I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 554 Harvest of bad taste

Qiong Li did not directly go towards the silver-armored zombie that was charging towards her. She moved to the side just to guide it to a suitable angle, giving Bai Xinran time to hold her daughter away!

"Let's go!"

After shouting, Qiong Li turned sharply and struck the silver-armored corpse with the knife in her hand. However, there was only a "click" sound and the blade broke into two pieces. The silver-armored corpse was only pushed a little distance by her power. That's all, and this distance is nothing to the silver-armored corpse!

It waved its claws and slapped Qiong Li hard. At the same time, it swung its body and blocked the road to Qiong Li's right, but she didn't know that Qiong Li didn't want to go that way at all.

As we all know, the toughness of a knife is limited, but if a knife is broken, its original toughness will be increased several times, and Qiong Li followed this distance, reversed the broken knife, and inserted it into the wall. middle.

Under the power of the third-level new human, the broken blade was stuck in the wall. Qiong Li jumped over the silver-armored corpse at this time, rolled around on the ground twice and quickly picked up a gun. Just shoot a few bullets into the eyes of the silver-armored corpse.

Bang bang bang!

A few gunshots, a few sounds of metal collisions, and a few strings of sparks emitted from the part where the silver-armored corpse was hit by a bullet. The attacks of powerful firearms before the end of the world had no effect on it at all!

Immediately afterwards, it was like a ferocious beast from ancient times, crashing into Qiong Li with overwhelming evil aura. The cold light emitting from its claws represented its determination to kill Qiong Li.

Qiong Li took a few steps back. The fourth-level zombies were not something that new third-level humans could deal with. Instead, these were alienated silver-armored zombies. Their defense was much stronger than other normal zombies.

She didn't have any handy weapons, such as the H-steel weapons that Chen Daowei mentioned. Otherwise, ordinary weapons wouldn't be able to break through the defense of the silver-armored zombies.

After taking a look at Bai Xinran, he found that she was standing at the top of the stairs holding her daughter, looking at him with deep worry in her eyes.

"Come on! Leave me alone!"


Bai Xinran wanted to say something, but shook his head, tears welling up in his eyes.

"If you don't leave, we will all die! Leave quickly!"

Qiong Li persuaded Bai Xinran, but no one would give her time at this time. The silver-armored corpse had already arrived in front of her.

Helpless, Qiong Li could only throw away all distracting thoughts. Even if she escaped this silver-armored zombie, there were still so many outside. She could really hide from the first grade but not the fifteenth. Now she could only stop this zombie with all her strength. As for Bai Bai, Whether Xinran can escape with her daughter is no longer within her ability, she can only try her best.

With determination flashing in her eyes, Qiong Li took a few steps back, picked up the rifle from the body leaning against the wall and raised it with the butt facing down.

"bring it on!"

She yelled, and after predicting the distance, she used the greatest strength in her body and smashed down hard!


The butt of the gun was smashed down smoothly, and she felt the shock force from her hand. A sad smile appeared on her face, but after a while, she felt something was wrong. She didn't feel like she was being knocked away as she imagined.

"Auntie, look, brother is here!"

Bai Xinran's voice of surprise came to her ears. Qiong Li opened her eyes blankly and saw Tang Ye grabbing the short tail of the silver-armored zombie and throwing it to the side, knocking over several walls before stopping.

"What brother? Call me uncle!"

He patted the dust on his hands and joked, while Qiong Li's eyes flashed with surprise and her whole body relaxed.

Having just escaped death, anyone else would have felt as if their whole body had been drained away.

"Where have you been during this time?" Qiong Li asked.

Speaking of this, Tang Ye was a little angry. A month ago, he was surrounded by evil zombies because he let Qiong Li escape.

No one can understand that feeling. As soon as you open your eyes, you will see one or several evil zombies from time to time, and these evil zombies will appear after you see them, no matter what kind of creature you are, whether they are human or zombies. All killed.

And these zombies, like those night demons, cannot be directly controlled by themselves. Their brain waves are the same as humans and cannot maintain the same frequency, let alone control.

After Qiong Li left, Tang Ye was haunted by the invisible but visible zombies from time to time. There would be a large group of evil zombies around him at all times, and then he accidentally saw them, and then they would come to kill him. .

Although Tang Ye's level is higher than those of the evil zombies, he can't hold them down one by one!

It took three days to fight from the DC area to the center. By chance, Tang Ye entered a shop and rested. However, the corpse dragon below did not have such good luck. His body was bitten by those evil zombies. , and could only be forced to go underground and hide by Tang Ye.

During that time, Tang Ye and Qiong Li were separated. They were eager to find their daughter. They only rested for one night before going out to search again. However, when they went out, they could not even count the zombies. They saw one after another. However, being constantly hindered by these bald ghosts, Tang Ye, who was originally impatient, couldn't wait that much after turning into a zombie!

But what can be done? When I go out, I have to fight. When I go back, I have to kill all the evil zombies I see. Sometimes I don't handle it well and I provoke a large number of them.

Over time, Tang Ye was holding his breath in his heart. Of course, he discovered that as long as he did not see the evil zombies, they would not attack. The way to do this was to cover his eyes or close his eyes when going out, but as a high-level zombie, Tang Ye , how is it possible to accommodate a group of low-level zombies?

Just like a swarm of ants threatens a person, no matter how holy that person is, it is impossible for him to be humble!

Therefore, Tang Ye chose to fight them to the end, but the harder he fought, the more angry he was in his heart. In the end, he was out of control. Tang Ye cursed countless times to make all these evil zombies die!

But what's the use? He couldn't see them, and there was fighting whenever he could see them. His situation was always passive.

But one time, Tang Ye accidentally caught an evil zombie. Because of their slender bodies and pale skin all over their bodies, just like ***-096, he had a bad taste in his heart and wanted to crush it. A beautiful girl...

As a result, a silver-armored evil zombie appeared. When it first appeared, Tang Ye discovered that the silver-armored zombie, which he had gradually assimilated with mutated anti-life substances, could actually see the invisible evil zombie. !

However, because the evil zombie that was assimilated by Tang Ye lost its original identity, after the evil zombie discovered that this non-kind could see itself, it started fighting with it.

At the same time, Tang Ye also learned a lot. Evil zombies can see each other. The evil zombies assimilated by Tang Ye will not lose their original retinas, but only lose part of their ability to be repelled by the silver armor.

Therefore, the assimilated evil spirit zombies can see the unassimilated evil spirits, but Tang Ye was not an evil spirit zombie originally, so he could not see those bald ghosts.

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