I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 329 Opportunity to vent

Although he thought so in his heart, Yang Xiao still became curious about the boss Bai Huipeng mentioned. He had long disliked Song Wuli. There was obviously no shortage of food, but he still plucked out his hair like an iron rooster and would rather hoard it. I am willing to change the lives of the people below.

But although he was dissatisfied, he did not attack Song Wuli because he was too weak and did not want to cause too many troubles. Otherwise, he would not be alive today.

Every word Bai Huipeng said made him yearn for it. If what he said about the boss was true, then following him would be a hundred times better than Song Wuli.

Yang Xiao nodded slightly and wanted to stand up, but his legs hurt when he moved and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.


Seeing Yang Xiao nodding, Bai Huipeng was very satisfied and shouted to the men next to him: "Someone, help him sit on his side."

As soon as he finished speaking, two men came over and helped Yang Xiao to sit up next to a grassy field.

After making a more comfortable sitting position, Yang Xiao looked at Bai Huipeng worriedly and said, "...Wouldn't the loud noise we just made attract zombies?"

When Yang Xiao first spoke, there was a pause in Yang Xiao's tone, but Bai Huipeng heard it and understood the reason, and immediately replied: "I think you are only about 23 or 24 years old, and you are just like other people." Just the same, call me Brother Peng, maybe I guessed wrong, you will be older than me, but in this era, you don’t just have to be older to be a brother. As for the zombies, don’t worry, there are no zombies coming."

There seemed to be nothing wrong with Bai Huipeng's words, and even Yang Xiao didn't hear anything. But after careful consideration, he discovered an important piece of information.

"Wait...Brother Peng, how do you know there are no zombies coming?"

Maybe it's because he never calls others this way, but Yang Xiao's tone was very stiff when he called Bai Huipengpengge.

He always felt that something was wrong with what Bai Huipeng said, but he didn't know what was wrong, so he could only ask stupidly.

"I said if there are no zombies coming, there will be no zombies coming. You will know these problems later."


Although he was full of curiosity, Yang Xiao still suppressed it. Listening to Bai Huipeng's explanation, it seemed that they were the reason why the zombies suddenly disappeared.

But how are these done?

Not long after, one survivor was carrying a lot of food taken from the classroom where food resources were stored, and carried it to the truck.

Seeing this scene, countless survivors who had been living here had green eyes, but no one dared to grab it. They could only hold their breath and frantically look for Song Wuli who was hiding.

Seeing the busy scene of his people, Bai Huipeng had a deep smile on his face. Although Tang Ye had never been stingy with food, he didn't know how much food he still had.

No matter how much food there is, there will be a time when it is eaten up. Even if we start planting, the amount will not last long.

From the moment the end of the world begins, there will be no food processing, and the world will eat less food. Planted food may be enough for a while, but then the standard of living will definitely drop.

Bai Huipeng definitely doesn't want his living standard to drop, and there will be no harm in saving more food in the days when Zhang Han was still around.

After a while, a large truck was mostly filled with countless amounts of food, and people kept stuffing it. The survivors who came with Bai Huipeng didn't see anything strange. They were all old people. They put it in honestly and did not hide any secretly on their bodies. This meant that they were not worried about being hungry.

But the original survivors were different. They looked at the piles of food stuffed in, and their eyes almost popped out. They wanted to rush up to hold down a non-local survivor who was delivering food and snatch the things from his hands. !

But think this way, but no one is moving, the armed survivors have surrendered, and the firearms in their hands have been handed over. If you rush forward, you will only die!

Moreover, the number of people who came was almost the same as their number.

Originally, Bai Huipeng had given up any hope of catching Song Wuli. He just wanted to complete the task and move everyone here, but he never expected that something strange happened to a whole house!

"Found it! Song Wu is here with the dog coins! Hurry...ah!"

A voice full of joy rang out from a teaching building, but before he could say anything, he let out a scream, and the whole body of the speaker fell from the height of the fifth floor, making a dull sound!

Bai Huipeng was stunned at first, then realized what was going on, and rushed over there with Wu Pingzhan. After hearing this, the other survivors rushed upstairs like zombies after seeing flesh and blood.

"Catch Song Wuli! The cookies are mine!"

Food is too tempting for survivors. Poor Song Wuli never thought that he was so selfish that the survivors who used to be respectful would betray him just because of a pack of biscuits!

People rushed up in a swarm, until the fifth floor of the teaching building was packed, and they kept rushing into a classroom!

"You bastards, how dare you betray me, I'm going to kill you!"

Song Wuli's voice came, almost like a roar, full of endless anger.

"Why betray you? We have never been loyal to you. Go to hell!"

"Song Wuli! You killed my son, go to hell!"

"You almost beat me to death before, now you deserve to die!"

"Song Wu has made me a fool! All the women in your family should be fucked by me!"


As soon as Song Wuli finished speaking, countless survivors' voices came out, accusing him, and everyone's tone was filled with resentment and joy!

The filthy words that he didn't dare to say to him in the past came out without reservation at this moment, and the curses made Song Wuli's heart roar even higher!

He really wanted to kill them all, but if everyone surrounded him, even the powerful second-level new humans would not be able to resist, and they would die of exhaustion if not beaten to death!

The survivors knew that Bai Huipeng and his group wanted to kill him, so they naturally regarded them as their backing. They were not afraid of the current Song Wuli at all!

Most of the people in the crowd were oppressed by Song Wuli. Some had their wives robbed by him and became prostitutes. Some were beaten to death just because of one word. Some were hungry and had to pay for him meaninglessly. sacrifice.

As time passed, the pent-up resentment in people's hearts became extremely deep, but due to Song Wuli's strength, no one dared to vent it out.

Now, when someone gives them a chance to vent, these people will naturally repay all the resentment in their hearts in geometric multiples!

They didn't find it satisfying to torture Song Wuli to death!

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