Su Sigui is not a very particular person. Although the room looks messy with papers all over the floor, she is very straightforward and will not do anything meaningless. Of course, regarding her own strength, Except things.

Therefore, she prefers the convenience of doing many things. Among the messy papers, she can find the one she needs at any time.

The paper on which the drawing was originally written was put aside, and then another paper filled with words was taken out.

The above content is clearly the various zombies that will appear in the future and their names. Of course, there is also the zombie king.

His eyes passed over the zombie codenames, and soon they locked on a name named Baifa.

She typed a question mark behind the word "follower" below, and in front of the question mark, there was the word "tyrant".

After drawing this question mark, she closed her eyes and meditated. She didn't know what she was mumbling. Her brows were furrowed, and her face with baby fat was very cute under the frown. But with such a beauty, who could Who could have imagined that he would be a demon who even killed his own parents?

"Why aren't you dead? This zombie, what are your abilities?"

The scene of that day flashed through her mind. On that day, she clearly saw herself splitting the zombie in half from the beginning with a knife. She thought it was dead, but she never expected that at the moment she relaxed, that zombie Half of the zombie's body actually climbed up!

Yes, half of the body is crawling up, while the other half is dead!

By the time she reacted, the zombie had already run into the zombie swarm. Facing the huge zombie horde, even if she was a new fifth-level human being, she would not be able to come back alive.

The greatest combat effectiveness of the zombie swarm is collective culling. The zombies rushing over alone can make it difficult for a seventh-level new human being to move forward.

No matter how powerful a person is, he has to retreat when faced with a tide of corpses! Once zombies slay you in groups, not to mention biting you, they will pile up into a mountain and crush you like a monkey underneath.

At that time, she had no way to chase him, so she could only watch the zombie jump away. Even now, she is full of doubts.

As far as she knew, a zombie would not die if it was hit in the brain after it was at least level seven, but the number of such zombies was very small, and even the eighth level zombie generals did not have that many.

Unless you reach the ninth level, you will not die if you are hit in the brain, but you are not invincible...

But the zombie that used corpse bugs to spy on him that day was obviously only level four. With such strength, no matter what, it would never be able to survive being hit in the head!

Before zombies reach the ninth level, evolution crystals are their absolute weakness!

At the seventh or eighth level, the intelligence of zombies is almost that of ordinary people, or directly has the intelligence of ordinary people. With intelligence, zombies naturally know their own weaknesses, so they will transfer the evolutionary crystals in their brains to other locations on the body.

But where can it be transferred? People in later generations were very smart and knew that when seventh- and eighth-level zombies had this ability, if they encountered them, as long as they were hit in the head and survived, they would attack other parts.

The intelligence of seventh-level zombies is around that of a twelve or thirteen-year-old human child. When they transfer their evolutionary crystals, they will transfer them to their arms or other body parts. However, there are some survivors who accidentally cut down and transferred themselves. A zombie with an evolutionary crystal had one arm, and there happened to be an evolutionary crystal in that arm, and it died very painfully afterwards.

After the zombies possessed the existence of the Corpse King, they fought with humans for three or four years. The eighth-level zombies also learned tricks such as conspiracy.

The eighth-level zombies can independently control the evolution of their bodies, but it only provides weak help to their strength. It is this ability that allows the eighth-level zombies to learn some things, such as strategy, with their brain power comparable to that of ordinary people!

They saw too many of their kind died after being shot in the head by humans and taking out the evolutionary crystals. They learned to be smart, and then transferred the evolutionary crystal nuclei to other parts of the body, so that people did not die even after the eighth-level zombies were shot in the head.

Eighth-level zombies can learn, but the devil's path is as high as one foot. They move the evolved zombies to other locations. Although it makes it more difficult for humans to kill them, they will immediately focus on other places as soon as they see something strange. body parts.

In this way, the zombies and humans battled wits and courage. Over time, the zombies actually learned to confuse humans.

Because of this, people can see that some eighth-level zombies have sarcomas hanging down from their bodies. There are many sarcomas, but one of these sarcomas has the crystallization of its evolution!

I have to say that this is the greatness of wisdom, which allows a race with no civilization to suppress human civilization in a very short period of time!

Thinking of these reasons, Su Sigui eliminated the abilities that zombies could have one by one, and searched for the reason why the zombie could still move after being split in half.

"Is it a replacement? Wait...impossible. It doesn't have such an organ, so what kind of ability would it have?"

After thinking for a long time and unable to explain the strangeness of the zombie, Su Sigui gave up thinking for the time being. He moved the current paper aside and was about to get another one, but looked up again.

She found that the previous piece of paper was placed side by side with another piece of paper, very neatly, as if the content written on it was not different, but just like two identical pieces of paper!

She just put this aside casually, but she didn't expect it to go with another piece of paper!

With just such a glance, something suddenly flashed in her mind, and she quickly caught it!

"Two pieces of paper... two pieces of paper... exactly the same? The evolutionary crystal... can there be two? Wait! I understand, double brains!"

Suddenly thinking of the reason, Su Sigui picked up the piece of paper and wrote a few words behind the question mark.

"Two brains."

After writing the three words, Su Sigui looked at the piece of paper in a daze.

"Who are you? I hope you are not the one beside the Corpse King, so..."

She muttered but did not finish her words. She came to her senses and took back the paper she was about to pick up. She first arranged the stack of papers stapled next to her to clear the space, and then looked at the content above.

And this piece of paper actually has rows of things written on it that have happened or not happened!

[The fall of Ciwu Base (has occurred), original time of occurrence: October 27, 1999, Black Rain, current discovery time: normal without incident. 】

[The fall of Yindan Base in Liang City (has happened), the original time of occurrence: November 19th of the first year of Heiyu, the current time of occurrence: November 14th of the first year of Heiyu. 】

[The riot in Fujin City (has occurred), the original time of occurrence: December 20, 1999, Black Rain, the current time of occurrence: normal and no changes. 】

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