Seeing the pseudo-dragon twisting and turning in the lake, Xu Haihai was really afraid that it would enter the dark area and never come out. The soldier would not have a chance, so he would not have a chance either.

Thinking about it, Xu Haihai became more and more anxious, and his already ferocious face became even more ferocious. He looked at Tang Ye squatting on a branch in the distance, knowing that the boss would definitely not take action at this time.

But he must do it. For him, powerful zombies are his collection. This pseudo-dragon is level five, and it will also be level five after turning into a zombie. He is confident that he can control zombies one level higher than himself.

But he doesn't believe that people like Tang Ye who are not under his control are everywhere. He must get the pseudo-dragon at this moment!

Tang Ye can wait, but he can't wait!

"Must get it!"

A look of madness flashed in his eyes. This "collectible" was so precious that he couldn't control the desire in his heart!

Glancing at the busy soldiers not far away, he smiled disdainfully, then closed his eyes. When he opened them again, a faint red light flashed through his white eyes.

Xu held up his hands and slowly moved them to both sides. For a moment, an invisible wave rippled in the air.

At this time, the pseudo-dragon in the lake surfaced again and quickly moved forward. The soldiers on the high platform on the shore also shot quantum beams, and the helicopters in the sky followed closely behind the pseudo-dragon.


Everyone, whether it was Tang Ye, Ah Fu Geng or the Pseudo Dragon in the lake, felt as if they were in a trance. The things they had been thinking about before were cut off by some kind of knife. All their thoughts stopped and turned into a blank!

The busy soldiers looked dull and looked around blankly. The twenty beams of light emitted from each of the twenty high platforms suddenly stopped. The pseudo-dragon's forward movement was due to the sudden moment. The body froze and maintained its inertia. Rush forward.

Tang Ye almost fell from the tree, but he quickly returned to normal and stabilized his mind with a pull on his arm.

He looked over to Xu Haihai, and there was a "buzzing" sound just like the vibrating of a mobile phone, which made him immediately know that it was Xu Haihai who was behind this!

I don’t know why he did this suddenly?

Tang Ye was the first to recover, followed by the pseudo-dragon. After it recovered, it instantly knew its situation and didn't care what happened before. It only knew that it was very close to the shore!

It speeded up, and soon it was not far from the shore. Before it landed, it controlled its huge body to turn. The huge body twisted and stirred up a huge storm, and its tail was like a whip, whipping hard towards the high platform on the shore. !

At this time, He Zhoulong and other soldiers returned to normal one after another.

The soldiers on the high platform had just come to their senses when they saw a huge body sweeping toward them!



"How is this going?"


All the soldiers on the high platform were startled. All the emotions in their hearts disappeared instantly, leaving only the fear of death. They didn't even think about jumping from the high platform before!

Several soldiers on the high platform who were not within the attack range of the pseudo-dragon also jumped down in extreme panic.


There was a deafening sound, and the huge and thick tail suddenly hit five or six high platforms. The moment the high platform was touched by the tail, it was uprooted and flew far away with a huff of dirt!

An unlucky soldier was a step too late and was hit by the tail when he jumped down. A cloud of blood mist suddenly burst out, not even a piece of flesh!

Although the other soldiers jumped down and were not hit, they were more than ten meters high. Isn't it a joke? The moment they fell, a few fell directly to death, and the rest became cripples, sitting on the ground and wailing.

As for the other high platforms that were not drawn, some soldiers pulled the launch gate and fired beams to attack the pseudo-dragon, but some simply got off the high platform and fled behind in panic.

The soldiers overseeing the army were also in chaos. At this time, the pseudo-dragon had already landed. Who was in the mood to care about others?

Xu Haihai, who was in the dark in the distance, looked at this scene with an ugly expression on his face. He thought he would fail, but he never thought he would be defeated so completely.

It seems that mental control can only be used on the same kind. For living creatures, he can only cause mental attacks but cannot control them!

He Zhoulong looked at the messy scene, furious and roared loudly: "Calm down, everyone! Whoever dares to mess with me again will be killed first! Kill me! You must complete the mission!"

His face turned red, his chest heaved, and he fired several shots with a pistol, killing several soldiers before bringing the scene under control.

The soldiers restored order and had to return to their original positions with fear in their hearts to stop the giant dragon that had already landed half of its body ashore.

"Hit me on the head, and the team will kill it. When we go back, we will have meat for three meals a day!"

He Zhoulong didn't care at this time and directly opened his mouth to throw out a reward that could make people crazy!

As soon as these words came out, all the soldiers went crazy, and all the heavy weapons continued to attack, exploding on the huge pseudo-dragon head!

The soldiers who had not jumped off the high platform were even more red-eyed. The quantum cannon was pointed at the head of the pseudo-dragon, and the mouth of the tube was already showing red.

Even when the T-shaped handle held by the soldier became hot, no one let go.

Now, every soldier has only one thought in his mind.

Kill this dragon!

As long as they kill it, they can live safely in the base!

Nothing compares to food!

With food, they can survive, and they can live comfortably in the base!

No one believed what He Zhoulong said, that's why the soldiers were so crazy!

Although He Zhoulong often tortured them with inhuman means, he was true to his word, and everything he promised would be fulfilled!

Everyone who comes here knows this very well!

He Zhoulong calmed down when he saw the surroundings. He Zhoulong breathed a sigh of relief, but then he felt deeply worried. Looking at the ancient beast, he felt really unsure!

When they came, everyone thought this dragon was at the fourth level, but they never expected that this guy was actually at the fifth level!

Level 5, this level, they have never heard of it. Even on the Internet, the appearance of a level 3 zombie can cause large-scale commotion, making people panic!

The helicopter in the sky took advantage of the pseudo-dragon before it came into contact with the crowd, and kept throwing out cannonballs, hitting the dragon for free, blasting out balls of fire, igniting the dark and bright night!

Now, He Zhoulong saw that except for some large-sized cannonballs and quantum weapons, other attacks had no effect on the pseudo-dragon.

Even the shells fired by the Savior's high-powered cannon on the shore only blew away a few pieces of the pseudo-dragon's scales.

The more he looked, the more He Zhoulong frowned. Suddenly, he thought of something and loudly said to the person next to him: "Go and pull out the Gejin-114 inside!"

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