tang Ye's expectations, and this is just the beginning!

So in this decisive battle between humans and zombies, in the end, regardless of whether the winner is a human or a zombie, the geographical location of Yunxia Base has also lost its value.

The Yunxia base, which had stood for more than ten years in the apocalypse, finally came to an end.

There were no living people in the residential building, and no one was willing to stay here. There were only two recently deceased bodies lying on the stairs leading to the second floor. Judging from the injuries, the cause of death should be that they were chopped with an axe. Kill by opening your head!

After kicking the two corpses aside, Tang Ye stepped over the last two steps and entered the corridor, and began to check the portals on the second floor one by one. However, many portals were damaged due to battles between high-level experts. Affected by the destruction, many portals were covered in dust. After searching for a while, Tang Ye found a suitable room in the innermost and penultimate portal.

After putting Ning Yu'er on the bed, Tang Ye opened the dusty curtains and looked outside. The nearest corpse-proof wall was about ten kilometers away, and most of the main troops of Yunxia Base were located in the east. , or to deal with the zombie tide in the southeast, while the remaining people trapped in the base all rush to the north exit. Logically speaking, this side should not have much strategic significance against zombies.

"It should be safe here." Tang Ye murmured, but he soon realized that his worries were unnecessary.

Ning Yu'er is no longer the girl who hid in the dormitory building and had people worried about her anytime and anywhere. She is a ninth-level rester! No matter how weak it is, it can't be handled by just any zombie.

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