I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 346 Preparation for Dragon Fighting

When they arrived near Zhiyang Lake, Tang Yecai settled down and took Ah Fu and Xu Haihaii to quietly touch the shore.

When they arrived, Tang Ye saw countless soldiers setting up cannons in the distance.

The armed helicopters in the sky were circling back and forth to detect something. There were four words "Qinshan Base" on the fuselage. It was obvious where they came from.

They worked together to lift steel pipes from a giant transport aircraft that was more than 20 meters long and five meters high, and fixed them on the ground.

The number of soldiers was visually estimated to be at least 200. They divided their work and cooperated. After a while, high platforms were erected along the shore of Zhiyang Lake, and silver-white quantum weapons were pulled up one by one.

"Wire! Wire!"

Someone gave the order, pulled out a circle of iron wire from the transport plane, and connected it to the quantum cannon on the high platform.

"Over there, adjust the parameters! Make your hands and feet more flexible for me!"

"Hey, um...what are you doing? Being lazy? I'm so stupid!"

When a sergeant saw a soldier looking listless, he shouted angrily and walked forward quickly and kicked him to the ground.

"Get up! This is not your home. If you want to sleep, go back, or I will keep you asleep!"

The soldier was kicked to the ground and almost lost his breath, but when he heard this the next second, he stood up hurriedly and worked hard on the work in his hands.

As time passed, the high platform built by the soldiers blocked Tang Ye and the others, and they had to go elsewhere to watch.

He didn't know how long it had been. By the time Tang Ye looked at the time, it was already past five o'clock in the evening. The thin snow on the shore of Zhiyang Lake had also been scratched a lot, revealing the wet soil. Someone was yawning and sitting on the side. , and the ground is not dirty either.

At this time, the soldiers had finished their work. Tang Ye counted it carefully and found that there were a total of twenty high platforms built. Each high platform had a huge quantum weapon on it. The soldiers in front of the operation platform were wiping the joysticks on it. .

Xu Haihai and Ah Fu were also bored, walking back and forth behind Tang Ye. Xu Haihai and Tang Ye would have a cigarette from time to time and silently wait for the soldiers' next move.

Tang Ye was also bored. He didn't know that the pseudo-dragon in Zhiyang Lake had not come back. They just came to have a look. If there was any, they would do it. If not, they would go back. But they didn't expect that this time they came from the Qinshan base. The formation of soldiers was so large that it took a day just to prepare.

For such a long time, it would be a big loss if the pseudo-dragon was not in the lake. No one is willing to wait for such a long time for such a result.

The longer Tang Ye waited, the more irritated he became. The soldiers seemed to have finished everything, but they made no next move and instead rested on the spot.

Looking at the red sunset on the horizon, the sky was slowly turning dark. Tang Ye tried his best to suppress the irritability in his heart and watched the thoughts flash in the eyes of this group of people.

"Are they going to wait until night?"

With these words in his mind, Tang Ye's eyes flashed as he looked at them. If they acted at night, would they be able to do it in the dark?

This will only make it more difficult for soldiers to complete their mission.

With their driving, as long as Tang Ye didn't use his butt stupidly, he could figure out what to do.

Shaking his head, Tang Ye threw aside his previous speculation and turned to ask Xu Haihai next to him: "Do they have to wait until tomorrow?"

Xu Haihai pondered for a moment and said, "It should be, right?" He replied in an uncertain tone.

"Forget it, let's go back."

Tang Ye also felt that these soldiers would not take action until tomorrow, so he wanted to go back first and come over to see them tomorrow morning.

Xu Haihai didn't say anything. He stood up silently and prepared to leave.

But just when Tang Ye reached out to grab him and Ah Fu and prepared to fly away, he heard a voice: "The time is up, everyone, get ready!"

Upon hearing this, Tang Ye stopped moving, looked at each other with Xu Haihai, and lay down together, watching attentively. The irritability just now disappeared at this moment!

I saw a middle-aged man with the highest sergeant rank walking out of the transport plane, holding a small drone in his hand. After playing with it for a few times, the drone flew into the air. He also handed over the remote control to his subordinate. The sergeant returned to the transport plane.

There was a screen inside, and it was Chen Huaijiang on the screen. The middle-aged man chatted with him for a few words, and another frame appeared in the middle of the screen, which was the perspective of the small drone.

Following the previous order, the soldiers put on armor made of bio-nanomaterials and returned to their jobs. All the control soldiers on the twenty high platforms arrived, and armed helicopters flew into the air. , hanging side by side.

A noncommissioned officer pulled out his saber and spoke a lot. After he finished speaking, he said seriously: "Okay, that's all I have to say. Next, we will divide into groups and take turns! First group, on!"


Following the answer, all the soldiers stood ready. Three helicopters flew out of the group of helicopters parked in the sky and came to both sides of Zhiyang Lake. Under the gaze of Tang Ye's three zombies, they saw the chassis of the three armed helicopters opening on both sides. , revealing dark green round tubes the size of an adult’s index finger.

Those round pipes were sprinkled into Zhiyang Lake one by one. At first, Tang Ye thought they were some new weapons, but then he thought about it and realized that they didn't look like anything at all.

The round pipes under the armed helicopters were thrown into the lake densely like rain. The three helicopters circled back and forth. After a while, the three helicopters finished throwing the round pipes and retreated, returning to the team.

Then, three more flew away, as before, the chassis was separated into a mouth, and the round tubes were lowered into the lake for free. It seemed that these round tubes were bound to cover the entire Zhiyang Lake!

A few minutes later, before the third wave of helicopters had finished spreading, Tang Ye and Xu Haihai saw stars shining in Zhiyang Lake. Tang Ye was slightly stunned when he saw it. The next second, he immediately reacted. .

Those round tubes of emotion are all for lighting!

Tang Ye also understood why these soldiers didn't do it earlier. They were just waiting for dark. If those round tubes were illuminated, then at night, the entire Zhiyang Lake would be illuminated. This was a good thing for the soldiers. How advantageous!

Even if the dragon hides in the water, people can still see it!

"Retreat, the third group all return to their positions!"

Seeing the lights light up, the sergeant quickly shouted into the intercom, and the three helicopters quickly left Zhiyang Lake, waiting for the brightness of all the lights to reach their maximum.

This waiting is like a century that is going on. The soldier holding the quantum cannon launcher on the high platform also holds his hands tightly, and a slight sweat has appeared on his palms.

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