I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 291 No one wants to share cheats

This was not what Tang Ye wanted to do, it was Li Henian in his memory who drove Tang Ye to do this.

However, Tang Ye did not notice it at the time.

Why do this? It may be the inexplicable pleasure.

This kind of pleasure is indescribable, just like when some people like someone but bully her severely, and this is what Li Henian did.

Seeing the people being bullied by him helpless, he just gave up helplessly.

Looking at the car in front of him, Tang Ye narrowed his eyes, his brain turned rapidly, and he re-examined everything here.

Ever since he realized that he was affected by Li Henian's memory of shortage, Tang Ye felt that everything was wrong in this hospital!

Ignoring Li Qingtian, who came to live in this place, take the car in front of him as an example. There is a rag doll on the front of the car, and in front of it, there is an oil drum with a toy robot on top of the oil drum!

There are obvious traces of dragging on the ground. It should only last for more than ten days. People with normal IQs can only guess after looking at it!

All these phenomena indicate that this car was dragged here artificially within this month!

Here, Tang Ye's doubts came. If there were no intelligent zombies here, why did Li Qingtian bring this car over?

Maybe it’s because I’m full and have nothing to do.

But Tang Ye knew that things were far from that simple!

He didn't know what happened to Li Henian, but the scene when the car hit him should have had a deep impact on Li Henian!

Cars, oil drums, rag dolls, and robot toys were not easy for Tang Ye to guess. These objects were all arranged together, as if there was a story behind each one.

This is just Tang Ye's intuition. As for whether it exists or not, Tang Ye will only know after seeing the truth.

Walking forward, Tang Ye picked up the rag doll on the front of the car and looked at it for a while, then put it down, walked to the oil drum, and looked at the toy robot for a while.

Ah Fu followed Tang Ye closely. Although it didn't know what Tang Ye was doing, for it, it just followed Tang Ye wherever he went.

Realizing that he couldn't see anything, Tang Ye stood up straight and glanced at the hospital with doubts in his eyes. Just as he was about to continue looking at other buildings, his mind suddenly shook!

Tang Ye had a look of horror on his face, as if someone had hooked a string in his head, forcing him to do so!

His face suddenly became ferocious, and a terrifying roar sounded from Tang Ye's mouth. The ferocious aura in his body surged, and the string hooking him suddenly loosened.

After shaking his head, Tang Ye's expression turned into one of surprise.

Just now, he knew that a zombie was establishing a spiritual connection with him! Want to control yourself!

But this guy's level doesn't seem to be as high as mine, and he can't control himself at all!

"Smart zombies really exist. It seems I'm not the only one. Hehe, I'm here!"

After roaring, Ah Fu also roared blindly at a certain place, but at this time, its huge body was also shaken. It was obvious that the other party saw that Tang Ye was ignorant and wanted to control Ah Fu!

At the same time, Tang Ye felt that Ah Fu was sending signals of his own emotions to him in his mind, which was obviously very painful.

After a while, Ah Fu stopped, all the anger in his body gathered in his big mouth, and he opened it suddenly, and a deafening roar blurted out, containing its ferocity!

Tang Ye quickly calmed himself down. Being hooked by the mental strings of other zombies for a while had already made him furious. However, the prerequisite for establishing a mental connection was to be able to see the other party. Obviously, the other party could see him, and he could not see the other party. Miss it!

However, Tang Ye was sure of one thing, that is, the zombie's level was not as high as anxious, it was level four!

Since we haven’t reached the fifth level, everything is easy to handle!

The mask he was wearing was taken off by Tang Ye. After the impact just now, his face was covered with cracks and he could no longer wear it!

As soon as the mask was taken off, the terrifying zombie face was exposed. His eyes could see the three buildings. He raised his hands, and a terrifying aura emanated from his body, heading towards the three buildings!

This is an ability that all third-level zombies have—high-level will!

Once this ability is activated, zombies that are lower than himself will involuntarily move closer to him, and Tang Ye wants to make that zombie come over, even though it is an intelligent zombie like himself!

The terrifying aura of the fifth-level zombies exploded, causing the zombies in the hospital to roar in shock. After a while, ordinary zombies stumbled out and ran towards Tang Ye!

But what disappointed Tang Ye was that he didn't see the intelligent zombies he wanted to see!

When there were almost six zombies gathered around him, Tang Ye saw that no zombies came out, so he was about to take it back, but at this moment, a sad zombie roar came from a building!

The voice was full and full, mixed with bloodthirsty and violence, and the aura was only one level lower than Tang Ye!

Hearing this voice, Tang Ye's eyes lit up, he took back all the aura he was emitting, and began to look for the source of the voice.

The zombies' sharp ears were able to tell immediately that the roar came from Building 1, which was between the fifth and sixth floors!

After getting the general direction, Tang Ye roared and rushed towards Building No. 1, and Ah Fu also followed after him!

As soon as he entered the front hall of Building No. 1, Tang Ye saw a third-level zombie roaring and rushing toward him desperately.

With a cold snort, the mental string in his mind hooked towards it, but as soon as he hooked it, to Tang Ye's surprise, the zombie was not controlled by him, but continued to attack him regardless.


After spitting out these two words, Tang Ye didn't look too surprised. He raised his hand and slapped the head of the third-level zombie that was charging towards him!



This zombie's head was suddenly blown up by Tang Ye, and a large cloud of black and red blood mist exploded!

The headless corpse brushed past Tang Ye's shoulder, and then hit the wall hard with inertia, knocking a hole out of the wall, and it never got up again!

Ignoring the headless corpse, Tang Ye rushed upstairs with a smile on his face. With a hint of excitement in his heart, he had already decided how to treat the intelligent zombie. Should he torture him to death or be friends?

At first, he was afraid that there would be zombies with the same wisdom as himself in the apocalypse, but then he was afraid that there would be no zombies like him. What he was afraid of was loneliness, the loneliness of being caught in the middle and unable to move forward or retreat!

Therefore, later on, he had been looking forward to the appearance of a zombie like himself, and now, he seemed to have encountered it, but the problem was also placed in front of him.

It is impossible for him to have human thoughts and not be selfish. In this end of the world, it is undoubtedly a fool's errand to retain human thoughts and become a zombie.

Who can share the plug-in in their hands with others?

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