I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 550 Looking out the window

"It would be strange if this thing isn't disgusting."

One man looked at Qiong Li as if he were looking at a fool, and then recovered casually. Another man came over and said, "This baby is so pretty. She will definitely be a beauty when she grows up!"

Qiong Li smiled. Although she didn't reply, she seemed very satisfied with what the man said and touched Nannan's head with her hand.

"By the way, your room is on the fifth floor. Someone will bring you food later."


Qiong Li and Bai Xinran expressed their gratitude in unison. This was the first time they encountered such survivors after coming out of the shelter. The humanity of the survivors in the past was distorted. Suddenly they saw a group of humanoid survivors. You'll feel brand new.

"You're welcome. We will be a family from now on. Only by staying together can we survive!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Qiong Li replied repeatedly, with a different feeling in her heart. She followed the man to the fifth floor with Nannan and Bai Xinxin in her arms and entered their room.

"Remember, don't look outside, and don't tear the newspapers stuck on it. Although it is boring here, there is nothing more important than living."

This man's name is Fu Rongcai, and he is the boss here. Qiong Li's senses are very good, although she hates them at first, thinking that their arrival is just to add more burdens to the place, and there is not enough food in the first place.

But overall, this person is a good person, otherwise his men would not come to the rescue. The reason for doing so may be because they are anxious. After all, people's hearts are the most unpredictable in the apocalypse.

It is human nature for Fu Rongcai to have scruples.

The room is not big, but not small either. There are only two beds in it, and there is nothing else except a table with a corner of the tabletop missing. The sheets and quilts on the bed are obviously new, but apart from these, this room looks special. Empty and quiet.

Qiong Li and Bai Xinran each chose a bed and sat down. But as soon as they sat down, they found that they couldn't do anything. Now in the end of the world, except for those survivor bases, there is no Internet in the outside world. The only way to relieve their boredom is I only want to read books, but where are the books here?

There were only one or two survivors outside chatting sparsely. They must be from the next floor. The sound seemed very small when it reached their place.

Although Bai Xinran was wearing a school uniform, she was fifteen years old before the end of the world and was a junior high school student about to graduate. Now she is eighteen years old, but her age has not made her much taller than three years ago. Even when he was in the shelter or outside, his body looked extremely thin due to the daily shortage of food. During the three years in the shelter, although he was now eighteen, his experience had hardly changed and he still maintained the liveliness he had when he was fifteen.

She was bored staying here. As time passed, her eyes would look at the windows covered by newspapers from time to time. The apocalypse was coming, the whole city had lost power, and the windows in the room were covered with newspapers. It was very dim, and even the lighting on the walkway was only a few freshly lit candles.

Maybe it was because I had gained a lot today, but there was a knock on the door.

"Hey, are you there? Here's your lunch."

"Oh, here it comes."

Qiong Li put her daughter down and touched her cheek. After opening the door, there was a woman about her age standing outside.

She was holding two bowls of noodles in her hands. The condiments were just soy sauce and vinegar, but they smelled strongly of noodles.

No one would take a look at these foods before the end of the world, but in the end of the world, this bowl of noodles can cause a bloody storm!

"Thank you, thank you." Qiong Li said gratefully.

The woman also smiled tenderly and looked at Qiong Li, Bai Xinran and her daughter rolling on the bed. During the week when the three of them were locked up in the small dark room, the survivors also gave her some food because of her young age, but Qiong Li and Bai Xinran were not treated so well.

The last time Qiong Li and Bai Xinran actually ate was three days ago, which meant that they had been hungry for three days. They were so used to starvation that it would be difficult for normal people to move.

"Okay, you're welcome. Today, you performed very well. Now you are a member of this big family. You can feel at ease here, but don't look outside! Also, wait for me I will take you to get familiar with who we have here. You and the little girl must remember that we all have those people. Except for us, don’t go if you meet anyone you don’t know outside. Trust them."

"I know this, it will happen."

"That's good."

Qiong Li took the two bowls of noodles and looked at them, then at the woman, as if she was hesitant to speak.

The woman seemed to know what she was going to say, and said quickly: "Don't worry, the little guy's meal is not ready yet, it will be delivered shortly."

"sorry to bother you."

The woman nodded and was about to leave, but Bai Xinran jumped out of bed and ran behind the woman to stop her.

"Auntie, wait, I..."

The woman would look over her head and look at the thoughts flashing in her eyes, but she would quickly react and reply: "Child, are you bored? But there is nothing to play here. You can tear a small slit in the newspaper and take a look. Outside, you can only look at the sky, not the street, otherwise... Before the woman finished speaking, Bai Xinran happily said, "Thank you, I will pay attention." "

"Be sure not to look outside!"


Bai Xinran ran to the window sill of the room and tore a slit in the newspaper at eye level. The woman must have been worried, so she took out a pistol from behind and followed her. She was afraid that Bai Xinran would see something she shouldn't have seen. , and then the monster rushed up and broke through the window.

Of course Bai Xinran knew what the consequences would be. She squinted her eyes and didn't even look down, looking at the blue sky and the high-rise buildings in Jinhe City above.

Because the zombies here are special. When they eat, they do not stop eating after eating to a certain extent like other zombies. Instead, they eat the corpses into their stomachs without wasting any. Therefore, Jinhe City is very clean and unlike Linshi is full of corpses that are rotting or with only bones left.

It has been almost four years since the end of the world, and the uncared-for city is full of green evolved plants, or corpses that have turned into shriveled yellow branches.

But generally speaking, green occupies a larger area. Corpse plants require very special factors to reproduce, and plants reproduce quickly. At a glance, every building has a pleasing green color.

Especially on the top of a building that is more than 90 meters tall, a huge evolutionary vine grows from top to bottom. Its roots cover the entire building, with small red flowers growing on it.

PS: We are almost home, the excitement lies behind!

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