I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 295 Why did you say this?

"That car was brought to me by a woman. I don't know when she came here. She looked delicious. I thought that if I took a bite, the taste would be very delicious. But I didn't kill him later. She, because she is the dominant one, I want the head of the dominated person behind her more than killing her, but what is regrettable is that her dominated person was killed, and the murderer is you. "

Tang Ye didn't speak, which was regarded as acquiescing, and Xu Haihai continued: "But I still chose to let her go without being dominated. Instead, I asked her to help me find this car. I pulled it over and kept it as a collection. Taste."

"What about her?"


"Leaving? When?"

"It seemed like three days ago. I don't know. Anyway, she left in the past few days. She said hello to me before leaving."

"Where are you going?" For some reason, Tang Ye asked this question inexplicably.

"She goes to the place with the most zombies, that's over there." Xu Haihai pointed to the south and said.

"You don't seem to gain anything by taking other people's memories."

"No!" Xu Haihai's face suddenly became ferocious and he looked at Tang Ye.

"You don't understand. Although you took away a memory of the dominated person, the amount you took away was not much. You are not me. You can't understand my feelings! I am very incomplete. I need a complete me! A complete me. Xu Haihai completely disappoints you, I am not the same as you, you are the lucky one, but I am not!"

"When you become a person, you will sacrifice the lives of many people. In order to make myself complete, I went to seize other people's memories. In addition to the car, there are three objects outside. These three objects represent I killed three rulers and their dominated people, took their memories, and I also had many names, but I chose my original name!"

Tang Ye's hand stroking the plush rubber band stopped, his eyes sunk slightly, and he looked at Xu Haihaii, who had a crazy face.

"Maybe you don't understand what I'm saying, but I have to explain this to you clearly. Tang Ye, think about it, are you the same person before you became a zombie? Think about it carefully. think."

Xu Haihai, the boss with a cleft mouth, looked into Tang Ye's white eyes with his white eyes.

Tang Ye was stunned and looked thoughtful.

Yes, are the past self and the present self the same person?

"Think carefully, be sure to think carefully, have you thought of it? Have you thought of it... No, then let me remind you, your character, think carefully about your character, is it what you should have?" Xu Haihai urged. road.

Tang Ye frowned fiercely and compared his past memories with his current self.

But Tang Ye was horrified by this comparison. He found that he used to have a very gentle personality and liked to act funny in front of others. Although he was disturbed by various worries at night, he would just remain silent, and he was not as troubled as he is now. They are all bloodthirsty!

With his eyes cold, he stared at Xu Haihaii closely and said word by word: "What on earth are you going to say?"

"Have you thought of it? Have you thought of it from time to time?" Xu Haihai looked at Tang Ye, the smile on his face was very sick, as if he had met a confidant who understood him!

"Have you noticed, Tang Ye, that you have almost no emotions now? Can you go back to the state of mind before the end of the world? You can't. What does this mean? We in memory have emotions, and now, of course, we are Referring to you, there is no emotion!"

"Both of our feelings are locked in memory. I seize other people's memories just for that short-lived feeling. Even if it is not my own, other people's memories are like drugs. The deeper they go, the more they can't extricate themselves! It will make people addicted. If If you’re not addicted, that’s because you don’t get enough memories!”

Tang Ye grinded his teeth and suppressed the killing intent in his heart, waiting for him to finish.

"Whether you were before or you are now, you are the same person, including the memory you got, it all belongs to you. At the same time, the memory I got also belongs to me and does not belong to anyone. The only difference is the change of master!"


Tang Ye couldn't bear it anymore. This guy kept telling him some convoluted things. He was willing to talk, but he was not willing to listen. However, the difference between himself before the end of the world and his current self was really big. It was good that no one reminded him. , as soon as Tang Ye was reminded, there was a murmur in his heart.

This feeling is wonderful, just like time travel in online articles. One person's soul occupies another person's body and obtains his memory. So the question is, how to distinguish who you are?

Is it the one who occupies someone else's body or the one whose body is occupied?

Maybe it can be said that it has taken over someone else's body, but it can also be said that there are suddenly more memories in the brain.

This kind of thing can't be explained clearly, and it's precisely because he can't explain it that Tang Ye could bear to let Xu Haihai talk so much, but now, his patience was exhausted.

"What you want to say now is business!"

Xu Haihai was stunned for a moment, with a strange expression on his face. Under his ferocious face, there was some coldness exuding.

He waved his hand, knowing that Tang Ye didn't want to hear it, and he didn't want to talk nonsense, and said, "I need memory, and the ultimate result of needing memory is to gain feelings, and you can give me this feeling."

Tang Ye's eyes flashed, showing an inexplicable expression.

"Can I give you feelings? Why do you say this?"

The expression on Xu Haihai's face became distorted, and the corners of his lips curled up, revealing an extremely perverted smile.

"I'm sorry, I have been observing you for a long time. Although zombies also have memories, those memories are not long, and those memories are only for food, let alone having feelings. But, it has it, it has feelings! "

Xu Haihai pointed at Ah Fu outside the door and said excitedly.

"Although it was controlled by you, the baby girl didn't take the initiative to attack her when you were around! A long time ago, you went to a far away place, leaving only it and the baby girl. I thought it would eat her in the future, but it didn’t! It had memories! It had feelings, feelings for that baby girl!”

"It's really incredible. You were still at level four at that time. I don't know how you controlled it, but you were only effective on it. For other zombies, you could only control them at the most basic level. You stayed away from here. Although I don't know where you went, at least you are out of my surveillance range. Even I can't control a zombie at such a long distance." After saying this, Xu Haihai's face turned dark.

"As you know, I am the dominant one, but since I turned into a zombie, Mil's feelings for me have disappeared. I tried to save it, but it didn't work. She started to treat me as a stranger and drove me away. And I can only keep lying to myself.”

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