On the trail, when the three of them saw the zombies in military uniforms in front of them, their eyes lit up. They saw that these zombies were carrying a Type 03 sophisticated version of the border assault rifle on their backs. Although they did not know how many bullets were inside, they could see These guns will give people an exciting interest!

This trip already means that it was not in vain!

Among these zombies, there are one or two evolved zombies, and a second-level zombie inside. Under the huge body, there is also a gun wrapped in flesh and blood, stuck to the waist!

The three of them looked at each other with solemn faces and began to retreat!

The zombies had long been attracted by the movement here. As soon as they saw the three people, they roared and rushed over!

Xu Haihai followed the three people back, but at this moment, his eyes were attracted by a building.

"That is……"

Facing him from the front of the building, he could see the stairs inside. At this time, clouds of dark yellow smoke kept coming out of the windows at the entrance of the stairs, and a dark figure could be vaguely seen coming down the stairs!


A strange cry rang out, and the three of them had no time to pay attention to it, focusing on dealing with the zombies in front of them. Xu Haihai's eyes flashed, and he rushed over there with a "swish"!

When the three of them noticed something was wrong, they discovered that Xu Haihaii was no longer there!

They retreated and fired bullets for free, specializing in attacking ordinary zombies that had not evolved. The three of them had a clear division of labor and reloaded regularly. They took turns, and Qiqi quickly eliminated the zombies crowded together in front of them. Eighty-eight.

The trees and flowers nearby were completely destroyed, and the remaining powerful zombie with the biggest target was running towards it violently. Bullets hitting it had no effect at all!

There was a row of bone armor on its forehead, which tightly protected its vital points. Bullets could not penetrate it at all. Seeing that it could no longer be controlled, Bai Huipeng raised his hand and made a gesture, and then spread it to both sides with Feng Quan, leaving Hu Gui in the middle. .

Among the three, Hu Gui has strong melee combat ability. He knew that the second-level zombies were difficult to kill without a sharpshooter, so he resolutely chose to fight with it in close combat!

Out of the original seven people, only three of them had evolved to the second level, so Tang Ye sent them out to search for ammunition. At this moment, the cooperation of the three of them worked!

Hu Gui quickly calmed himself down, took off the fire ax from behind, and rushed towards the second-level zombies under the cover of firepower from Bai Huipeng and Xuchangchi!

"Get out of sight and disappear the bone spurs behind it. Don't get hurt!"

As soon as he rushed in front of the zombie, Hu Gui rolled around, walked around behind it, stood up, and struck out with an ax with a sharp sound of wind!


The tight flesh and blood was suddenly torn apart by the sharp axe blade. The zombie roared and just turned around. Hu Gui pulled out the ax and slashed it again, hitting it on the waist. Then he pulled it out again, turned around and slashed towards the back. On the head of the sneak attack zombie!


The second-level zombie roared, bent slightly, and punched it, but Hu Gui dodged it, and the two people behind were not vegetarians. When it turned around, they raised their guns and shot it in the back of the head!

Bang bang bang!

Bullets hit its body one after another, and a few hit the back of the head, but they were still stuck in the skull and only made its body shake a few times.

But this shaking gave Hu Gui a certain amount of time, and he held the ax handle down and pressed down!


The face of the fat zombie was cut with a wound that was deep enough to show the bone. After the cut, Hu Gui was no longer in love with the fight. He could already feel the zombie behind him reaching his back. If he continued, he would suffer a lot!

He immediately made a decision, rolled over, and got out from under the second-level zombie's crotch. Then he stood up again, raised his foot and kicked its thigh!

The huge body of the second-level zombie was kicked so hard that it almost fell to the ground. But then, to Hu Gui's surprise, a bone spur on its back stabbed over, directly piercing through his body and hitting him. Broke his heart!

The two people behind immediately noticed this. When they saw Hu Gui like that, they were both stunned.

"Fuck!" Feng Quan didn't know how to express his feelings, so he could only say this!

"I'll kill you!" Feng Quan's eyes were bloodshot, while Bai Huipeng just frowned. He didn't go to Hu Gui to befriend Feng Quan like Feng Quan. In the apocalypse, father and son would turn against each other, not to mention this kind of friendship between friends.

Seeing that the place where Hu Gui was stabbed was the heart, this was already a critical point. Even the vitality strength of the second-level new human beings couldn't help it. He could only hope that Feng Quan wouldn't be too extreme!

Bang bang bang!

Feng Quan raised his gun, pointed it at the head of the second-level zombie, and fired bullets for free!

Anger drove Feng Quan's nerves. The recoil caused by the orange-red flames spitting out from the gun not only did not affect him, but on the contrary, he kept moving forward!

The bullets like a storm shattered the bone armor on the forehead of the second-level zombie!

"Ah! Kill you!"

Bang bang bang...

The successive gunshots represented the anger in his heart. The distance was very close, so the bullets coming out would have less resistance, and the more powerful they would be when they hit the zombies!

After a while, the zombie's head was beaten to a pulp, and pieces of pus, blood and rotten flesh fell to the ground, revealing the yellow second-level evolutionary crystal inside.


The three-meter-tall body crashed to the ground, suppressing Hu Gui's body on the ground.

"Old Hu!"

Feng Quan rushed forward quickly, pushed the zombie's body away, and saw Hu Gui who was no longer breathing inside.

"Feng Quan, come back quickly!"

Bai Huipeng was holding the group of corpses in check by himself and was under great pressure. Seeing Feng Quan coming to dig through Hu Gui's corpse, he quickly stopped him.

Feng Quan had not yet been completely overwhelmed by anger. After Bai Huipeng shouted, he immediately turned around and glanced at the group of zombies hatefully. He turned around gloomily and distanced himself from the group of zombies. But there was an inexplicable look in his eyes, more of resentment.

I don’t know who it is aimed at.

The two picked up the assault rifles from the zombies, and each of them carried five or six on his back, then ran behind, keeping a distance from the zombies, and used kiting tactics with them.

The bullets from the gun never stopped for a moment. When one gun ran out of bullets, it was replaced with another. After a while, the zombies in front were cleared away.

Most of the zombies here have been driven away by Xu Haihai, and there are not many zombies left. The two of them didn't put in much effort, but Hu Gui's death made Feng Quan feel very sad.

Bai Huipeng drove in, put the zombies and the gun that fell on the ground into the car, and then walked forward.

The surrounding environment was full of badly decomposed corpses and piles of bones. The scene was like hell, but the sun hanging high in the sky dispelled some of the haze and gave the two of them some sense of security.

After clearing the zombies on the trail, we didn't encounter any large groups of zombies elsewhere, only about three or four.

"Look! Damn it!" Bai Huipeng suddenly looked at one place and cursed!

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