Blood flew everywhere, and Ning Tianlang poked left and right like a ghost, pulling out an afterimage!

"Go to hell! Hahaha!"

Corpses fell to the ground one after another, and the guns in their hands had been smashed into scrap metal by the huge force. Ning Tianlang laughed ferociously, and his body was already covered in a chilling cocoon of blood.

He bent his five fingers, and unknowingly saw that his ten fingers had changed into another appearance. Black was covering his hands, and wisps of blood could be faintly seen flashing through. His nails were long, like devil's claws, and they didn't look like anything at all. Like a human hand!

The blood between his fingers fell drop by drop, and bullets whizzed in, hitting his body and tearing his clothes, but they were stuck on the surface of his skin, making it difficult to make any progress!

In just a few breaths, eight of their people had been killed by Ning Tianlang, the God of Death!

The number of personnel was reduced by half in an instant. This is completely unimaginable. Every pseudo-soldier here is a new human being. In the past, when they killed the old human beings who resisted, they were never so damaged!

But now, they are facing this third-level new human being. Just the first-level new human being in front of him is like they are facing the new human being! Even with a powerful thermal weapon in hand!

When a new human saw the devil-like Ning Tianlang charging towards him, knowing that the gun in his hand might not be able to hurt him, he became cruel and pulled out a half-meter-long curved blade with a "swish", roaring, brazenly Facing Ning Tianlang!

"Trash! Just you!"

Ning Tianlang looked disdainful. He swiped the curved blade in the soldier's hand, and he easily dodged it by turning sideways, while the other hand tactfully stabbed towards his waist!


The sound of penetration was harsh, and the spine in the human body was violently pulled out by Ning Tianlang! The new human soldier's face was stunned, and the light in his eyes dimmed.

Withdrawing his hand that was stained with fresh blood, Ning Tianlang raised his foot and kicked it. Hearing a bang, the corpse in front of him flew backwards!

The man playing with the round object was surprised when he saw such a scene, but fortunately he already knew that things would turn out like this, so it didn't surprise him too much.

No matter what, Ning Tianlang is going to die today!

Most of the people he brought had been killed by Ning Tianlang. It was meaningless to continue like this. He looked outside the door and found that there was no one, and his face turned gloomy.

"Why, you haven't come out yet?"

As if he knew he had been discovered, a handsome-looking man walked out.

"Oh, you are a bit boring. What's wrong with watching more dramas?"

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up. It will be difficult if he escapes."


The man tilted his head helplessly and looked at Ning Tianlang, but after looking over, he also found that Ning Tianlang was also looking at him!

"Oreki, haha, that's a good move with such a fierce move!" Ning Tianlang had stopped killing and looked at the man in front of him with a mocking look on his face.

"Don't you look surprised?" Oreki had a smile on his face.

"There is nothing to be surprised about. I have long thought that such a day would never happen."

"Then why don't you stop?"

"Do you know the psychology of gamblers?"

"Oh, I understand, what next? Just start the fight?" Oreki was still smiling, as if there was always a smile on his face.

"No, I have a request."

"any request?"

"I know you killed me to complete your mission, and the Dragon Team won't pursue you, but I hope you can let Yu'er go."

"Your daughter, oh, she is a good girl, she is very kind at heart, but she killed you!"

Ning Tianlang lowered his head and remained silent, with bitterness and helplessness in his eyes. To be honest, he regretted it now. He regretted that his daughter was so kind. It was this kindness that had harmed countless people!

The principles of the end of the world cannot be guessed based on the thinking of peaceful times. This is very ridiculous!

If before the end of the world, helping others, respecting the elderly and caring for the young, and sacrificing yourself for others were some good qualities, but in the end of the world, these things are all bullshit!

In the end of the world, kindness will only make others bully you even more!

"Hey, I know what you are thinking. Now, you can go to hell and think about it. You know what you are here for. Then, should I do it myself, or..."

"I'll do it myself!"


Zhemu nodded in agreement, still with a thick smile on his face. A strong man was about to die, but he still saved some face for this person, so as not to make Ning Tianlang laugh.

"Thank you, and my daughter, please, let her go, she is innocent."

"Don't worry about this."

After hearing this, Ning Tianlang relaxed. His originally strong back suddenly bent down, and a dejected aura spread out. It was as if Ning Tianlang had aged more than ten years in this moment.

The black blood vessels on his skin receded. Ning Tianlang sighed, squatted next to a corpse in front of everyone, and took off a grenade.

The crowd did not move, but raised their guns and pointed at Ning Tianlang warily. They saw Ning Tianlang walking to the lobby, scanning everything around him again, his eyes blurred.

Suddenly, the scenery in the yard suddenly changed. The lush green trees shrank in size, and the lush leaves turned from green to autumnal yellow.

He saw a pretty little girl running around wildly, sometimes pounding the soil on the ground, sometimes tearing up bread and throwing it on the ground, surrounding the ants who were looking for food.

"Dad, when will you come back? Little ants, when do you think my father will come back? Dad said he is very busy at work, okay. Why is he working?"

"It's so boring here, I don't have any friends to play with..."

"Dad! It's great that you are finally back!"

"I miss you so much!"

"Dad, you are leaving again, when will you come back... Oh, two days, then you must come back soon."

His daughter's voice echoed in his ears, and inadvertently, Ning Tianlang burst into tears. He looked at the little girl, who was Ning Yuer's childhood.

She looked at the sky, looked at the ground, took out the doll from the room, and jumped around in it. There was also her holding her homework and writing on it quietly.

She has always been the only one here, waiting for her father who is often away from home because of his busy work. Everything she does here is full of the innocence of a child, and the crisp and tender voice plays in her head. It won’t go away.

This is so innocent, so dreamy, this girl is very cute, but also very lonely...

Autumn leaves float along the long wind, leaving a unique and beautiful sound. In a blink of an eye, the wind is cold, the sun is no longer warm, and the winter snow falls suddenly, but only for a moment, or for a long time, the winter snow falls. Disappear, the trees meet spring, and then turn to summer solstice.

In the blink of an eye, the four seasons passed by, and Ning Tianlang did not see his figure. From the beginning to the end, the little Ning Yu'er was always in front of him.

His thoughts drifted back to the present. Ning Tianlang smiled miserably, pulled away the thunder in his hand, and stuffed it into his mouth without hesitation.

"Yu'er, I'm sorry, you have suffered..."

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