I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 581 The Mighty Dragon Knight

"What happened over there? Why is there such a big movement?"

"have no idea."

"Is it a tsunami?"

"Aren't you farting? Qulongjiang is a river, so what's the tsunami coming from?"

"Then what happened just now?"

"Did you hear the roar? It's so scary?"

"I heard it, let's go first. At this age, we still don't know what kind of monsters will evolve. I want to escape from this ghost place as soon as possible."



On the city streets, countless survivors who were carving out flesh and blood from the huge group of corpses were chatting. They all had a very depressed mood in their hearts. The world was becoming more and more outrageous. They could still accept first-level zombies and second-level zombies. , but the size of third-order, fourth-order or higher-level zombies is terrifying.

Many survivors were chased by some huge high-level zombies when they came out to look for food. The powerful zombies, which were seven to eight meters tall, made a "dong-dong-dong" sound every time they took a step. Only when they were being chased did they not panic. Strange.

The most frightening thing is that it is not certain how big those zombies will evolve, and there are also some ridiculously fast zombies or alien zombies with strange abilities.

While some survivors were still confused about what happened just now, they heard another low roar. At that moment, the fire burned on a nearly 100-meter-high building, and the flames were so big that they lit up half the sky.

From the gap between the buildings, they saw a huge figure. The black scales reflected the light of the flames. The survivors were stunned and could not believe their eyes.

"Look there, it's so big..."

"Fuck! Giant creature!"

"Made, don't let anyone live anymore!"

The survivors opened their mouths, wondering if they had traveled to the Jurassic era. How could there be such a big creature?

The moment the survivors in the car saw part of the corpse dragon's body, they stepped on the accelerator and accelerated their driving speed. No one wanted to be overtaken by a prehistoric giant!

Also panicked by what they saw, the zombies got a chance. Some survivor convoys were overturned by the huge zombies, and the people inside were torn to pieces on the spot.

The corpse dragon threw down a piece of flesh and blood, then lowered its head and took out the monster's body and threw it on the shore. Tang Ye took a look and thought, this thing looks so familiar.

After thinking about it, Tang Ye was a little unsure. Isn't this thing in the far north? Why are you here?

He brought Niu Xiaosan closer. Good guy, it was really Water Guanyin, but unlike the Water Guanyin in the video shot by Yazte, the current Water Guanyin zombie was not a tiny bit smaller than it.

"Pull it up."

Tang Ye shouted to the corpse dragon, and he obediently picked up the Water Guanyin again and moved it next to Tang Ye. Tang Ye smelled it and assessed the level. After learning the truth, his face and expression suddenly changed. Get weird.

"What's going on? Such a big lump is only level four?"

Tang Ye scratched his head. The zombie Water Guanyin that was hundreds of meters high in the far north was the sixth level. It seemed reasonable that the fourth level Water Guanyin was so big.

But thinking about it carefully, Tang Ye felt a little unhappy. If Shui Guanyin was as big as the sixth level, then Corpse Dragon...

Tang Ye glanced at the corpse dragon. Although it was nearly two hundred meters tall at the sixth level, its body was long. Facing the sixth level Shui Guanyin, the corpse dragon looked like a 1.5-meter snake.

With such a big size difference, how strong is the sixth-level Shui Guanyin?

Just when Tang Ye was in a daze, Niu Xiaosan next to him screamed in horror: "Sir, look over there!"

"What a fart!"

Tang Ye looked back and saw Niu Xiaosan pointing towards the toll station and running towards him. As for where he pointed, there were several convoys of survivors driving towards this direction. They had already broken through the group of corpses. On the highway, at the same time, countless zombies were covering the Qulongjiang Bridge like a torrent!


Maybe the time has come, and the sky has turned moonwhite, and the surrounding environment can be seen more clearly, but with this clarity, the dense and terrifying group of corpses makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Tang Ye picked up Niu Xiaosan, flew up in the air, and then jumped away under the Qulongjiang Bridge. The survivors who drove here were stunned when they saw Tang Ye's movements, but as the huge waves hit them, On the bridge, they saw a scene they would never forget.

The corpse dragon's huge head came out and knocked off a corner of the bridge. People were like this, and the time in the world in front of them seemed to slow down. The dragon's head was raised little by little, and the white zombie eyes exuded a bloodthirsty and violent look. The light is staring at every team.

They felt that the oppression around them was so oppressive that it was difficult to breathe. Those eyes were so terrifying that the air around them seemed to freeze.

On top of the dragon, Tang Ye and Niu Xiaosan, who had just jumped down with Niu Xiaosan, were standing. He also looked at the group of survivors with an expressionless face, as if he was laughing at them for still running away like mice for survival.

Looking into Tang Ye's eyes, many people lowered their heads involuntarily. That man was like a god. When mortals see gods, they will always feel humble in their hearts.

"He is a human being...why is he standing..."

"Who is that?"


People stared blankly at the figure standing on the dragon's head in front of them. Even if they were hundreds of meters away, they seemed to be able to imagine the peerless aura exuding from Tang Ye.

They communicated with their companions with dull eyes, but Tang Ye did not stay too long. The corpse dragon roared up to the sky, then twisted and snaked upwards. The majestic and boundless dragon posture looked like a figure in the sky. A peerless dragon picture drawn by a master!

As if the dragon's sound shook the world, everyone could hear it, but no one could touch it. Niu Xiaosan waved his hands on the dragon's head. It felt so good to be noticed, especially when someone used it. When he looked at her with indescribable eyes, the weakness in his heart almost reached the state of explosion.

"Sir, being a dragon knight is so majestic!"

Tang Ye glanced at him and said nothing, but he had to admit that he also felt what Niu Xiaosan felt.

In a place unknown to Tang Ye, on the top of a building, there was a small house built with red bricks. The outside walls were covered with green vines, and heavy snow fell on it. It was placed on a traditional The exquisitely dressed girl in Lolita clothes sat on a pink chair and looked at the sky with dull eyes. It wasn't until a giant dragon soared in the moon-white sky that there was a little ripple in her eyes.

"That's..." She raised her hand, but then put it down again as if she had no strength.

Before she finished speaking, the door was opened.

"My princess, I'm here, you are so beautiful..."

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