I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 539 The Northern Corpse King Water Guanyin 2

A 112-meter-long cargo ship was sailing on the endless sea. Yazte was holding a camera, but he did not take pictures. He felt that he had not found the place he wanted.

In this fishing village, he photographed a total of six places that appeared in dreams. This was also the place where he found the most places in dreams. He thought that there might be another place in this area.

He had a feeling in his heart that he was very close to that place, but it was different from the previous shooting places. The places where the previous dreams appeared were all beautiful and childlike, but only the dream of standing on the sea gave him a sense of Very depressing feeling.

He stood on the bow of the ship in a daze, and in the distance he could see several ice floes on the sea.

"Hey buddy, I know your hobby is photography, but you don't have to take it so seriously, right? It's good to eat and drink now, don't you think?" Uncle Maozi, who was holding a fishing rod next to him, said boldly to Yazte. He is A first-order new human being and the leader of a fishing team. He is a very good person.

"Haha, I'm glad that I have this hobby."

"Hey, you young people, you also need to make money from your hobbies, right? In this day and age, you can't make much money from your hobbies."

The uncle said it as if he was mocking himself. Yazte shook his head with laughter and tears, and continued to look at the sea. The feeling in his dream was getting worse little by little.

The sea surface was sometimes calm and sometimes had several waves, and the ice floes on it swayed left and right with the waves. The uncle handed Yazte a cigarette, but he politely refused, "Sorry, I just smoked it."

"Is that so~ How's it going? Did you find it?"

"Oh not yet."

"You are so patient, I really envy you."


As he spoke, another layer of waves hit the hull. As the freighter thought about moving forward, the sea became increasingly restless.

"One, two, three! Pull!"

The busy fishermen behind shouted, and several people worked together to pull the big net onto the boat. Countless fish were scattered on the deck, swinging their bodies and hitting the ground, making a thumping sound.

“Awesome dude!”

With the big harvest, people seemed very happy. They just picked up a few evolved fish. They dug a knife into the gills of the fish and took out an evolutionary crystal core the size of a fingernail. This thing can be exchanged for a lot. liquor.

There are many evolved creatures in the ocean. Basically, when the net is lowered and pulled up again, 10 to 30% of them are evolved fish. The evolved crystal nuclei of these evolved fish are a treasure, and their meat is also a good delicacy. .

After someone took out the evolutionary crystal core, he cut off a piece of meat with a dagger, took out a lighter, burned it, and threw it directly into his mouth. The meat of the evolved fish was so delicious that it could even be used as sashimi. The boat was filled with laughter because of the harvest.

"Oh, look, I'm really unlucky, it turned out to be a zombie fish!"

"Hey, look at me, half a corpse is infected!"

Two people were frustrated. After dividing the evolved fish, they cleaned up the fish with rust-colored scales.

Their luck is really bad. It has been a long time since they encountered a half-corpse fish or a zombie fish. This time, all the fish in the net need to be checked for infection, which is very troublesome.

When the end of the world comes, the first batch of creatures that become zombies are exposed to black rain. When black rain falls into the ocean, some of its quality will be diluted by seawater, which will cause "bad infections" in some fish. This is how the half-corpse fish arrived.

The probability of a half-zombie fish appearing is very low, but once discovered, it will be ten times more troublesome than discovering a zombie fish that has been directly infected and turned into a zombie!

Half-corpse fish are different from infected fish and also different from uninfected fish. Their skin is light and transparent green, and the rust color is not that heavy. This is easy to identify. At the same time, the mood of half-corpse fish is very unstable. It Sometimes they are not aggressive, but sometimes they bite other uninfected fish. And because of their specialness, the blood on their bodies will not disappear, and they will be attacked by the same kind of uninfected fish, but they have anti-life Substances that spread in the sea as they swim and infect other uninfected organisms.

Of course, half-cadavers can also appear among humans, but almost no one knows about it. Only some fishermen who encounter half-corpse fish would guess that humans can also become half-corpse infected. However, the human body structure is compared to Fish are too complex, and the chance of a human half-dead infection being infected is almost hundreds of times lower than a fish half-dead infection!

When the people on the boat heard the two men's voices, they all came over to take a look. They hadn't caught a zombie fish for a long time, and they almost forgot that there was such a thing as a zombie fish.

Yazte was stunned when he heard the sound. He had also heard that early morning fishermen would catch zombie fish and half-corpse fish when fishing, but he had only heard about it after coming here for almost two years and had not actually seen it. been.

I ran over and took a look, and Yazte ran back again. It’s not surprising that I’ve seen a lot of zombies. In the land of Tsarist Russia, humans turned into zombies occupy very little land. At the same time, due to the population before the end of the world, There are not many in the first place, and even if they become zombies, they will not be able to eat a few. Therefore, the overall strength of the Tsarist Russian zombies is pitifully low. Terrifying zombies with magical abilities such as the white-haired zombie king have appeared in other GJ places, and the Tsarist Russian zombies The highest level of zombies is level four, and even level three is rare.

On the human side of Tsarist Russia, there is a fourth-order new human being in Guangyu Village, and there are other fourth-order new humans around. I heard that there is a fifth-order new human in a small town far from the border with China. The real There are more high-level new humans than high-level zombies.

The overall strength of this new human race and Tsarist Russia itself was a heavy industrial country before the end of the world. It should be the most promising to end the end of the world. However, now, the end of the world is still the end of the world. It's not that people don't want it to end, but that they simply can't do it!

Humans can turn into zombies, but that doesn’t mean other things won’t turn into zombies! Besides, it’s no joke that the land is vast and sparsely populated. Many areas are undeveloped, and there are also many high-level evolved beasts or some high-level human-eating zombie trees!

In the central region, there is a big tree known as the Spirit of Death. Its roots cover a large city. Anyone flying past it will be shot down by its hard and unstoppable branches!

There are many such situations. Even if the Tsarist Russian government wants to use nuclear bombs to clean up, it still has to consider nuclear contamination. If it does so, it is simply not worth the loss!

Although these things are scary, they are not as active as living things turning into zombies. They have too many restrictions. As long as people don't come into contact with them, they will be fine. They will not form a huge tide of zombies like in other areas to wash away the survivors. base.

Therefore, people in Tsarist Russia did not pay much attention to these things.

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